Sims 4 Plumbob Scythe Ankle Socks Af

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Pantyhose feet 👣♥️🥰

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All For You.

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Villain! Midoriya Izuku X Reader

Summary: You didn't ask for this, and yet he gave you the same sick gift again and again. You hated him.

WARNINGS!: blood, death mentioned, dark themes

Category: Angst

Word Count: 1.7k


A/N: Was listening to "If I killed Someone For You" and.. I think it fits Villain Deku perfectly.

Just To Clarify:

You're both adults

Izuku has OFA

He is not necessarily a yandere

You live alone for a reason

Frigid water poured steadily from the faucet as he rinsed his pale hands, turning the water crimson as it washed down the rusted drain of the medical sink.

The room was dark, the only light being a flickering candle that dripped white wax onto the concrete floor below.

The handle creaked as he turned off the water, a soft sigh slipping past his chapped lips.

Stray droplets broke the silence of the room.

It would have driven anyone else insane.

Dull green eyes stared into a mirror, the dirty surface reflecting his disheveled appearance.

Blood stained his clothes, smudging against his freckled cheek.

His green hair was a mess, once slicked back with gel now all over the place from his habit of running his fingers through his hair when frustrated.

It certainly wasn't the look he was going for.

Two knocks sounded on the other side of the metal door closing the room off, the noise echoing in the nearly empty room.

Inhaling deeply, the man fixed his hair up with wet digits best he could, only after he finished did he notice his forest green tie had splotches of blood on it as well.

He giggled to himself as he fixed it, tightening it up to his neck.

It looked festive.

Turning around on his black leather heels, he looked over at the bloodied corpse tied up in the corner, all life completely drained from its opened, bloodshot eyes that were once filled with curiosity.

"You know…"

He whispered to it,

"If you hadn't been so cruel to my beloved, you wouldn't look so fucking disgusting right now."

His dress shoes clicked against the floor as he made his way to the large door, knocking thrice in a particular pattern.

It unlocked with a loud clink, and he was out of the room that once held two very alive people.

He didn't like soiling his clothes or getting his hands dirty, but whenever it came to you, he was willing to do anything.

Midoriya Izuku was a dangerous man, and he wasn't afraid to bare his teeth and leave a lifeless body behind him.

He'd done it before, he'd do it again.

Though he was exhausted, he didn't let it show. The dark circles under his eyes have been there since he was a child, they didn't give away how he felt anymore.

"I'll be heading out."

He stated, voice low and challenging, daring any of his subordinates to object.

"It's raining…" One brave soul spoke up from the back,

"I know." He could smell the asphalt from here, as well as hear the thumping of raindrops on the metal roof five floors above the basement they were currently in.

He took his time climbing up the metal stairs, pulling his black leather glove from the pockets on his slacks and slipping them on.

They prevented fingerprints, and they were quite warm.




The rain was unexpected, leaving you completely soaked all the way down to your shoes as you fumbled with your keys.

You just wanted to get inside, undress, relax in a bath, and go the fuck to sleep.

Today was far more stressful than it had to be, considering your bitch of a boss decided to skip work today without telling anyone - leaving you in charge during the most hectic time of the month.

You were freezing and both mentally and physically exhausted, and what was pissing you off even more was how this was the third time you dropped your damn keys.

Your fingers were numb as you shivered, hard to grip the slippery keys.

You felt like crying victoriously when you finally got the door unlocked.

Slipping your dirty heels and soaked pantyhose off, you dragged your feet through the house, making your way to your room without the use of a light switch. You were too tired to fumble around for it.

Inside your room, you shrugged off your coat and unbutton your white blouse, making your way to your dresser for a fresh pair of clothes.

It was a Saturday, and knowing you had the day off tomorrow was like a sweet kiss.


You froze, body no longer shaking just from the cold.

That voice.. It haunted you.

Once so sweet and kind.. now all you could associate it with was the stench of gunpowder and the coolness of a blade.

You could see his silhouette in the mirror, his tall, dark figure beside the window you hadn't noticed was opened.

Bile burned your throat, you didn't want to be near this man ever again.

You were foolish to think you had escaped his reach.

"I've missed you.." He drawled, sincerity threading itself through his words as he took a step towards you.

"Really?" You huffed, "I don't miss you at all."

"I know you do,"

He was behind you before you could blink, the frightening sparks of his quirk sending chills down your spine as they lit the room in a green glow for just a moment.

You were trapped against the dresser, one hand pressed against the mahogany wood, and the other slithering dangerously around your throat like a snake that could strangle you at any moment.

You gulped, breath stuttering as you fought to stay calm.

His chest was pressed to your back, his figure towering over you.

He always made you feel so small and helpless.

"You reek of blood.." The scent burned your nostrils.

Soaked green locks brushed against your cheek as he pressed his nose into the crook of your neck, inhaling your perfume that drove him crazy.

He had purchased the same scent a while ago, his sheets were covered in it. He could never get enough

"And you smell delicious, my love."

"Don't call me that-!" You spat through your teeth, venom in your voice only making him smile against your clammy flesh.

You reminded him of an angry mouse.

"And why's that?" His voice was always so deep and dripping with authority.

His thumb and forefinger gripped your chin, pulling your face to the side so that he could look into your mesmerizing (E/C) eyes.

They were like a drug to him, heroin that he shot into his veins every time he had the pleasure of looking into them.

Even if all they held was fear and disgust, they were still so beautiful to him.

You didn't answer.

He sighed.

Looking down, you noticed the red blood on his collar, the sight making you gag.

He no doubt had more on his person, and yet he was pressed against you.

You wanted to throw up.

"Who was it."

The question hung in the air, and he found himself not wanting to answer it.

"Midoriya, who was it." Your voice shook, tears blurring your vision at the thought of him torturing another person because of you.

You tried so hard to keep away from people.

You cut contacts with all of your friends and moved cities to keep them safe - hell, you hadn't even dated after what had happened with your last lover.

He ruined everything.

He stalked you like a predator, and you clearly had nowhere to run and hide.

You would forever be caged like a pet, and your own pathetic attempts to fight back only ever made him smile even wider.

That smile used to bring butterflies to your stomach, and now it just made you nauseous.

To him, it was a game.

The game of seeing how long until you break and give into him.

He'd let you run 'free,' act as though you can fight against him.

He adored that spirit of yours, but he knew that it would break some day.

He couldn't wait.

You'll be completely his one day, not that you weren't already.

Looking into his eyes, you somehow knew who it was.

Shame burned your veins.

Your boss..

Even if he was cruel to you, he had a family.

"Don't cry, (Y/N).." Izuku whispered, fingers falling from your chin to brush away your onslaught of tears, "I hate it when you cry.."

"You always make me cry, Izuku!" Sobbing out loud, you fought to get away from him, though it was useless you couldn't help yourself from trying.

"I hate you-! Mph!"

Your outburst was silenced by his fingers, two digits knuckle deep in your mouth.

You choked around them, cringing at the taste of leather.

Sniffling, you breathed loudly through your snotty nose, tears stinging your cheeks.

"I don't like it when you talk like that.." He muttered darkly, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

You were afraid of him.

You always were.

 It was like there was an invisible knife pressed against your neck, slicing into your skin and daring you to try and speak again.

His forehead fell to your nape, and you stood there in silence for a while, the pitter patter of rain doing next to nothing to soothe your nerves.

It felt like time had stopped in the silence, like you were waiting for your own death.

"You're soaked.." He commented, pulling away, saliva dripping down your chin as he finally pulled his fingers from your mouth.


That made him chuckle, the sound making your skin prickle.

"You were going to take a bath, right?"

Despite being a murderous villain, Izuku still treated you with an ounce of respect, never once looking down at your exposed chest despite a large mirror allowing him to do so.

You hated how he was a gentleman despite everything he's done and will continue to do.

"You should get out of these clothes.. You're going to catch a cold."

And you hated how he fretted over you.

You hated everything about him.

The faint sound of sirens pierced the atmosphere, not too far away but getting louder and louder every second.

"I suppose I better take my leave, my love,"

"Don't call me that.." You repeated meekly under your weak breath,

"I'll see you again soon.." He turned around, pausing for a brief second, "but you won't see me."

He somehow always made your skin crawl without even having to touch you.

Biting your lip, you whipped around, ready to scream at him, only to see nothing.

He had already left.

And yet..

You knew he was never really gone.

You wished you never met him.

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Impersonal, Ch. 7

Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, Rated E

The game had ended and he wasn't surprised.

He expected this. He prepared himself all day Saturday by running six miles, jacking off twice, and mopping his entire apartment. He didn't even own a mop; he actually went out and bought one. By the time Sunday morning rolled around he was ready for the inevitable collapse of their precarious sexual arrangement and greeted Scully with aplomb.

And then she paid for breakfast.

That was unexpected. When the FBI wasn't footing the bill, they usually split the tab, or threw a "you can get the next one" down on the table alongside crumpled bills.

He had been joking about it being a date, but then she paid. And it meant something. Her big blue eyes pinned him to the booth, had him trapped and squirming like an insect on a card as she laid a hand over the check. "I've got it," she said, and his senses were suddenly ignited. He could feel thick sunshine pouring over them, lighting up Scully's hair like a smudge of cinnamon. Her lips looked so sweet and soft, and the very idea that he might never feel them again stole his breath. He felt dry and empty, a desiccated housefly body lying on a windowsill.

He thanked her for breakfast, and his throat was lined with dust.

Their parting was weird. Hinting that he was still available to her was an insane risk, and she turned it into a joke about Frohike. Unless she actually thought he was the one joking about Frohike, which he has to admit wouldn't be out of character for him.

He's tired of joking, tired of hiding, tired of dancing around his intentions. Tired of wanting and not asking, tired of being in his own damn way.

Scully has given him a graceful exit, a neatly drawn map back to their pre-sex starting point. And not for the first time, Mulder wads up the map and tosses it aside. Scully made her move; it was time for him do the same.

What that move would be, he has no idea.

It takes him eleven days. No wonder Scully took matters into her own hands the first time around. Inspiration strikes him during his drive from Alexandria to D.C. the next Thursday morning, when he crosses the Potomac and gets a glimpse of faraway blossoms.

He waits until 4:47 that afternoon to say anything.

"Hey Scully, you doing anything tonight?" he asks, rifling through a stack of papers as though he's attending to FBI business and not trying to work up courage like a schoolboy.

Her glossy red head is bent over a file, pen at her lip. "Besides folding an obscenely large pile of laundry, my schedule seems fairly empty," she replies. She looks up at him suspiciously. "Why, Mulder?"

"No reason, really. There's just something I wanted to show you, get your opinion on."

"Is it related to a case?"

He opens a desk drawer, pretending to look for something. "Well it could be a totally natural phenomenon, but who can say for certain without proper investigation?"

Scully sighs. "Fine, I'll bite. And speaking of bites, I'm starving. If we're going to work off the clock, can we at least eat?"

"Wanna stop for Chinese? We can take it with us. We're not going far, the food should still be hot when we get to our secondary location."

They take Mulder's car, picking up several cartons of food from a restaurant in Chinatown a few blocks up from the Hoover building before making their way towards the National Mall. Mulder parks in the lot near the Washington Monument.

"You weren't kidding when you said we weren't going far," Scully says, gathering up the bag of takeout. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"That," he replies, pointing ahead.

Hundreds of cherry trees line the Tidal Basin, their leaves almost entirely obscured by tufts of blossoms. Scully steps onto the path, open-mouthed.

"Oh my god," she murmurs.

Mulder shoves his hands in his pockets. "Pretty fantastic, huh?"

"Mulder," she says in awe, looking sideways at him, "What are we doing here?"

He shrugs. "I just wanted to see them."

"At night?"

"Daylight's for tourists, Scully."


They're sitting on the damp grass, endeavoring to split the last egg roll using only their dueling pairs of chopsticks.

"This is impossible, Scully. I'm going to use my hands."

"Then I definitely don't want the other half," she says.

"Are you implying something about my hygiene?"

"I've seen some of the places your hands have been, Mulder."

He wiggles his eyebrows at her, and she rolls her eyes.

"Not what I meant," she says softly. "But the point still stands."

Mulder lays back on the lawn, his long coat fanning wide. Scully pulls an edge of it towards her, scoots closer so she can rest her pantyhose-clad calves on it instead of the grass.

"I've always preferred the blossoms at night," he says. "There's something ghostly about them, all pink and white against the dark sky. Not an ominous kind of ghostly, however; if good spirits exist, I think they'd look like these trees. You know most early European religions feature some sort of reverence for trees or forests, whether as spiritual gathering places or deities themselves-"



"Are you going to eat that egg roll, or can I have it?"

He passes her the carton. "And-"

"Why did you bring me here, Mulder?"

He glances at her and is surprised to see a tenderness in her eyes. His gaze returns to the branches above.

"I just figured I owe you a nice trip to a forest, and this one won't require any paperwork."

Scully smiles. "That's a very considerate choice, Mulder, especially since I'm always the one doing said paperwork."

"You're more succinct and readable than I am, apparently. And Skinner clearly likes you better."

"Didn't you punch him in the face once?"

"That's beside the point. I think he has a bit of a crush on you, Scully."

She rolls her eyes. "What?" Mulder asks.

"I just… it's nothing, It's been a long day. And it's cold out here."

Mulder sits up and withdraws his arms from the sleeves of his overcoat.

"No- Mulder, don't, I'm fine."

"Move your legs," he instructs, pulling the edge of the coat out from under her. He stands and drapes it around her shoulders before plopping back down on the grass next to her.

"Thanks," she says. "Still, it's getting late."

He glances at his watch. "It's seven-thirty on a Thursday. You got somewhere to be?" His arm bumps her shoulder companionably. "Come on, just a little longer. Maybe we'll see something unidentified in the sky."

He grins at her and the corner of her mouth twitches in reply. "Well, I guess I don't have a choice," she sighs. "You drove us here."

He feels a slight increase of pressure against his arm and realizes that Scully is ever so slightly leaning into him. A gentle warmth glows in his belly, and he glances sidelong at her.

I'm a lucky son of a bitch, he thinks.

"How so?" Scully asks.

Oh. He said it out loud. He clears his throat, tries to steer his thoughts back into safer waters.

"Well, for one thing, I'm not dead," he says. "Not for lack of trying."

Scully nods solemnly.

"I've seen incredible things, things people spend their whole lives looking for, hoping for, believing in. I've tasted proof, held the truth in my hands. And in spite of everything, I'm still here. We're still here. That's pretty goddamn lucky."

"I don't feel very lucky," Scully says softly. "Sometimes I feel like I've fucked up every good thing I've ever had a chance at. My father certainly thought so, at least for a long time."

They sit silently for a moment. "Without you, I'd be long dead," Mulder admits.

"I know," Scully replies. "I'm always awed by your resilience, actually. I can't take all the credit for your continued survival."

"Yeah, you can," he says, getting to his feet and dusting stray blades of grass off his slacks. He holds out a hand and helps her to her feet. Her fingers are cool against his palm, and he wonders if she'd notice if he didn't let go. Probably.

He wants to pull her in by the lapels of his coat, gather her to his chest, hold her for no reason other than he can. Kiss her brow, smell her hair, feel her small hands sliding under his suit jacket. He wants her just as she is, for exactly who she is.

But he's a chickenshit, so instead he just walks beside her along the Tidal Basin, under the cherry blossoms, and doesn't hold her hand.

They spend the five minute drive back to the Bureau in comfortable silence. Scully leans her head against the car window, and Mulder briefly wonders if she'll fall asleep. He loves when she nods off while he's driving; it makes him feel safe. She makes him feel safe.

He parks a few spots away from her car in the Bureau parking garage, turns off the engine. Scully gathers up her briefcase, leaving Mulder's coat draped open on the passenger seat.

"Why are you getting out?" she asks, seeing Mulder unbuckling his seatbelt.

"I need a file from the office," he lies. He exits the car and goes around to her side. "I'll walk you to your door, it's on my way."

It's twenty feet from her car to his. "Thank you, Mulder," Scully says sardonically, fishing her keys out of her coat pocket. "If I weren't armed, that would have been very thoughtful of you."

"Don't mention it," he replies. He takes a step forward.

"What are you doing?" Scully asks, one hand on her car door, keys in the other.

"Nothing," he replies quickly. "I'll see you tomorrow." God, she's so small, this could so easily go wrong-

He pitches forward, bending down, and presses his lips to the fullness of her cheek. His nose brushes the soft skin under her eye and he inhales sharply, drawing back.

They blink at each other. "Bye," Mulder offers.

Scully nods. "Yes. Goodnight." She glances to the elevators. "Was there actually a file you needed?"

He just looks at her, and she presses her lips together in understanding. "Right. Well, I'm leaving, so… see you tomorrow then."

Right. Despite recent events, the earth was still spinning.

Later, when he hangs his overcoat, he notices the faintest scent of her shampoo on the collar.

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Dean X reader

Summary: Girl meets boy. Girl almost gives boy blowjob. Boys brother ruins it. Kinda goes on from there. Hbo!spn inspired

Prompt: "you guys realise how incredibly codependent you are, right?"

Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs and alcohol, mentions of addiction, guns, gunshot, almost blowjobs, I think that's it..

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A/n: I went on a real hbo!spn dive and wrote this little thing. This ones a little darker but I loved writing it!


It was dark out due to the late hour. The walls in the alley were closer together than one would have expected. The only light was low and cast over the area, coming from the sign that was supposed to read Ease but the s was flickering and the second e was out totally. Street lamps at the end of the road were either broken or off making the entire area be seen with a blue haze. A couple of windows of the buildings either side had lights on, home to people who had nowhere else to live, (obviously who would choose to live in this shitty old city). Dirty newspapers and paper bags littered the street, some accompanied by used needles or little baggies. The door to the shady backstreet dive bar was within eyesight, the wood cracked and the paint peeling off. There was a group of men around the door, old enough to know what kind of place this was, but still young enough to run if the cops showed up. They smoked and drank and laughed, their hands reaching out and trying to pet any pretty thing that walked past, hollering and cheering when a couple too busy to notice them came stumbling out of the door, lips moving fast and hands even faster.

The ground beneath your knees was hard. The gravel from the broken and cracked cement dug into your skin, ripping small holes in the already ripped pantyhose covering your legs. The big biker boots on your feet lay creased and scuffed behind you as your hands moved slowly up his legs, towards his belt.

"C'mon, you know what I want," came his strong voice altered slightly by the amount of whiskey in his system, which had become his new normal.

You look up at him, staring at his eyeliner smudged eyes and kiss-bitten lips and think 'oh he's perfect.' His hair was choppy as if cut by someone with shakey hands and his stubble was short, like he had forgotten that it would grow back. There was a small tattoo at the corner of his left eye, a happy face with crosses for eyes, and he had what seemed like the tips of flames crawling up his neck from beneath his shirt. There was a strange necklace led on his chest, a face with horns, as far as you could tell. The leather jacket he was wearing added to his already impressive stature and the countless patches messily sewn onto it told a story of their own. He had a dangerous air about him; his body moved faster than his mind, his eyes cold and uncaring but if you looked long enough- you could see the pain, the burden, and the anger behind them. He held himself as if always ready for a fight, light on his toes, never getting too distracted by one thing.

His left hand moved from his side to your face, you saw his knuckles read 1983 before they stroked over your cheek before moving back into your hair and grasping tight, pulling your head back so he could look down and see all of your 'pretty face' as he so kindly called it earlier.

"Does baby not wanna suck my cock? Is that what's happening here?" He asks sarcastically, not expecting or wanting an answer, " 'cos I can go and find someone else, and leave you here all alone."

"No D please, I want to.." you respond, feeling his hand tighten in your hair, his other one moving to grasp your throat - not tight enough to hurt, yet.

He bends at the waist and moves his face close to yours, an uncaring look in his eyes, "Then get on with it," he sneers, the movement of his words pulling on the scar that ran from the corner of his mouth up to the skin next to his ear. It was one of two large scars on his handsome face, the other running from his hairline down his forehead and between his brows, fading at the end.

"Yo Dean where you at?" Someone shouts, tripping through the door of the bar and falling into the men stood there. You eyes immediately moved from Dean's face to the sudden noise in the otherwise quiet street. A man with a beer bottle in one hand grabbed the falling guy by his upper arm and jeered in his face, calling out to his friends to look at the 'pretty boy' who stood between them.

The boys' shaggy hair covered most of his face, hiding his expression, but judging but his body language; he was either fairly happy with the situation or too out of it to really care about the potential danger. The latter seemed more likely.

"Ger'offa me. Dean!" He shouts again, his words slurred together, messily trying to push the man off of him.

"Son of a bitch," Dean mummers, his hand leaving your throat and reaching into his jacket and pulls out a Colt 1911 with a Pearl grip and a silencer attached and points it around the corner behind him at the group and calls, "Hey cunts, let him go," he calls, his other hand still in you hair, keeping you on your knees.

"Yeah or what?," one idiot responds, his hand moving to the back of the boys neck.

"This," Dean replies, immediately clicking the safety off and pulling the trigger, the bullet flying with incredible accuracy and hitting the man in his bicep of the arm holding the boys neck.

"Anyone else?," he asks, leaning his head back on the wall, not bothered by the pained screams of the man he had just shot.

"Holy shit," you whispered; a little bit scared, a little bit turned on, a lotta bit amused, glad the scumbag had gotten what he deserved.

"Yeah assholes, anyone else?," the boy laughs, not even fazed by the tiny splatters of blood on his face. He moved towards the alley you were still kneeling in, and as he got closer, the light from the window above made it easy to see his wide eyes and blown pupils, the pink blush on his cheeks just about covers his red nose, which had three piercings in and there was a small amount of white powder on the tip. He also had scar below his lip like it had been split one too many times, the bottom lip had a ring in it, as did his eyebrow. He also had tattoos at the corners of his eyes, one was an upside down cross and the other was just a letter, J, in a blocky font. The darkness of the area cast a shadow over his face, making him seem dangerous until he opened his mouth and spouted some slurred gibberish about a bible verse, pulling a rosary from his pocket.

"Sammy, you good?" Dean asks, only lowering his gun and looking at who you assumed was Sammy when he was certain the group had moved elsewhere. His left had was still curled in your hair.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why wouldn't I be good? I'm fine brother, are you good?" His words came a mile a minute. He raised a shaking hand and ran a finger under his nose, sniffing as he did. His eyes dropped to yours and then moved back up, as if he wasn't shocked by the sight of a girl on her knees in-front of his brother.

"Well I was better before you came out here," Dean replies, head tilting down towards you, while he was putting the gun back in his jacket.

"And that's obviously not happening anymore, you wanna let me up Dean?" You found your voice, grabbing into his wrist and moving onto one knee, ready to stand.

"Sam, fuck off man," Dean groaned at his little brother, his left hand slowly tightening on the back of your head, really not wanting to let go.

"Oh no, don't feel the need to stop on my account," Sam joked, his high hitting that mellowed out stage making him lean his back on the other wall, opposite where Dean stood.

"Uh yeah no.. .Dean?" You say, willing him to let go. He finally does after looking down at you with bummed out face, his shoulders dropping in defeat.

Your knees pop as you get back to your feet, hands grabbing onto Dean's arm for balance. Finally standing up straight, the height of both the boys was even more noticeable than when you were on your knees.

"You wanna introduce me Dean?" Sam asks, his eyes moving over your body absentmindedly, as if he didn't actually care what he saw.

"Sammy, this is...y/n?," Dean says, unsure if he'd got the right name, his face becoming slightly apologetic as he looked at you for confirmation. When you don't flip out or correct him he continued, "Y/n, this is my little brother Sam."

"Little?" You repeat, looking over to see that Sam stood a good couple of inches taller than Dean.

"HA!" Sam laughed, the short shout echoed off the walls, "I like her," he comments, a lopsided smile on his face as continued looking at you.

"What did you take man? You're so out of it." Dean asks, moving from your side to stand in-front of Sam his tattooed hands grabbing his little brothers face trying to look into his eyes.

Sam brought his hands up and pushed on Dean's elbows, causing the older brothers arms to drop back to his sides. "Oh I dunno, but it wasn't a lot, it was what ever the chick was offering. I didn't have my big bro there to stop me so..." he trails off, his shoulder shrugging high enough to touch his ears, a careless look on his face. "Besides how much did you drink before coming out here? Guess we both gave in to our little addictions." He adds.

"Well I couldn't find my little brother to stop me so..." Dean responds, copying Sam's words and moving back across the alley toward you. He slung his heavy arm over your shoulder and pulled you tight to his body, you stumbling a bit due to the unexpected movement.

"You guys realise how incredibly codependent you are, right?" You ask, realising now that the brothers need each other more than the normal amount.

"So?" They both answer at the same time, their heads turning towards you, the same 'whatever' tone of voice.

You meet Sam's eye first, his childish face and cheeky grin made you smile back at him before you moved your head to be able to meet Dean's eye. He had a blank expression but you could see the real question behind his eyes. 'Is that a problem for you?'

"Weirdos." You say, the light tone of your voice making it clear that you were joking. Dean's eyes lit up slightly after hearing your remark, knowing you didn't care that he leaned in his brother just as much as Sam leaned on him.

"Well this has been lovey, like really really great, but me and big brother here should probably be getting outta here before the dick he shot comes back with either more dicks or the cops." Sam states, dishing himself up off of the wall, swaying on his feet before standing still.

"So dicks or more dicks sounds like our options there....Hey gorgeous, you got a life here?" Dean says, directing the question to you, his eyes falling back on you from his brothers direction.

"Uh.. not really, why?" You say truthfully. No family, no friends, no car, a crappy job mundane boring and an even crappier apartment was all you had in this life. Still it was supposedly better than risking your life every other day hunting monsters.

"Wanna come on a road trip?" He asks, baring his teeth in a somewhat too wide smile.

"What?" You reply, your tone flat.

"Me, Sammy and you. Road trip, whadda you say?"

"Are you kidding, we just met!" You say incredulously.

"So?" He repeats his earlier answer.

You look at him in disbelief. You look to Sam for back up but only find the look on his face saying 'why not'.

"You want me, a girl you just met, to come on a road trip with the two of you. One apparent drug addict and his apparent alcoholic older brother, who - by the way - shot someone earlier."

"Why not, I believe we have the same line of work." Dean says, eyes flicking to your chest where was inked a very familiar symbol to the boys.

"And that would be?" You ask, not getting what he's saying.

"This," Sam says from behind you, pulling down the collar of his shirt to show the same tattoo you wore. You blinked at the sight. Your eyes were drawn to the movement of Dean also pulling down his shirt collar, and there sat in between the flames that covered the top of his chest, the very same anti-possession symbol that was tattooed on you.

"You're hunters?" You ask, wondering how you didn't see it before; the scars, the cold eyes, quick reactions, the air of danger that surround them both.

"Uh huh honey, as are you apparently," Dean states, head tilting down to catch you eyes.

"I was. Not anymore. I quit." You say, more so trying to convince yourself than them.

"Really? You don't miss it?," Dean asks, not believing your words.



"I don't."

"Ok so that's why you have a silver knife in your boot and a gun in your pocket, which I'm betting is full of sliver bullets."

'Shit he's got me there' you think.

"And you're here, of all places, drinking at the very same bar that you know three women of your description have gone missing in the past month from." Dean continues with a smug smile on his face. "Trying to be bait, not the smartest idea when your alone."

"Plus we took care of the 'wolfs yesterday so your too late, even if you wanted to help," Sam states, his voice less slurred than earlier.

"So, I'll ask again. Wanna come on a road trip and hunt monsters with my junkie little brother and my alcohol dependant self?" Dean says, his hand raising in between the two of you for a handshake (as if you weren't about to give him a blowjob before his brother ruined the fun).

"Ah fuck it, why not?" You say while grabbing Dean's hand , 'what the worst that could happen?' The voice in the back of your head adds.

The boys both let out short cheers and Dean moves and slings his arm over your shoulder again, his other hand grabbing his brothers jacket before dragging you both out of the alley, toward the end of the street, toward the new part of your lives together.


A/n: hey thanks for reading, sorry the ending is a bit shit, I didn't plan this one out :/. Anyways let me know what you thought!

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Object of Desire

Demon!Bakugou x Reader (NSFW)

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Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Dub-con, public, barely plot??, swearing, dirty talk, degradation, choking, mentions/use of alcohol, semi public?, oral, unprotected sex

Word count: 2,459

A/N: im soRRY but ya girl is  i n s p i r e d. I started writing this at 5 am and im convinced that is when I get my best writing done, and that's on a fucked up sleep schedule. If you want the same effect I had when I wrote this listen to Leviathan by G-Easy. Art is not mine, if you know the artist let me know pls.

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It was late and you were way to drunk to be walking the streets by yourself. Your friends had begged you to come out with them to go partying, you knew you would come to regret it in the morning. You and your friends slammed drinks after drinks without a care in the world, it was Halloween night after all, what else were a bunch of single ladies suppose to do. So this is how you were now carrying a pair of heels by your side, in a dress that was just a little to short, and a headband with fuzzy black ears now digging into your head because you can't go out without a costume according to your friends.

Your feet patter against the rough concrete, the only thing protecting you from the ground is the pantyhose you threw on earlier in some attempt to be modest. The street lights in your neighbor hood shine a dim yellow light across the street, the only other light coming from decorations from houses you pass. No body was out on the street except for the other occasional drunks, seeing as it was some ungodly hour in the morning.

You would have called a cab if you had any clue what had happened to your phone, you faintly remember your friend taking at the beginning of the night so you couldn't ditch them. Smart, because you NEVER did stuff like this. You're considered the "mom" friend of your group. At this point you just wanted to plop down in your bed and forget about tonight.

Suddenly you're taken out of your thoughts by the sound of foot steps behind you. You end up ignoring it, assuming it's just another person trying to get home after a long night of partying, like yourself. You keep your pace and decide to take a short cut wanting to get out of your ridiculous "costume", dipping into an alley you were very familiar with, never realizing how poorly lit it was, seeing as you were never out this late.

Red eyes, unknown to you, watch your every move. A smirk growing on his face as he enters the alley.

Walking down the road, you suddenly start feeling like you're being watched so you quickly turn around to calm your nerve. Not seeing anyone behind you, you continue on your walk. You make the turn around the corner and confusion takes over as you face to face with a wall. Did I take a wrong turn? I could have sworn this was the right street.. You shrug your shoulders turning around to exit the dead end when you feel your heart stop. The only light in the alley was the moons glow, but that was all you needed to see those vermilion eyes staring into you. You go to let out a scream but are stopped as a hand covers your mouth.

"Hey, hey, we wouldn't anyone to hear you and think something is wrong..." The man infront of you pauses, breaking your eye contact to let his eyes roam over you. A smirk takes over his face and you can see sharp canines peek out from his lip. He tilts his head to the side and reaches to your head fixing your ears " would we kitten".

Your eyes dart behind him to see if there was any way someone could see what was happening and come help, but you knew deep down, no one was going to make the same mistake you did and walk into an empty dead end. The man infront takes a step toward you slowly closing the gap.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone huh? Don't you know there are bad men out walking the street at this hour." He voice sending chills down your spine as you do everything in you power to keep your eyes off of him. Looking all around you for something, anything to get you out of that alley. You let out a gasp as you feel a hand make its way into your hair, "I asked you a question, you going to answer me?" His eye brow quirked as he waits.

"I was heading home from a party my friends invited me to, we all ended up getting really drunk. I was going to call a cab but I think one of my friends took my phone and she went home with some guy, even though she told me the reason she was taking me out was to get laid." The truth spilling from you mouth without missing a bet. You hadn't meant to say a that to the stranger but between the alcohol and his enchanting gaze, you couldn't stop yourself. Your mouth drops open as you slam a hand to your lips, mortified at what you had just said. "I didn't mean to say that."

"You meant it though. Here I thought you were a good girl but all you want is some dick, such a dirty little slut." His head dipping into your neck, licking a wet strip from your collarbone to just under you ear, stopping to nibble on your ear lobe. "I can make you feel so good you just got to say the word and I'll make it happen."

Your breath caught in your throat at the mans lewd words. All you could think of was to push him off of you but the growing heat in-between your legs prevented you. You felt as his hands traveled you body lightly, sending all types of chills down your spine and into your core. Quickly, you grab his wrists when they dip under your dress to your outer thighs.

"Oh what do have here, are you going to stop me princess. Go ahead tell me to stop, I dare you to try." You open your mouth but no words come out. You were frozen between the wall and his gaze. You couldn't find the words to make him stop. But honestly you didn't want to. The burning trails his fingertips left as they dug into the sensitive skin on your legs was enough to make shiver in anticipation. "That's what I had thought, now your going to be a good little girl for me now aren't you? Going to do everything I tell you too".

"But I-I don't even know your name" you let out as a feeble attempt to get him to stop.

"It's Katsuki and you can bet it'll be the only name you remember when I done with you."

He shakes his hands from your grasp and moves them to inner thigh, nudging your legs apart. Your leg open without you even thinking and a warm jolt gets sent to your core as you feel him rip open your pantyhose. He moves his head from his assault on your neck down your torso until he is met with your lacey underwear now on view. A blush crosses you face as you watch him lick his lips when he sees how wet you are from how little he has done to you.

"You're soaked and I haven't even touched you yet. You really are just a dirty little slut aren't you." Now on his knees he brings your legs further apart as he brings his face to your heated core. Locking his eyes with yours, he runs a long strip with his tongue against your clothed core. A wine escapes your lips at the action causing your already damp underwear to now be soaked. His teeth catch hold at the top and rips the garment off of you, you gasp as the cold air hits your newly exposed area. His warm breath fans across you as he sticks out his tongue again. You soon realized the situation you were in and how dirty it made you feel.

"I..I never do stuff like this" trying desperately to clear your image. You look down at the blond between your legs and notice two horns that stick out of each side of his head. Your eyes travel down his body taking in his large build and to the large black and red wings that come out form his back. "W-wait are you supposed to be the devil or something?" His eyes light up underneath you and he smirks

"Oh you have no idea" A load moan rips from your mouth as he plunges his tongue past your lips deep into you. You squirm as you feel it travel up inside of you, what the fuck no normal tongue can do this, but you are taken out of your thoughts as it brushes against your soft spongey wall. Just as quickly as the overwhelming sensation had came it left, his tongue retreating out of you as you let out a whine at lose of contact. "Quiet now, you don't want anyone to hear how desperate you are now do you?"

You nodded your head and bit down on your lip as the familiar feeling sends warm surges to your core. His tongue was going to be the death of you. The things you'd sign away to feel like this forever. The way it moved inside of you like no other, pressing against all the right spots perfectly. With how hard you were biting down on your lip you were sure you would draw blood but it was to good for you to handle. If this is just his tongue imagine if...the dirty thought causes you to clench around him. His moan vibrates against your clit at the feeling making you roll back your eyes at the sensation. The warm knot growing bigger as you felt yourself coming closer by this stranger.

"I-I'm so close" You barely manage to get out, not able to think due to the pure pleasure seeping through you. He lets out a groan against you, giving you permission to come undone. And that final vibration was all you needed to release that building pressure in your core. You bit down most of your moan but a small whimper still manages to make its way out. You feel his tongue leave and lick up every drop that may have escaped.

"You taste so good angel, wouldn't want any of this to go to waste." He moves to your thigh leaving light kisses that soon turn into harsh attacks, his sharp teeth grazing your skin. Finally he manages to peel himself away and moves back up to your face, just inches away you can see his once bright red eyes darken with lust. "Now I am going to fuck you so hard you wont be able to walk the rest of the way home." His hand finds its way around you neck lightly giving it a squeeze "But I bet a little slut like you would love that huh?"

You feel your airway constricting, not only from his hand but the words that he said, a throb surging through your already sensitive core. You hear him shuffle and then move his hand from your neck to the back of your thighs, giving them a squeeze making you jump. He lifts you up with that momentum and you instinctively wrap your legs around his hips. A whimper leaves your lips as you feel his head slide against your folds, coating in your slick.

Suddenly he drops you onto him, as he plunges fully into you. You throw your head onto his shoulder, biting at the fabric of his shirt as he stretches you out. You weren't expecting him to be that big, but he filled you up perfectly. You can feel his smirk against your skin as he lets you adjust to his size. The cold feeling of rough brick against your back as you try to get used to it.

"Pleease… move" you let out, barely louder than a whisper.

"Oh with pleasure" He moves out of you completely, with just his tip at your entrance before slamming back into you. A groan escapes his lips at how tight your walls hug him. "For such a slutty girl you're so fucking tight kitten"

His movements speed up sending you into a state of euphoria. His dick hitting your g-spot with every rut. He dips his head into your neck, searching for your sensitive spot. As a moan rips from you mouth he knew he had found it, and starts his attacking, earning all kind of noises from you.

His speed was starting to pick up even faster and you don't know how much longer you'll be able to with stand this. His dick moving in and out of you at an inhuman speed. Sensitive to every move he made, you could feel the way his thick veins rubbed against your walls causing your toes to curl as you felt a burning sensation start to build back up.

"I-I don't think I c-can last much longer" was all you can say as he slams into you.

"Let everyone know who is making you feel this good, let them know who you belong to now." He growls against your neck, teeth drawing blood due to his bit.

"You! God, you Katsuki. I'm all yours!" You scream out, pleasure starting to completely take over you, note even caring about your volume. A devilish smirk takes over his face.

"Then cum for me." His says as he slams deep into you. His words making you come undone for the second time that night. This was so much more intense then the first one, your legs squeezing around him hard as you loose all control. His pace starts to falter as he watches you come apart in front of him causing him to reach his own high. He twitches within you, hot ropes filling you up as he moans at his release.

Your breathing rough as you try to regain your senses. He hold you in place against him and the wall as you catch you breath, as he does the same. Eventually he pulls out of you and lowers you to the ground, your knees wanting to instantly give out but they don't. You eyes meet his as you realize what has just happened.

"Am I ever going to see you again?" You feel dumb even asking the question, until you hear him chuckle infront front of you.

"You'll be seeing lots of me" His gaze drops down and you follow it to your wrist. Gasping as you seeing a binding mark on your wrist with a red glow to it. You quickly look and lock eyes with him, the same red glow meeting you. He lowers his head back to your ear once again as his next words send chills down your spine.

"You're mine now."

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Private Fashion Show (Christen Press x Reader)

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Anonymous Request: Can you do a Christen x Reader where Christen gives the R a private fashion show? Christen teases the reader relentlessly as she struts around in Victoria's Secret underwear "No touching Ms.L/N". The reader almost breaking the arm rests of the chair she is seated by trying not to jump on Christen. You can write some smut/fluff around this. Thanks in advance and I love your work! 🤗


"Chrissss, what are you doing in there...?" You ask, the woman giggling from the bathroom.

"You'll see."

You grumble, your eyes still covered by the blindfold tied around your head.

"So impatient." She giggles and you throw your head back with a groan, the woman rolling her eyes as she gives herself a once over in the mirror, smirking.

Christen pads into the bedroom, stopping right in front of you.

You inhale sharply when Christen presses a kiss to the curve of your jawline, nibbling at your earlobe.

"Remember Y/N, so touching." She purrs and you lick your lips, your eyes doubling in size when Christen unties your blindfold, revealing herself to you for the first time since you'd entered the house.

"Holy fuck." You whisper, your eyes running down Christen's form, the woman wearing nothing but a lacy bra and thong that has your heart slamming in your chest.

Your tongue swipes at your lips as you clutch the chair's arm rests, your body trembling.

"Like what you see?" She asks, twirling around in a circle, showing off the back of her lacy thong, which of course means she simply shows off her bare ass, tempting you to touch her but you resist, whining loudly.

"Chrisssssssssss..." You groan, the woman turning around with a seductive smirk, the woman leaning down in front of you, her breasts on full display.

"Do you want me dead?" You ask, your bottom lip jutted out in a pout and Christen giggles.

"No, just showing off some new lingerie I got."

Christen bites her bottom lip, sending you a wink before turning around and taking her leave, leaving you behind in the chair, your face scrunched up in confusion.

"Wa... Wait, where are you...?" You stand up and Christen giggles.

"Remember, no touching." She sticks her tongue out before shutting the bathroom door, leaving you to stand in your living room with wide eyes, your mouth agape.

"Goddamn it."


"Chrisssssssssssssssssssss." You whine, throwing your head back as your girlfriend walks into the living room again, hips swaying as she shows off a new bra that pushes her breast up in a way that makes your core throb, her panties leaving little to the imagination.

Christen hops up on the counter, crossing her legs with a grin, her tongue trapped between her teeth.

"What's wrong?" She asks, licking her lips and you growl, backing into the refrigerator.

"You're such a teaseeeee." You grumble, trying to shut the door on yourself.

Christen rolls her eyes, sliding off the counter and pulling you out of it, flipping you around, your back now against the counter.

"No touching." She purrs in your ear and you growl, grabbing the counter.

Christen bites her bottom lip, her tongue running along your jawline, your knuckles white as you clutch the counter.

"What's wrong baby?" She whispers, gently nibbling your ear lobe.

You growl, your eyes slammed shut as you tilt your head back, your fingers itching to touch the woman in front of you.

"Remember..." Christen gives your neck a hard bite and you groan. "No touching."

You watch with wide eyes as Christen sinks to her knees, her green orbs locked with your Y/E/C orbs as she grabs your sweats, slowly pulling them down, along with your boxers, leaving you in nothing but your muscle tee.

You grasp the counter tightly, knuckles white as Christen's lips trail up your calves, the woman leaving love bites on your thighs as she gets closer and closer to her goal.

You grunt at the feel of Christen's hot breath on your aching core.

Christen places a single kiss to your folds before moving to her feet, smirking, your eyes bulging out of your skull.

"If you keep being this good, I may let you orgasm later."

Christen leaves you nearly bare in the kitchen, your mouth hanging open as you stare at the hall she'd just disappeared down.



"CHRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS." You groan as the woman makes her way into the room wearing another revealing outfit, a blue pair of panties with a garter belt, her bra see through.

"Jesus Christ." You lean your head back, grabbing fistfuls off the couch cushions as Christen straddles you.

"What's wrong?" Christen asks, as she ducks down to kiss the curve of your jaw.

"3 days this week Chris, you're literally killing me."

Christen licks your pulse point, suckling on the flesh there.

"Sh-Shit." You whisper brows furrowed when Christen starts rolling her hips.

Your fingers flex, your arms shaking as you keep yourself from touching her, knowing if you do, she'll stop.

Christen moans in your ear and you throw your head back, groaning.

The woman smirks, her breasts right in your face as she stills rotating her hips, her ass rubbing against you.

"Yeah... Just like that..."

Suddenly, Christen is off of you, the woman sending you a seductive wink.

"Wh-What... Where are you going...?" You stare at her, pupils blown and she bites her bottom lip.

"You've been so good, why stop now?" She asks, walking away her hips swaying and you let out a sob.

"Why must you try and kill me?"

You inhale sharply when Christen sneaks back up behind you, leaning over the back of the couch to whisper in your ear.

"Just imagine how hard you'll cum when I eventually let you orgasm."

Christen giggles as she runs into the bedroom, leaving you on the couch whining.


The next time Christen struts out into the living room, she's in a teddy, that is literally all straps, covering absolutely nothing.

"Baby..." You slap your hands over your eyes and Christen giggles, sitting in front of you on the couch.

"Don't want to see me?" She asks and you whine.

"Oh, I want more than anything to see you... But I want to touch you so bad..." You wiggle in your seat and Christen smirks.

"Remember Ms. Y/L/N, no touching."

At the first sharp inhale, your eyes fly open to reveal Christen Press, her hand between her legs, fingers moving.

"No touching yourself either." She purrs and you again grab the couch, watching as Christen's finger tips draw tight circles over her clit.

"Y/N…" She moans and you roll your hips, in search of friction you won't find.

"God, you want to touch me so bad. Don't you?" She purrs, gasping as her fingers move.

"Fuck Chris." You growl, your brows, furrowed.

You close your eyes, back arching as your girlfriend moans, getting off in front of you, though when your eyes open you realize she's just sitting there, a smirk on her face.

Your mouth drops open, your wide eyes darting around her face.

"CHRISSSSSSSSSSSS." You whine loudly, the woman giggling as she takes her leave, leaving you behind frustrated more than you'd ever been before.


5 days, 5 days of your girlfriend parading around in damn near nothing, and still you hadn't gotten to touch her, the woman wagging her finger at you if you even got too close.

You're ashamed to admit that this time when Christen walks out into the living in grey see through lingerie, garter belt clipped to a pair of thigh high pantyhose, you run straight into the wall considering you're staring at her.

"So?" Christen stands in the hall, her hands on her hips, the woman's tongue swiping at her lips as she runs her hands down her body, making you whine loudly.

"CHRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS." You let out a groan that sounds like a dying whale, the woman giggling as she makes her way towards you, hips swaying.

She pushes you back against the wall and you swallow hard, the woman biting her bottom lip as she places her palms on either side of your head.

"You like it?" She teases, running her tongue up the column of your neck and your bottom lip juts out. She leans in, biting your bottom lip, pulling it back with her.

"Ugh, God I love..." You grimace, almost touching her hips but you immediately jerk your hands back, palms against the wall.

"Good girl." She teases, jutting one of your thighs out so she can, straddle it.

Your brows furrow as the woman rocks against you, her fingers tangled in her hair, her dark green orbs locked with your equally dark Y/E/C orbs.

"Chris..." You gasp, the woman swiveling her hips, a gasp leaving her parted lips.

Christen turns around.

"What's wrong?" She asks innocently, bending down in front of you, rubbing her ass against the front of your sweats.

"Ugh, fuck Chris." You whine, knocking your head back against the ball.

Suddenly, Christen is again gone, walking away, her hips swaying.

"UGH GOD LET ME DIE." You groan, loudly and the woman giggles.

"But then you won't be able to touch..."

Christen disappears down the hallway and you flip around, hitting your forehead on the wall.

"Let me die."


"Fuck Y/N." You nearly choke on your spit at the sound of your girlfriend in the shower, the woman moaning shamelessly as you brush your teeth, your core literally aching.

It doesn't help that you can literally see through the shower curtain, watching as your girlfriend gets off with the shower head.

"Shit Y/N, right there..." She moans as you continue to brush your teeth.

You screw your eyes shut when you hear her breath hitching in a familiar way, a way that tells you she's close.

"Fuck Y/N, fuck I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna-

You girlfriend lets out an obscene moan, and you shiver, the woman moaning your name softly as she climaxes.

Christen opens the shower curtain cockily, turning to you with a smirk, her eyes widening when she sees your face.

"Are you crying?" She asks, snorting and you pout, leaving the room.

"I don't want to talk about it!" You whine, running into the living room, leaving your soaking wet girlfriend behind.

The woman shakes her head.

"Maybe she's been teased long enough."


A week.

A week of Christen's teasing and you were close to exploding, wanting nothing more than to touch the woman, or leap out your apartment's window.

Who were you kidding, you literally wanted to fuck her on every single surface in your apartment and hopefully, she'd let you do that soon.

"Y/N." You hear Christen's raspy whisper and you grumble, rolling over and rolling up in the covers.

"Nooooo. I can't take anymore Chris..." You whine, grabbing your pillow and covering your face with it. "I'm going to explode..." You whimper.

Christen hums, pulling the pillow off of your face, though, you're face down, not seeing the woman is entirely bare.

"I guess I'll just have to touch myself in the shower again." She shrugs and you roll over, eyeing the woman hungrily.

"Is this a trap?" You ask, eyes narrowed as you eye her bare body, wanting nothing more than to let your hands roam.

Christen grins.

"Not this time..." She jerks the covers entirely off the bed and your eyes widen, the woman straddling your middle, your stomach bare considering you're only in a sports bra, the woman's hot, wet core against your stomach.

"Chris..." You groan. "Please..." Your brows furrow, your fingers flexing.

"Come on baby." She purrs. "Touch me."

To say you let out a feral snarl is an understatement, lifting the woman with ease and placing her on your dresser, diving between her legs and licking her with reckless abandon.

"Oh, fuck." Christen's fingers tangle in your hair as you eagerly and wildly work her up with your tongue, the woman almost immediately cumming with a cry, her body shaking and shuddering.

"Shit." She gasps as you pull her off the dresser and head into the living room, laying her on the couch before climbing on top of her.

"I'm gonna fuck you all over the apartment." You growl, jerking all your clothes off until you're as bare as the woman beneath you.

Christen cries out when you straddle her, your core settling on hers.

You duck down, your lips pressing against Christen's the two of you shamelessly making out, that is until Christen pulls back with a gasp at the first roll of your hips.

You clutch at the arm of the couch, hovering over Christen as you roll your hips, the woman's legs wrapping around you as the two of you rut against one another.

It's then your own release approaches, your hips stuttering.

"Come on baby." Christen starts rolling her hips wildly. "I know you want to cum. You're so close, aren't you?" She asks and you nod, ducking down to bury your face in her neck, the forward grinning as you moan against her neck, hips rocking.

You breathing quickens, every single one of your nerve endings stimulated, your body shaking and shuddering violently.

"Do you want to cum?" She asks and you nod, brow furrowed.

"I want to cum, please let me cum." You beg into her neck and Christen's hips still, an audible sob leaving your mouth.

"No, please I was-

Christen suddenly flips the two of you over, scrambling down to the end of the couch before burying her face between your legs.

"HOLY FUCK." You literally scream, Christen, pulling your legs over her shoulders as she works between your legs, licking and sucking your throbbing clit.

An obscene moan crawls up your throat, your eyes rolling in the back of your head as your body convulses like it never had before, your orgasm hard and long, hard enough that it knocks every ounce of air from your lungs.

Eventually, your body stills and you collapse, your eyes fluttering shut.

Christen climbs up you, her lips pressing against yours, the taste of your sex on her tongue.

"Fuck." You pant, the woman pulling back with a grin.

"Thoughts?" She giggles and you snort.

"Thoughts, you want me to think right now..." You chuckle. "Y/N txt has stopped working." You yawn, eyes fluttering shut as your girlfriend rolls her eyes.

"Nerd." She teases and you hum, a satisfied grin on your face.

"Need a break?" She asks and you scoff, eyes flashing open.

"Not a chance."

Christen squeaks as you roll her over, your wet core against hers.

"You didn't think I was done, did you?" You ask, rolling your hips, the woman's legs slipping around your middle as you still, swiveling your hips in a way that makes the forward cry out.

"Oh god, uh fuck." Christen gaps, her fingers tangling in her hair as you teasingly swivel your hips.

Christen's body shivers in a way that tells you she's close and you smirk, the woman's green orbs wide as she stares up at you in shock.

"You know what they say Christen Press?" You smirk and she swallows hard.

"Pay back is a bitch."


"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please." Christen shakes violently beneath you in bed, a cocky grin spread across your face.

"Maybe I should stop now..." You whisper. "Make you wait a week..." You tease and Christen whines, the woman covered in a thin sheen of sweat as she rocks her hips, trying to work the toy that's currently inside her.

"No, please, please don't stop." Christen begs and you lick your lips, your girlfriend's green orbs dark with lust, her pupils blown wide.

You take pity on her, the woman's bottom lip jutted out in a pout.

"Yessss..." Christen hisses at your first thrust, your hips building a fast rhythm, the sound between your and Christen's legs absolutely obscene.

The headboard behind Christen starts pounding against the wall, your girlfriend's mouth open in a silent scream.

"Harder." Christen begs and you're only happy to oblige, thrusting hard into her, the obscenest of sounds coming from her open mouth.

"Fuck, Y/N, fuck I'm..." Christen goes silent as you speed your thrusts up, the woman's voice lost, inhuman noises crawling up her throat.

She cries out, so loud you know your neighbors had definitely heard your girlfriend orgasm.

Christen quakes violently beneath you, quivering and quaking violently as she finally achieves release, but your thrusts don't stop.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." Christen pants against your neck and soon, she's cumming again, the woman letting out a scream as she orgasms, her essence coating you and the toy between her your legs.

Christen collapses, the woman panting heavily, covered in sweat as you roll off of her, delicately, well as delicately as you can pull the toy out of her, before removing the strap on and dropping it on the floor.

Christen rolls over, wiggling until she's in your arms, her bare chest against yours.

"Fuck, that was..." Christen smiles tired and you smirk.

"Intense?" You ask and she snorts.

"Stunning, mind blowing..." Christen rambles sleepily against your chest.

"Sleep baby." You whisper, kissing her forehead.

"Fuck, I'm going to see if you can last 2 weeks next time..." Christen giggles and you scoff.

"Please, please don't."

Christen nuzzles into your neck.

"I love you Y/N." Christen whispers and you grin.

"I love you too."

The two of you go silent, that is until Christen lets out a snore.

You shake your head, grinning.

"Goodnight baby." You kiss her forehead. "We'll see who's the one getting teased next time." You smirk, maliciously, your eyes closing, the possibilities bouncing around in your head of how you could pay Christen back, more so than you already had.

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Dangerous Woman (E) - Wintershieldshock

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for @catzandbookz8 645 words Rated E Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande


It wasn't the most professional thing she'd ever done.

And she was undercover to boot. Hanging off Bucky's arm and stealing all the tech she could get her phone synced to.

But not currently.

Currently, Darcy had her hand in Bucky's lap, sliding over to cup him in his pants. He had his hand over his face, feigning a headache while Steve was in both of their ears, breathing hard because he could fucking tell what Darcy was doing.

And maybe that's what emboldened her to continue, to stroke the outline of his erection until his leg started bouncing and he slid his hand over her thigh. "Keep it up," he said softly. "I'll get you back."

"I intend to," she said, smirking.

"Darce, you've gotta focus on the target," Steve said. His voice was strained though, and Darcy knew both of her fellas well enough to know when they were aroused.

Bucky wasn't so much of a guess, what with his flushed face and bouncing leg. But Steve, she couldn't see him so it was really down to the way he was breathing in the earpiece.

She turned to scan the room. "Over by the bar." She was still rubbing Bucky's cock when Steve jumped off their channel to give the signal to the other members of the team scattered around the ballroom.

Darcy felt Bucky's breath hitch and he reached down to still her hand.

As the other oblivious team members closed in on the target, Bucky pulled Darcy to her feet and out of the ballroom.

Which was how she found herself pressed against the wall of the nearest supply closet, with Bucky sliding her pantyhose and panties down over her hips. She kicked off one shoe so he could get them free and spread her thighs around his waist, holding her up against the wall.

He fumbled with his zipper, groaning against her neck. "Fuck, Darce." He got it down, pulling himself out of his pants. She could feel this hot hard length sliding against her sex.

She could hear Steve in her ear. "Bucky... fuck her, Bucky... tell me about it..."

"God, she's so wet, Stevie," Bucky crooned, turning to address her. "You feel so hot, Darce." He pressed slickly into her body, setting a grueling pace that made her ass smack against the wall behind her.  "God... Darcy..."

"Harder," she rasped, sliding her fingers down between them.

"That's right, touch yourself," Bucky moaned, his head falling back. "God..."

"Is she touching herself?" Steve sounded out of breath and Darcy had to wonder if he was touching himself too.

"Yes, fuuuuck... fuck, it's so good... Oh god, I'm not gonna last... Fuck, Darcy."

He was hard as steel when his entire body stiffened against her. "Coming," he whimpered. "Coming, Darcy...."

And when he finished, he pulled out and let her slide down to the floor, dropping to his knees and latching onto her cunt with his lips. He sucked and dragged on her labia, making obscenely loud and wet sounds before doubling down on her clit.

She was already worked up from touching herself seconds before, so it didn't take him long to finish her off.

"Oh god..."

"Is he eating you?" Steve asked. "Does it feel good, honey?"

"Yes," Darcy moaned. "Yes, oh god..."

She was slippery wet when she shook apart against Bucky's face. She was loud, louder than she should have been considering where they were, but it didn't seem to matter to him, not when he leaned back and sat on the floor in front of her, wiping his face and grinning up at her.

"Fuck," Steve murmured.

"Might have to take care of Steve when we get back, doll," Bucky said softly, grinning as Darcy tried to pull her panties and nylons back on so she could sit down as well.

"No problem," she whispered.

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Roughly | Revolver Ocelot x Reader

Once again, MGSV | Word Count : 5077 |

I thought it'd be nice to make some of this content for Daddy Ocelot.

Warning : Adult content

Please....Please, if you're not into it, don't read.



He tore open her white blouse, exposing her heaving chest covered only by a thin brassier. With intently focused blue orbs, he watched as two peaked nubs strained against the white, delicate cloth,

"Excited?" He questioned her, quirking a brow at the painfully obvious display of arousal.

Nodding eagerly she confirmed it with a tight bite of her lower lip,

"Yes," She inhaled as she caught sight of the feral dimness in his eyes while they aimed themselves at her displayed figure.

Backing up, she leaned back to his desk before popping up on it, waiting for him to reach her,

'On the desk...Here...' She mused with excitement, never having had the boldness to initiate anything so daring in his workspace where just about anyone could interrupt them. Granted, the door to his quarters was right there in the room too, but nonetheless, she had become thoroughly ignited when he threw everything aside while fiercely lip-locked with her earlier on.

With a slow lick to his lips, he came closer, beckoned by the alluringly sensual, position of her lovely figure. Smirking, he slid his body between her open, hanging legs, not wasting a minute to run his hands over the length of her legs which were covered by thin, sheer pantyhose.

"...Too many layers," He muttered to himself with a hint of annoyance, his left hand rising to his lips, his index finger pointed towards his slightly parted lips, " I don't like it," he added huskily, capturing a piece of the red glove between his two-row of teeth, tugging it off before he did the same with the right one.

"There, much better," he claimed while returning to his earlier position, his naked hands delightfully creasing her legs, his nails dragging down the length of them with hopes of tearing through the delicate material.

During then, her eyes closed, chest heaving as she focused on the touch of his grazing nails, his name slipping out from her pretty mouth longingly.

"Take it off, " he muttered, watching her un-clip the undergarment, her expression being flustered. Yet again his gaze fell onto her chest, this time focused onto the aroused, risen teats.

Sometimes he wasn't sure where to begin, what part of her to focus on the most, because every square inch of her body called out to him, wanting attention and desiring his love. However, at that moment, it had become a painstakingly easy choice as she deeply inhaled, reminding him that they were ready for him to give attentiveness to.

'Perfection,' he praised, his mouth watering before he decided where to head first.

She moaned softly as his tongue flicked her two peaked nipples, the hot muscle coaxing them with his warm drool. With her eyes shut tightly, she ran her fingers through his blonde locks as he continued to suck on them, occasionally tugging them between his two-row of teeth with playful, little nips.

Focused, she picked up on his low groans which barely escaped his working mouth as he continued to tease her. Soon, the need in her body was no longer one she could bear and whimpering at his every movement, she swallowed hard, trying to find her voice,

"Please" she begged, tugging at the silver strands to drive her point farther, "More..." She added, pleading with him to stop being so merciless, desperate to be filled by him.

Not one to disappoint, he conceded to her desire, wordlessly trailing his attention down with unaligned kisses descending to her navel,

"Only if you're good," He reminded her, both of his hands taking hold of her wrists, untangling her fingers from his locks and putting them down to her sides instead,

"So no touching," he said sweetly, near-silent sternness lying beneath the words, hidden by the sugary tone. "I know you're excited," He added, watching as her palms lay flat onto the desk's surface, fingers desperately twitching, wanting to find their place back home on his body.

"But be good girl," He ordered.

Reluctantly she agreed, knowing she had no reach say in the matter,

If she wanted him to keep going, she had to be good.

'I have to do everything he says,' She reasoned, fighting her body's natural response to reach for him.

Her heart rate climbed furthermore as he released the little button of her pin skirt from its place, dragging down the small zipper placed at the side as well,

'He's undressing me fully,' She fretted with upset, ' But he's still wearing everything,' she added while fuming, wanting to have him just as exposed as she was.

Slowly he slid the jumbled skirt down her legs, dragging his nails over her yet again, this time successfully tearing through the hosiery. Her skin tingled as she felt his nails through the torn sheer, dragging over her flesh with their sharpness.

Once the article of cloth was fully removed, he threw it aside and he worked his mouth back up. Ever so slowly, he found his way back up, kissing her ankles first, descending his lips onto her calves right after. Worshiping her slightly trembling body, he took his time in reaching her thighs.

By that point, she was panting, waiting with a burning ache.

As he breathed, she felt the warm puffs fan over the inside fo her thighs, a startled little sound drawing out of her as he nibbled at the softest piece of her legs. Slowly, while his mouth became occupied with the sweet patch of skin, his hands slipped beneath her, palming her ass and lifting her hips into the air with ease.

With maddening desire she swallowed down, glazed eyes begging him for him to truly touch her, doing away with all the cruel taunting.

'I can't…' She huffed, feeling impatient.

"I'm not all too sure you deserve my cock, " He said teasingly, tearing away from her, standing at his full height, " Should I fuck you now?" he asked himself, seeing to contemplate the idea, not quite certain she deserved it yet.

He then began to unbutton the sand-colored shirt that hid his body from her, taking his sweet time with each and every button, starting from top to bottom.

With half-lidded eyes, she stared on, memorized by his sensual demeanor, all the while wanting to jump on him, tearing the clothes off until he was even more exposed than she was.

Sighing softly he tucked his chin to his chest, hiding the little curl of his lip as he smirked,

"...You just don't seem to want it that bad," He claimed, knowing fully well how frustrated she was beginning to grow.

But he wanted her to slip…

Harshly breathing through barley parted, red lips, she nodded eagerly, already feeling a burning itch of desire for him.

"No...No…" she chanted airily, " No… Please don't stop," She begged. "I do want this,"

"I'd believe you, unfortunately, you're not following the rules," He argued, continuing to undress nonetheless.

Slowly sliding his shirt off of his shoulders, he let it fall to the ground with a soundless noise, revealing his lean physique, the pale skin in her sights. With a delighted sigh, she went closer to him, her hands eager to touch him, to fall over his chest like many times before, when he stopped her right as she was about to graze his skin,

"Hands off !" he barked, a deep growl to his voice making her shutter.

The booming order made her squeak and as fast as lightning shooting down, her hands flew to her own chest. They both tightly balled over her heart as she stared at Ocelot with large, (e/c) colored, doe eyes.

Another little sound, akin to the cry of a mouse flew past her lips as she withdrew, and mindlessly her legs squeezed together tightly, a pleasing little friction bringing forth a spark of pleasure,

'There,' He mused, having baited her into disobedience, all along hoping she'd crack.

"Remember the rules Darlin'? No touching," He told her, his own hands prying her's off her chest, one held by each of his own,

"All of you belongs to me," He added lowly, pulling her towards him, her naked chest pressed against his, her startled face set before him. "You...Every bit of you belongs to me, " He reminded her, his deep, sensuous voice rattling her body as he possessively uttered the words right at her burning ear, "Me… and only me," he said with a devious curl to his lips.

"Yes," she said shakily, too far taken by him to say anything else.

"So when I say no touching,  you don't lay a finger on me, Got it?" He added with a sneer.

"Yes," She gulped.

"Will you do as I say now?" He said lowly, receiving an eager nod as well as a voiced confirmation,

" Yes, yes, I will," She answered him without hesitance.

With a tug towards his direction, her feet fell onto the ground, off the desk.

"Now, on the desk. I want you bent over." He ordered her.

Without a word she did as he said, her glowing face lowered onto the wood, palms flat against the surface.

"Get your ass in the air," He said while eyeing the shaken way they buckled, as she leaned onto the work surface. "And don't you move, " he ordered with the same harshness.

Eagerly, she complied, not wanting to disappoint him, not wanting to be left without the delightful touch of his body.

'Use me….I'll do whatever you want,

Just, please... Please fuck me,' She groaned, expecting to be taken right then and there as she heard him unbuckle his pants.

He then pressed his lips to her (s/c) colored skin, sweetly pecking the back of her neck. Consequently, her body jumped at the smooch, her stance faltering for just a moment as she mewled.

Chuckling her shook his head, a hand tightly gripping her hips, keeping her back arched, ass angled up,

"For someone who wants to get fucked, you sure don't do as you're told," he mused while clicking his teeth.

With widely peeled eyes she shook her head, " I do! I promise I do!" she said alarmed, not wanting him to stop. Diligently,  she remained in the same position, unknowingly wiggling her hips from side to side, desperate to finally be taken care of.

"Then prove it," He scolded, a whipping sound echoing right from behind her, causing her back to stiffen, her body tensing in its entirety,

'Is that…?' She barley had any time to think before he swung, the leather cruelly cracking against her skin.

Shrieking out with both surprise and pain she flinched, knees bending. She faltered yet again, but this time he steadied her, his hand that was still placed at her hip forcing her back to the right position before he aimed yet again, striking her.

It stung, her skin glowing with the assault, "It hurts," she whimpered while he swung again.

There was another sound of connection and as expected she squealed,

"I...I'm a good girl," She insisted, whimpering as she felt yet another bash fall upon her. Her eyes shut tight, hands tightly balled as she bit her bottom lip, the entire row from the top sinking into the plump flesh.


" Quiet, " He hissed, saying nothing more.

With another strike she jumped, her hands flying to press over her trembling mouth, tightly pressed. Over and over she swallowed down the small sounds, wanting to please him, craving his approval.

It was painful, however, within the furthest depths of her being, she was thrilled by the ache being brought forth. She was well aware that he held back, having far much more strength than the meager vigor used to discipline her, and somehow with that knowledge, her heart fluttered.

He could see her beginning to shake furthermore, and her tightly held back whimpers had begun to escape, sounding utterly pathetic, the pain obviously getting to her.

"Had enough?" He jeered, receiving another whimper in response.

"Well ?" He sang, grazing the held leather piece over her stinging ass, giving her a small window of escape, "Answer me," He demanded.

'She's still learning…' He reasoned, being especially kind to her.

"You always answer back to me," He prompted her. "So tell me, Have you had enough? "

"Yes," she struggled through her breath, holding back tears,

'It hurts.'

The leather piece within his hands fell onto the desk, the sound of the metal piece clashing with wood being right next to her ear, causing her to jump,  making him chuckle softly,

"What? Are you afraid of me now?" He questioned her, gently running his naked fingers down the line of her spine, subsequently causing all the little hairs over her body to stand at attention.

The teasing, little crease though feather-light had a powerful effect on her body, raking her to the furthest depth of her being,

"Oh, Adam..." She shuttered, shakily exhaling.

"Darlin' ...Are you afraid?" He murmured smoothly, asking the question once more.

He pressed on in a softer tone, a sensible one that caused her heart to flutter, because it was pleasantly sweet, weaved with warm tenderness that would ultimately heat into burning passion.

'Afraid? No never…' she mused.

With certainty in her mind, and even much more confidence within her heavily beating heart, she shook her head, a gentle smile take over her,

"Never," she breathed, peeking at him from over her shoulder.

'I never could,'

She didn't fear him, it was the contrary, she felt safest with him, tucked beneath his arm, and pacified by his warmth. She was held within his manly arms in a proprietorial way that made her feel nothing else could touch her,

'Adam...I love you,' she proclaimed, ' I love you so much… my heart could burst,'

Slowly, he slid his finger down within the waistband of her panties, his light blue eyes keeping her (dark/light) ones captive all the while,

'I already feel myself slipping,' she thought to herself, ' And he hasn't actually touched me yet…'

He then hooked his fingers within the thin material, gradually gliding his fingers down her flesh as he pulled down the article of clothing, both pantyhose and underwear descending.

Cool air mercifully creased her heated, abused flesh, making her unwillingly groan out beneath her breath. As though the touch wasn't torturously sweet enough his other hand palmed her ass, petting her with notable praise,

"You're doing good," He commented, "You'll get what you deserve," He added.

She heard the zipper of his pants come down, followed by the sound of his trousers hitting the floor as he slid them off. It was almost too much, every single thing he did was driving her crazy, her senses heightened.

As he moved to stand behind her, he was fully bare, causing her to wriggle with joy, comfortably eased onto the desk in anticipated wait, growing ever more excited,

"Do you want  me to fuck you, huh?" he asked her, literally licking his lips, "Do you want my cock to fill you?" he added, watching her back arch perfectly in his sight.

"Answer me," He hissed, his right hand lightly spanking her, causing her to jump, a little whine of lament blowing past her lips,

"Yes," she sputtered, " I Want your cock to fill me, I need it," She spluttered out, cursing herself from within at forgetting yet again the rule.

Steadily, he pressed his cock's head against her pussy lips, willing himself and holding back from diving in immediately. Instead, he guided the throbbing erection towards her excited clit, pressing the tip while she writhed in distress.

Heavy pants flowed from her gaped mouth as she moved her hips for the attention she'd craved from the start.

Slowly, he dragged his cock back down to her pulsing heat, slipping the head within the wetness.

He was taking his time, as he was well aware of the degree of desire she had within her little body, exploiting it. Unmoving, he settled within her, his two hands on either side of her waist, petting the sides with kind gentleness.

But, she didn't want sweetness...

Desperately, she began to plead, grinding against the bit he sank into her as she begged for him to use it fully and ravish her.

'I can't take this,' She thought helplessly, sniveling.

Finally, deciding it was enough, he slid it inside fully sinking in all at once, immediately pressing against her special spot, knowing just how to aim.

"Ah!" she breathed lecherously.

"Fuck," he uttered whilst he thrust in,  welcomed inside by her soft squeeze. He gave her no time to adjust, instead, picking up speed, causing her moans to get more intense, every thrust sending sparks up her spine to her fogging brain.

She grunted yet again as he grabbed a handful of hair, cursing lowly beneath her breath.

Instantly, her arms shot out before her, hands grasped at the edge of the desk opposite to the one she was leaned into.

She supported herself as he rammed into her harder and harder, losing what little sweet remnants that existed in his dives. One hand pulled her head back by her hair, whilst the other gripped her waist, pulling her into his thrusts while she quaked.

The fire was building, every second her breathing getting more rapid and desperate, her heart running a marathon.

In the past, whenever they made love, his hands would stroke her hair, his lips occupied with tracing over every other part of her body, sweetly coaxing her with their tender warmth. And it was all done whilst his thrusts remained slow and merciful.

Always done slowly at first, gently while letting her body get used to having so much of him inside it, the pace only picking up just before his climax.

But now it was different.

Each snap of his hip was strong, crashing with her beaten arse, shooting sweet pain throughout her body. And if that wasn't enough, the grip on her scalp remained fierce, not letting loose,

"Keep...Keep your ass up," he huffed, gripping her ass with both hands, squeezing, his nails digging into her rear as he jutted it back up.

"mmm!" though her verbal response was halfhearted, her back arched to raise her backside to him perfectly, just as he wanted.

Obediently, she did as he said, which made it all the more disheartening when she saw him pick up the belt again. For just a moment her entire body tensed, becoming stiff.

Frozen, she gasped, "Adam… please, no," she begged, tears already bubbling in her eyes as she eyed the leather piece in his grasp,

Granted she'd had a part of her enjoy the act, but it wasn't enough for her to want to go back to it, especially not now when she was finally awarded.

The sight of it alone had her shaken, and then the instant wash of pain from before came back tenfold. The mistreated flesh of her ass wept in pain with hot throbs, the aftermath of his assault letting itself be known, not intent of being forgotten,

'Did I do something wrong?' She wondered, barely having enough strength to think back, far too engrossed on the pleasure she felt, the feeling even overpowering her aching.

"No?" He repeated in question, gliding the leather piece down the left cheek of her butt, a taunting little tap to her rump added, making her jump with a groan.

"Darlin'," he said softly, " One word," he reminded her. " With just a word you can make it stop, alright?" He told her, his lips gently pressing against hers.

" You remember it, right?" He asked her, staring down at her with half-hearted worry, his palms both lovingly pressed to her cheeks, searching for proof of hesitance in her (e/c) colored eyes.

Truth be told he was excited, but even then with the delightful thrill he'd only fantasized about until then, he didn't want to push her too far.

He didn't want to actually hurt her. It'd be his first time being so aggressive with her, and from what he summed up, she hadn't a real clue as to what it truly meant,

"Are you sure about this?" he asked yet again, "Because you don't have to. You don't have to just to please me," he said with an assuring smile.

And he meant it, he was happy as they were,

" You don't have to do anything to keep me, " he added chuckling as he joked with her, trying to entice a sweet smile from her to wash away the fretful seriousness that found home over her features.

Shaking her head, she smiled, stepping closer to him, her hands pressed to his chest, "I know, but it's just...

It's just, I've also wanted to," she revealed to him, " I've wanted you to..."

"To what?" He breathed, wanting to know just what she wanted, wanting to hear the words right from her pretty lips,

"Tell me, What do you want me to do to you?" He pressed on, his hands traveling up to her scalp, the pads of his fingers pressed through strands of (h/c).

"Adam," She rasped, " Can you please fuck me?" She uttered shakingly, exited.

"Fuck me roughly, "

"KItten," He purred, " You've been good, " he reassured her with the same enjoyment, glad to know she was enjoying herself, despite the teary-eyed gaze she set on him.

He continued to move his hips, never stopping. Within each hand, he grabbed an end of the belt, holding it tightly before he held it under her chin, gently pressing it against the skin.

He hesitated, his ears perked for their special word, but he didn't hear a word escape her, only the sound of her deeply inhaling through her nose.

"Good..." He muttered appraisingly, pressing a long kiss to the nape of her neck, "You're doing good," He acknowledged.

Feeding the end of the belt through the buckle and wrapping it around his hand,  he was set to properly restrain her, while the other hand was back to her side, gripping the side with claim.

As the pressure on her throat became more apparent, her brain rushed, a loud, excited cry escaping her,

"Adam!" she cried out, the pressure on her throat making the feelings of pleasure so much more intense.

And then he pulled...

In that instant the leather snapped tight against the (s/c) colored skin,  biting into the soft flesh of her neck as it earnestly crushed her throat. Harshly, it squeezed her while the tug from his fisted, wrapped hand-pulled her head back.

A choked, guttle groan left her as he suddenly slammed his hips to her, sinking into her fully in one go and staying there, dug deep within her,

"You wanted to be fucked, right?" He taunted her, reminding her she asked for the punishment. "Just like this," He added.

A fountain rushed from her pulsing heat, soaking his throbbing cock and making a filthy mess, a barley recognizable groan of affirmation falling past her gasping, drooling, mouth.

" What a filthy whore," he grunted with feigned disgust, not truly feeling any repulsion for the woman, because if anything he couldn't be more attracted to her than he was at the moment. " You're a filthy whore who loves getting choked, " he said with a wide grin as he tauntingly tugged on the accessory,

'of all things,' he thought to himself. 'Of all the things you could have asked for... and actually enjoy…'

" Everyone else thinks you a sweet, innocent girl," he reminded her, " They all think of you as pure... when you're nothing but a slut." he added, " A filthy slut who likes to be choked and dominated." he went on.

"You fucking like this, don't you?" He growled, noticing her panting and moaning getting more frantic. "You like being on a leash, right? Just like a bitch."

"Yes...yes! " she squeaked back, words struggling to form in her constricted throat, but with all the willpower she had, she answered back.

"I love it!" She cried out, "I love being your bitch!" She added desperately. " I was born to be your slutty bitch!" She said back, the words flying out of her mouth without a second thought. If it had been any other time she would have never even dreamed of uttering the words, especially not so loudly and boldly, like she had no shame.

"Ah! Adam! " She was building up, every insult he hurled at her pushing her further.

' Darlin…



Angel …



He had so many sweet words to address her, and yet, none felt right. With each thrust of his, she groaned out a curse, hissing at the overwhelming sensation of his brutish fucking.

"You like that, don't you, you filthy bitch," He growled, panting harshly.

"Yes!" She responded back, happily.

"You exist only to get fucked like this by me, don't you?"

"Yes! " She agreed, thrusting back, knowing she was close, "Always...Whenever...Wherever..."

He'd never seen her so sloppy, her voice uncontrolled, her body quaking harshly, unable to hold still,

"I'm...I'm going to... I..." She could barely find the words, just knowing that whatever came was going to move her entirely, hitting her hard.

' Fuck....Yes...I want to cum...I'm going to cum,' She thought with exuberance.

The belt pulled tighter, and all her air supply cutting off with that single motion of his hand. Panicking, her overworked lungs desperately ached for sweet oxygen. Meanwhile, her hands gripped the edge of the desk harder, nearly growing numb with the pressure she used,  all while sobbing joyously.

'This is the best. I can barely... barely think... hardly speak... '

"Is my bitch going to cum"? He rasped, watching her body crumble. Silently, with only the sound of gasping breaths falling past her wet lips she shook,

"(f/n)" He warned, as she was only a stray hair away from true bliss, ignoring him yet again. It was only for a moment that she registered his voice through her heavily hazed mind, but by then it was far too late,

"How unfortunate," he said lowly, smirking darkly,  the leather slipping from his hand as he opened his fist offhandedly. Suddenly, the tension on her neck released and like a tossed doll she fell forward, landing on her face,

'W-What? What just happened,' she thought to herself with alarm, feeling the delicious hardness snugly fucking her suddenly slip out as well.

She then turned her head back to him, huffing heavily, her tearstained face set into a confused, bitter glare.

"Why?" She gasped, losing control of herself, crying.  "Why Adam!" she cried, " Please! don't stop," she protested, her hips desperately dancing back to him.

"Oh darlin'," He said pouting, "Remember? I said only good girls cum, Only good girls who listen," He said while staying unmoved by her distress.

" I was good," she whined vexed. " You're just being unfair!" She said whilst her ass scooted back to him, her throbbing heat begging to be fucked properly by his cock.

"You can't stop now," She demanded, trembling.

It amazing him how bratty she became, all because she was denied.

But it wasn't his fault, he'd been fair. He'd been lenient to begin with, letting her slip up with only small reminders given in place of true punishment.

But then again, it would make sense to him how she felt entitled because perhaps she took his leniency as a sign of weakness,

'It's my fault,' He mused with enjoyment,

"Ohh," ocelot sounded, "Did I spoil you that much?" He asked, smirking, "...So much that you think you can talk to me like that?" He asked coming closer, his hand reaching to her, ignoring the belt, and instead, grasping at her (h/c) strands.

Turning her over, he made her lay her back flat onto the desk, one hand entangled within her hair, the other gripping her neck with a fierce grip.

"Spoiled little bitch, You think you can raise your voice to me?" He asked her lowly.

Blinking up at him with wide (e/c) colored eyes she gasped, a sweet, devious twinkle to her eye making him understand she was willing to be defiant, so long as he kept his hand wrapped around her,

'Where's my sweet little angel?' He wondered, thinking back go the sweetheart that would beg for sweet kisses, driven to bliss by tenderness instead.

Grinning he came down to mark the uncovered bits of her neck his hand wasn't coiled around, the hand tugging at her scalp letting go, falling down to her wet pussy, fingers diving into her needy cunt,

"You want to cum..." he said lowly, "I'll make you cum till you beg me to stop, " He purred, intent on showing her why he was the one in charge, no longer holding back.

Within her fuzzy mind, she couldn't be happier, knowing that when he said something, it was a promise.


Afterward, she lay motionless on the bed, her cheek snuggled onto the pillow, breathing with harsh pants blowing out of her trembling lips.

Her body was married with little bite marks, scattered here and there with the most notable bruise tattooed over her neck.

Occasional groans, so close to mewls drew from her in a way he found to be adorable, and inwardly, he fawned over them. Smiling, he combed his fingers through her messy hair, gently tugging to untangle the knotted messes that had formed during their sinful play.

"Was I too much?" He asked, chuckling at how spent she was.

With a declining nod, she stared at him from the corner of her eye, almost too tired to keep her eyes open. Pressing his lips tenderly at her hairline he continued to smile, lovingly and with complete adoration.

"You need to get up," he said in her ear,  his hand gently trailed up her thigh, stopping at her bum.

He kneaded the flesh with a caring hand, hearing her sigh happily, her arms wrapped around the pillow even more, cuddling into it.

" I can't move," she said breathlessly, her legs rubbing each other.

"I know, " he mused, "But I think a nice warm shower will do you well, " He offered, putting out his hand for her to take,

"What do you say darlin'... Join me?" He added, and soon after, her hand was placed over his, eager to join him in the warm soak.

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"Aren't we all sinners?"

∝Bakugou x reader∝

≈Hunger Games Au≈

‖chp. 1 volunteer‖


~this does not follow the. anime story line and roughly follow the hunger games plot~

Please, Daddy, I don't want you to go!" I screamed as I was being held back by the guards.

   "It's okay, baby, Daddy's gonna win the games and come back, I promise," he said in a soothing voice before we were completely separated.

   I clawed and kicked at the men holding me back. As I was screaming and crying, one of the men threw me over his shoulder.

   "Shut it, kid, or I'll find your mother, too," the man spat in an aggravated tone.

   "Please stop, I don't want him to go!" I pleaded to the men holding me.


   "Y/N.. Y/N, wake up."

   I slowly opened my E/C eyes, only to be yelled at once more.

   "Y/N, baby, come on. It's almost time," my mother sweetly yet sternly yelled at me.

   It was the Reaping, a day in which one man and one woman between the ages of 12 and 18 are chosen to fight in the Games.

  As I was getting out of bed, I saw that she was frantically trying to put mine and Hiyori's clothes together. In her rushed state, she stumbled over the car and fell to the ground. I ran to her aid.

   "Mom, please calm down. Everything will be okay, I promise," I reassured her as I took her hand and helped her off of the floor.

   "Get your sister ready, please," Mom asked sadly. All I could say was "Okay."

   I saw a small black dress had been laid out on my bed along with some black pantyhose. The dress had 3 buttons on the top, along with a collar and a small strip of fabric to tie around my waist. It was embroidered with two small flowers on the front pocket that lay on my left breast and 2 unusually large front pockets that could most likely fit a small book. Sighing, I took of my clothes and slipped on the dress.

   After I got dressed and fixed my hair, I went to my sister Hiyori's room to wake her and help her get ready.

   "Come on, Hiyori, wake up. We have to get ready."

   Hiyori was only 12, and it was her first Reaping. She was only 2 when we lost our father to the Games. It's been hard without him. Though it was long ago, we still mourn his passing.

   "I feel dumb," Hiyori complained as she walked out in her light pink dress, similar to mine in style, with her long, raven hair in a side braid.

   "Well, I think you look beautiful," I reassured her as we made our way to get identified.

   I zoned out as we walked. The atmosphere was thick with tension as everyone awaited their turn to get their finger pricked.

   "Next!" one of the guards said as I was pulled from my thoughts.

   Hiyori gripped the back of my skirt as a way to say "stop".

   "Y/N, I'm scared to get identified," she said in a soft, weary voice

   "It doesn't hurt. I promise," I reassured the green eyed girl.

   My finger was stabbed with a small needle as warm blood slowly poured out. The guard wiped my finger against a slip of paper before scanning it.

   "Y/N Tanaki, 18 years old," the machine spoke. The guard continued to identify people.

   "Next!" he croaked out.

   "...And may the odds be ever in your favor!" exclaimed the woman speaking.

She had long, dark purple hair, and was wearing quite a skimpy dress.

   "As always, ladies first," the woman said with a giggle as she moved over to the women's side of the stage. In one quick motion, she reached for the bowl, and pulled out a small piece of paper.

   Her heels clicked against the floor of the stage as she made her way back to the microphone, her long hair slightly swaying with the wind.

   A scent of fresh bread could be smelt, as the bakery was but only one block away.

   The woman held the paper in front of her.

   "Hiyori Tanaki," she announced.

   I gasped loudly. Shock was evident on my face as I processed what she said.

   "No, please, it can't be, please, God, no," I thought as I screamed her name.

   "I volunteer!" I blurted out, my body moving on its own.

   "I volunteer as tribute!" The guards held me back as I screamed.

   "Looks like we have a volunteer," the woman coed into the microphone.

   "Y/N, no! I can-" Hiyori said before I cut her off.

   "No, you can't!" I snapped, holding her for the few short seconds I got to.

   "I love you" was all I could say as we were pulled away from each other.

   I was escorted onto the stage by one of the guards. I stood about three feet away from the woman announcing.

   "Next, we have the gentlemen," she announced once more, repeating her action from choosing the girls, except now on the men's side.

   "Katsuki Bakugou!" the woman announced. My eyes widened at his name.

   Katsuki was one of my childhood friends. I remember playing in the garden with him and Izuku. We would pick flowers and play family. That all changed when Izuku was chosen as tribute.

   He won the games, but he was never the same.  He lashed out at me and Katsuki, ultimately distancing our friendships. Me and Katsuki were never super close, but friends nonetheless.

   "These are the tributes of this year's Hunger Games!" the woman excitedly announced.

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I came home, went into the room and sat on the bed, I thought about her socks and what to buy her tomorrow when I go to town .. I took them out of my pocket and brought them to my face .. I liked the smell of her socks .. got up and went to the bathroom to jerk it off .. I was horny from that smell .. I took off my tracksuit and boxers and started jerking it off slowly and with my other hand I held Dasa's nylons and smelled that I absorbed that smell .. I soon finished washing my dick from the sperm and returned to the room .. in the evening when I went to bed I sniffed them again .. the next day I went to town I had some obligations and along the way I stopped by a boutique with women's underwear to buy Aunt Dasi socks ... In the evening I returned home .. took a shower and packed new socks in my purse and rolled her old ones in my pocket in my tracksuit and work with her .. when I arrived I rang the bell and heard her voice for a moment ... Aunt Dasa unlocked my door and was surprised, where did you come in ... I said that I was walking to work, so I stopped by, if I didn't mind .. no matter what coffee we had, go sit down .. Aunt Dasa was obsessed with an ordinary mother and she had some gray classics trainers downstairs that attracted me her socks are always in them .. and now the same .. but black thin plain nylons .. I sat on an armchair while she was making coffee she asked me if I was somewhere .. I had some work to do in the city and then stopped by to buy you what I promised you .. she laughed and said ha ha my lunatic I was kidding you shouldn't .. as she approached I looked at her legs ..she put the coffee on the table and sat down and crossed her legs .. I had a nice look at her legs .. I unbuttoned my bag and took out the packed black nylons shiny with the lycra of a famous brand ... she smiled and glanced at them and said they were beautiful you really didn't need to .. I answered -Aunt Daso only wears them we will buy others .. she looked at me and said "-yes that now you will buy me socks, I laughed and said .. I will, it's not hard for me .. we laughed and talked on that topic .. I told her to keep hers and unbuttoned her pocket and took them out to show her .. she looked at me and said -I thought you might have thrown them away .. --- I didn't keep them and see they are whole .. I told her through laughter .. I looked at her leg and asked-what are your socks, and work with your hand .. she didn't move she answered -socks .. I touched her leg and literally stroked her foot all the way to her toes .. I said fine .. Aunt Dasa laughed .. and I with her .. did you take them back to me or .. not only to show you that they are whole .. I kept my hand near her foot and again he anointed .. what are you doing that a. Maybe you won't give me those socks too? She said .. Well .. if you want I answered .. she laughed and looked at me..she lowered her hand and started to take off her sock .. if you tell me the truth why are you doing this and what are you doing with them? .. I nodded and lowered my head. .she repeated the same thing-tell me and I'll give it to you, you'll be able to get it all the time but if you tell me the truth .. I was a little embarrassed but I raised my head and looked into her eyes and rolled over her mouth .. that I like her legs I lowered my head again .. and that as a child I peeked and watched her feet .. that it excites me .. we both kept silent .. she said no comment on this mine .. she paused jt speech .. see you know how much I I have even if my sons are older than you, that I am good with yours .. what if word gets out you are not normal .. you have a girl she is beautiful .. what is she missing? .. I kept silent and looked at the ground .. she was serious. .tell me angrily if you drank coffee go .. okay i got up and took out those pantyhose of hers and put it on the armchair and got out .. while i was going out she told me to take them and not come anymore .. i'm not with e noticed already came out without saying ..

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The Spencer-Kim-Lewis Makeover

Elenco DLC:

Eco Lifestyle (EP)

Discover University (EP)

Island Living (EP)

Get Famous (EP)

Seasons (EP)

City Living (EP)

Get Together (EP)

Get to Work  (EP)

Jungle Adventure (GP)

Parenthood (GP)

Outdoor Retreat (GP)

Tiny Living (SP)

Moschino (SP)

Laundry day (SP)

Movie hangout (SP)

Elenco CC: Generali

Face Overlay: @simemi's Syrup Face Overlay [dl]

Ciglia:  @plumbobjuice's 3D Eyelashes [dl], @kijiko-sims's 3D Lashes Version 2 & Remove EA Lashes [dl]

Occhiaie: @tamo-sim's Basic 10 Eye Bags Set [dl]

Nosemask: @pyxiidis's About Face [dl]

Bocca: @alhajero's A little bunch of lips [dl]

Blush: @pixelsimdreams's Cheeky Baby Blush [dl]

Angoli della bocca: @pralinesims's Mouth Corners n°3  [dl]

Occhi: @solarlemonade's Chamomile eyes [dl]

Sopracciglia: @gvbesims's Brow 04 (Thicker Version) [dl]

Barba: @golyhawhaw's Scoundrel beard [dl]

Eyeliner: @alf-si​'s Eyeliners 01-04 [dl]

Blush: @dangerouslyfreejellyfish's 3k Followers Set  [dl] & @pralinesims's Morgan Blush N53 [dl]

Labbra: @pictureamoebae's Real Lips Revisited [dl]

Seno: @heihu's A Non-Default Maxis Match cleavage overlay [dl]

Skin Overlay (muscular textures): @hiroki's Better Body [dl]

Peli corporei: @luumia's Body Hair V5 [dl]

Bodyblush: @simandy's Blue Skies Set [dl]

Abiti da lavoro: @foggy-frontier's unlocked cas parts [dl]

Guanti e Pantaloni: @wyattssims's Winter wear stuff  [dl]

Anelli: @plumbobteasociety's Rustic Romance Stuff [dl]

Unghie: @simlaughlove​'s Rainbow Nails [dl] & @s-club-tbr​'s  Nail art S-Club LL ts4 N08 [dl]

Smalto unghie dei piedi: @lostnlonelygirl's Colorful Toenails 4 All [dl]

Scarpe: @tukete​'s fitness athletic shoes recolor [dl], @marvell

Eric Lewis

Capelli: @hellagoodsims's EF13 AfroShort (Retextured) [dl]

Maglione: @younzoey's High Neck 01s [dl]

Nude Top: @dumbabysims's new more detailed Thor [dl]

Scarpe: @marvinsims's Oxford shoes [dl]

Alice Spencer-Kim

Capelli: @greenllamas's Pleasant Hair [dl]

Ombretto: @SerendipityQOH's  Bekka Eyeshadow [dl] & @simpai's Soft Glow Eyeshadow [dl]

Orecchini: @darknighttsims​'s Framed Leaf Drop Earrings [dl]

Abito: @joliebean's Ada dress [dl]

Scarpe: @slyd's Classic Mule [dl]

Olivia Kim-Lewis

Capelli: @naevys-sims's Mars Hair [dl]

Cappello: @sisselin's Bubble Cap [dl]

Orecchini: @hypergnomesimblr​'s Cupcake Earrings & Heart Earrings [dl]; @giuliettasims's sunflower stud Earrings [dl] & @onyxsims's Arley CF Set [dl]

Top: @aroundthesims​'s  T-shirts with Long Sleeves [dl]

Scarpe: @onyxsims's Pierced sneakers for kids and toddlers [dl]

Vivian Lewis

Capelli: @s4simomo's Dreads undercut v2 [dl]

Sopracciglia: @s-club-tbr's Eyebrows F 201712 [dl]

Orecchini: @renorasims's Peacock Earrings [dl], @simstrouble's tropical earrings [dl] & @s-club-tbr's ts4 erring N29 [dl]

Collana: @blogsimplesimmer's  Shell Necklace V2 [dl]

Top: @renorasims's Risky Business Top [dl]

Gonna: @casteru's Knit ribbed skirt [dl]

Abito completo: @renorasims's Comfy Cashmere Dress [dl]

Costume da bagno: @aharris00britney's Nicole Swimsuit [dl]

Unghie: @jomsimscreations's Long Nails [dl]

Leggings: @annamsblue's Mona Pantyhose Collection [dl]

Scarpe: @renorasims's Not So Flat Flats [dl] & @saurussims's nougat boots [dl]

Dennis Kim

Capelli: @s4simomo's Raphael Bun v.1 [dl]

Occhiali: @pralinesims's Sandra Glasses [dl]

Collana: @mathcopesims's wolf necklage v.2 [dl]

Blush: @dangerouslyfreejellyfish's 3k Seguaci Set  [dl]

Labbra: @pictureamoebae's Real Lips Revisited [dl]

Cicatrice: @bluemoonsim​'s assortment of scars pt.2 [dl]

Tattoos: @basementalcc's Basemental Gangs Mod [dl] & @blogsimplesimmer​'s Hanzo tattoo [dl]

Nude Top: @dumbabysims's  THOR male top mesh [dl]

Abiti: @mclaynesims's Napping Robe [dl] & Wano Robe [dl]

Costume da bagno: @eddielle Micro Bikini Glossy V1 [dl]

Cappotto: @mana-tea-sims's outerwear recolor [dl]

Guanti: @mahocreations's  Gloves Apocalyptic [dl]

Sandali: @synthsims​'s Gladiator Sandal (Synth X @luumia​ Summer Stroll) [dl] & @drosims's Squalo & Tiziano Shoes [dl]

Jorge Lewis

Capelli: @mathcopesims's Davide Hair [dl]

Barba: @hellagoodsims's Lorenzo's Beard [dl]

Top: @puresims's Dylan Shirt [dl], @belaloallure3's Jeremie Shirt [dl], @julietoon Male University EP08 Blazer Cardigan Recolours [dl]

Pantaloni: @wyattssims's Corduray Pants [dl], @blogsimplesimmer's Dimitri pants recolor [dl], @casteru's brushed NY sweatpants [dl], @darte77's belted jeans 05 [dl]

Calzini: @mercisims​'s deni knitted socks [dl]

Scarpe: @plumbobteasociety's Foxtrot Foot wear [dl], @julietoon's 3to4 singermid boots [dl]

Lydia Spencer

Skintone: @peacemaker-ic's The Other Side [dl]

Capelli: @zurkdesign's Simplicity [dl], @okruee's Lipa Hair [dl], @simcelebrity00's hot girl summer hair [dl] & @simplifiedsimi's Sweetener Hairstyle [dl]

Cappello: @saurussims's raspberry beret [dl]

Occhiali: @casteru's Round Glasses (Fixed) [dl] & @femmeonamissionsims's Timothy Glasses [dl]

Ombretto: @megziesims's Chloe Eyeshadow [dl], @crypticsim's the kylie cosmetics birthday palette [dl], @mysteriousdane's natasha denona purple blue [dl]

Orecchini: @4w25-cc′s Elegant earrings [dl]

Collana: @kumikya's Plumbob necklace [dl]

Felpa: @captainmrbored's kneat sweater [dl]

Abito: @faded-springs's  savvy x grim corduroy suit [dl], @imvikai's cosmos dress [dl], @bustedpixels's fifth avenue fashions s3 conversion [dl], @brianitesims's Rosso dress [dl]

Costume da bagno & Cappotto: @renorasims's Kala Swimsuit (full body) [dl] & Chablis Trench Coat [dl]

Leggings: @deelitefulsimmer's DU leggings [dl]

Bracciale: @wyattssims's Multi Bracelets [dl], @s-sac's lucid bangle [dl]

Collant: @sims4nexus​'s  Wool Tights [dl]

Calze: @coloresurbanos's Patreon Sock 1 [dl], @kedluu's lace stockings [dl]

Scarpe: @julietoon's 3to4 Ankle Boots [dl], @lizziksims's d'Orsay flats shoes [dl] @marvell-world's Moschino Shoes [dl], @isjao's fresh heels [dl] & @renorasims's leather boots [dl]

Mods (opzionali)

@obscurus-sims's more sliders for the face [dl], sliders for eyes [dl] & sliders for nose [dl]

@golyhawhaw neck slider fixed [dl]

@luumia's experimental presets & sliders [dl]

@roburkyplaysthesims's fitness controls [dl]

@yokozii's what a peach! butt slider presets new [dl]

@cmar-nyc's Enhanced Leg Sliders [dl]

@magic-bot-cc-use's default feet 5v slider feet replacement [dl]

Spero di non aver dimenticato nulla.

Troverete l'intero Makeover della famiglia Spencer-Kim-Lewis nel Catalogo della mia Galleria. ID galleria: mengi87


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Dancin' in the moonlight

Every night for the past month and half he sits in the front row with eyes glued to you, although he never stays after the show. Until tonight.

This is a Bucky Barnes x showgirl! reader.  (This is also dedicated to my wondrous and absolutely stunning friend @docshollidaze​ this is lowkey an alternative universe by accident, I made tiny adjustments to Bucky's story.)

Viewers beware you're in for a scare with the; Heartache of angst, explicit language, sexual themes/remarks, your a showgirl so uh that's self explanatory,  Bucky boyo is soft af, oh and a fuck ton of fluff that you better have a butterfly catcher for. So, enjoy!

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"He's here again." Your fellow showgirl scowled out in a huff, you whirled your head out from the curtain that shielded your body along with the rest of the girl's. It was just a hair of a few minutes before you all went on to perform. You never got nervous, dancing, hell you've done more less seductive dancing since you were a literal toddler. Before your mother decided it was best to move from the best dance company in the state. But hey, you can't always get what you want. You smiled at that but it quickly faltered when your eyes scanned over to who was in the crowd tonight. It was the usual middle-aged to barely legal "men." Some ran from their wives and children searching for something new, while others ran from their mother's disapproving face when she learned where he had been. Except for him. He sat the closest to you, where your 'x' was on the stage.

 He's been coming for the past, your brain stopped counting the days reached around fourteen and continued. He always sat in the same leather seat, the pamphlet that listed your name along with the twenty other girls on there placed firmly into his obnoxiously long fingers as they plucked another page. His forefinger and thumb resting on the one behind it, while his head is tilted as he tried to read it, his other hand rested on his slim yet wide pinstripe panted thigh, his black, no, maybe dark brown fawn-like hair was dimmed from the amount of gel he had put on his hair before he came. To slick it back and look presentable for the night's events. Your clutch on the satin increased as his eyes met over to yours, you were staggered that your prying had been caught and your heeled feet stumbled back into the dressing rooms. "I told you he was out there," Scarlett informed you once more, she was slightly bent forward carefully lining her lips with ruby red lipstick. One of which would even make Dorothy jealous.

The rest of the girls were lined and ready to go out, meanwhile, you were slightly panicking. "Yes, I know." You shrugged, carefully to not alarm her of his effects that were making your skin tingle. She squinted her eyes in the mirror, you were behind her so they were staring you dead, she had an attitude. Everyone here did, if no one had it then there would probably be no such thing as a showgirl. That being said, would it be such a shame if something were to distract her, to make her mess up and damage her plastered on beauty? No, that would be too cruel, even for you that was low. And if you did it would cost your hard work, she was the top girl. Her face was plastered front and center on the front page of that damn pamphlet, and you've had it.

The only reason she was at the height of her career. Is the blatant fact that she will bend down in front of every big man who has the power of a god. And will bat her artificially way too big to be real eyelashes and saying, no, rather begging the word; "Please." That is how she built her reputation of being the greatest showgirl in town, it made your stomach feel deep and resonant, knowing the inevitable truth that if you wanted to make it big. You had to lose some self-worth. You knew that, but you wanted to be the first who didn't which led you below her.

Always second best, you were also feeling her undeniable signature fragrance of; cheap. Blending into with everything else in this shit hole, hers was strangely husky. You began to go to the line, but of course, being stopped by her snooty voice saying "Oh, and toot's we've switched 'x's. You're on the right now." You are sure to have swallowed at least a few flies from how far your mouth gaped, see, the thing with that was Mr. Mysterio had always sat there in front of your 'x' and watched you dance. And now, he had to watch her. Dammit, you felt your eyes burn from the upcoming tears burning from behind the sockets at the news, Your lips pursed trying to not assault the famous dame.

God tested your self-restraint when she pouted her lips when she did to schmooze those men. She sat back and looked defeated, she'd be a damn good actor if she wasn't just such a bitch. "That's just show business, sweetie, nothing personal." With that, she got up with a twisted smirk she stopped when she reached the curtain and blew you a kiss and whisked away into the depths of the satin seas. Your breathing became ragged and short, steam billowing out of your fried brain from the number of thoughts flooding through it. You were going to be damned if this was not going to be the best show you ever gave.

The roar of the crowd you would never get enough of, adrenaline pumping in your veins, making your heart swell. You were becoming a junkie because of it, wanting the next supply of it and the gentleman you can see from afar adding onto the dose. Your boss, the man who orchestrates it all, announcing the events of the show, his hands folded neatly onto his lap. The sheer white of his blouse was nearly see-through from the bright stage lights that had caught him in the act. You could see the carving into his stomach where the muscles clenched when he shifted into a more comfortable position. After this performance you were going to jail for murdering Scarlett Lestat.

"Introducing the Darling doll's!" He boomed his body drenched in the smell of whiskey and cigars. Ah, the forties, he put on a smug look and winked at each and every girl until he got to you, he did this.

Every. Single. Show. He didn't say nor do anything except cause the sharp pain cascading on your ass. You were going to burn the sparkly booty shorts that rode up everywhere. All you were doing was selling lust a piece of meat. You were going to put him into his place scream at him on the top of your lungs and humiliate him in front of everyone. Unto the girl in front of you went onto the stage; meaning it was your turn to follow. Your hands are clenched as you were blinded by the intense lights your eyes dilated as you walked, you shielded your eyes with a hand. Trying to not let the light burn your eyes more than they already had, you were going to get yelled at for that but honestly, you didn't give a shit.

You are supposed to have your hands open and nimble, your body smaller then one's should ever be, and your legs longer than the estate. Your face was to hold a bright glimmer of pearls, your lips making them look smoother, yet. Your face stood tranquil and insipid the scowl worsening as you began your saunter to Scarlett's old marking. Her sloppy second of a place made you feel defiled, which made your scowl turn into a deep grimace as he was farther away then you imagined. You wanted to laugh at how astonishingly dense the situation you landed yourself in, you couldn't even see him from the blinding beams they supposedly accentuated the dazzle of the fake rhinestones on your costume.

Although they were cheap and falling off as you walked, your heels clicking against the wood. You planted your feet on the 'x' as you anticipated for the music to begin, the girl's around you already had been in their pose. One arm above their head the wrist limp as they stared at it, ready to begin one hip popped as you were in an offbeat stance. You decided to go all out or nothing so you took off your heels, they weren't good on your feet when you danced anyway. Some gasped around you as they watched you with horror in their eyes as they watched on. Scarlett caught on and tried desperately to catch your attention as she watched your charade.

 "Y/n!" she hissed when you didn't turn your head but rather jutted your chin out to the crowd, you could feel her glare burn circles into the side of your head. "Y/N!" she screamed as she stomped her heeled foot against the burgundy wood to make a single clack sound out a mere second before the music originated. You hunched down your leg going before you on the splinted floor, your hands eased the stretch, your other leg ran behind you as gravity took hold and made you fall flat. You didn't even know what you were doing but you knew you weren't going to dance like the other's and you did for the past two months.

The burn in your legs felt oddly good and you twisted backward your legs now in front of you closed, you pushed your head onto the floor making your back arch as you stared straight into the blurred crowd. Your hands ran to your sides slowly running up and down your stomach, you bit your lip and smiled when you tasted the familiar lipstick.

You pushed yourself up, now into a standing form as you watched Scarlett gawk at your behavior. You swore her painted eyes were coming out of her head as you fell to the floor once again. You crawled her way, she was meat to men as well and now she was your play toy. Girls jumped out of your way and shrieked, thinking you had been drugged which made you deranged and maybe you were and honestly it felt good, Scarlett began to kick a heeled foot in your face. To her fault, you grabbed onto her pantyhosed legs and pulled your way up her body, tearing the fabric your way. You didn't care.

You didn't care about anything nor did you care about her perfectly manicured hands swatting at you in hopes to get you off. Her little bits of help rammed into your ears as she begged a crew member to help her get you off, although everyone knows Scarlett was a bitch. So they just sat back and watched the now more entertaining show. You smiled when tears started to fall from her face making the makeup she spent forever perfecting smear and smudge. Her face was far from sexy, her mouth wide, her lips small and she overlined them too much in order for her to portray what she thought was ideal. You could hear the end of the song near and you obtained strength onto your bare feet and you leaned over to her ear and inhaled.

Your breath fanned over her neck, and you restrained the laugh that bubbled in your throat when you heard her breath hitch, you looked terrifying. You loved every bit. "You're in my spot." you courteously said but sternly at the same time, as she trembled from fear, and quailed off the stage. Meanwhile, the stage was vacant, you were the only one who was carrying the show. You walked to the middle, sweat drenching your skin, your makeup smeared from sweat but not nearly as bad as Scarletts.

The song finished as you bowed one arm across your stomach as you bent down. The light's radiating onto your skin didn't help the warmth that flooded your body when the other arm mimicked the girl's formation before the song occurred, your legs crossed elegantly over the other. You heard a few off distant clapping as you lifted your head and exited, with a humongous smile on your face. You were sure this was going to be the header in the paper tomorrow, and you gloated all the way to the dressing room. A small skip here and there as you walked.

You gathered your things at a breakneck pace as the events came to mind at how catastrophic they came to be. Not a single knock came across your door in that hour you changed. Reasonably they were scared because they knew you were destructive, a ticking bomb that exploded in the next person's face it encountered. Maybe they were intimidated from you doing what they all wanted to do but never having the guts to do so. Maybe you were insane, and maybe just a tiny possibility you liked this. Your plain black shirt and beige khaki pants were on bruised knees from them clicking hard against the ground.

They burned deliciously against the fabric. You were judged for what you wore some thinking you were a disgrace to women, others praised you for your diversity. You laughed at how mixed the opinions of the world were, some loved you and others (Scarlett, to name one.) wanted your head on a stake. You laughed harder, what heterogeneity. You took a seat in the ratted cushioned chair as you stared in the mirror, your makeup almost completely has gone from your face from sweat. Your eyes took in how your body slunk back against the chair, your eyes dark with the light bulbs that pinned against the mirror glaring back into them, taunting you making fun of how your natural beauty is peeking behind the mask. You licked your lips having enough of its mockery until a shadow of a figure appeared behind you in the mirror.

It reminded you of Scarlett's taunting you were done with her little games. The speed of your head-turning back should've killed you but it allowed you to take in it's angelic form. Your eyes were deadlocked on the figure, up until you blinked. It seemed it vanished with a literal blink of an eye, you were losing it. You are upset to say the least. Now being watched by an unmasked figure? Could this night become even better? You clutched your fists tight in a clutch of fury, your appearance not doing justice to help your mood. Your eyes were focused on your face as your brain began to pick away every flaw. You will never be at the top. How can you be such a fool to believe something so fable. Before you could even register your actions, your fist flew into the mirror.

Eruption of cracks and wedges began to make a current in the glass, around the round red circle that caused it to happen. The blood that left your hand acted; as if it were raining on a car's window. It began to split and fall down the webs. You clutched your throbbing head in your hands as your elbows held you from smacking face first into the desk. How can you be so idiotic, clammy fingers were clutched in a death grip of lost curls when your thoughts started to fester.

All you will ever be is a little girl, and that is all it took for your tears to fall. It was as if a dam was broken for the first time in history. Your shoulders trembled along with your sanity. Such bullshit, dancing, Scarlett, and the thing. Mysterious. A shiver ran up your spine. As your skin tingles from a warm prickly hand, clasped a soft grip onto where your neck stopped and your shoulder began. Who? Who thought they could touch you. You weren't fucking easy, well, until they spoke. A croak, a rumble of a hoarse voice ran to the depths of your stomach.

Whenever the sound left its throat and wrapped itself into your ear. "Darling, that has to be the best show you've ever had." You swore you saw red, why'd they have to remind you of what was never to happen again? Why did god have to be so cruel, especially to you. Maybe you were just his favorite joke. Easy to him.

 You spun around, your tears still ever falling. Anger perhaps but more anguish then anything. Your eyes darkened with hate as the words spat through your smeared lips. "How dare you, come into a ladies dressing room!" You began to stick a finger into the suspects chest, making them shuffle their too polished black shoes to the door. "Uninvited, unannounced, what kind of man are you?!" Spit began to fly from your lips and dust their white dress shirt, which made small damp spots as they seeped into the thread. A few buttons from the top were unbuttoned which allowed you to see the smallest bit of chest. And then you come to realize, it was indeed a man. Fabulous.

The tip of your finger dug into his skin, the nail made a small indenture in his torn skin. While making the man hiss and grab your hand, your wrist was now securely locked into his appealingly large hand. His long fingers tied his hand closed, your eyes darted up as your head tilted now fully seeing him. You gulped. "You best get this finger out of my face, sweetheart." His steel blue eyes pierced their ways into yours as yours widened from the shock given of surprise.

His cherry lips pulled into a pursed line, as he thought of what to say. Should you apologize? Stay quiet and wait for his undeniable rejection, you were fucked either way. You were broken from your wandering as his lips pressed against the scarred skin of your knuckles. His eyebrows furrowed as his gaze stared deeply into them, the hand that he clutched. Is now flat against his scar and calloused filled palm as he brushed his thumb that was bigger than your knuckles against them. You thought he was trying to soothe the pain although you didn't feel any, but that's one secret you'd never tell. You couldn't tell how but his lips were nonexistent as he chewed on them, deep in his thinking. His eyes never leave the skin, which gives you the perfect opportunity for you to watch his clenched jaw. No longer shadowed by the dim of light, the bone was sharp and followed by a few scars that crept along it. You cursed him for being so attractive.

Everything about him was perfect, so why the actual hell is he here with you? "What did you do?" His voice made you jump even though it was the gentlest thing you had ever heard in your life. His eyes finally left your knuckles and placed themselves onto your face once again, good god he was beautiful. One of god's greatest works you had to admit. A few more scattered scars littered across his face, which made you wonder. What fight was he fighting? It begged you to ask but you went against it and answered his awaiting question. "It's just a scrape, nothing really," you shrugged, your eyes landing on the door behind him, wishing you could escape his disappointment etching onto his face at the lie. You never were the best liar, always losing at a game of cards for it. His free hand came to your jaw, a thumb landing on your cheek as the rest curled around your chin. "Have you ever been shot, darlin?"

His voice came out soft making your knees wobble. If you spoke you knew your voice would betray you so you shook your head. A corner of his perfect lips lifted into a carefully crafted etch of a smile, his eyes crinkling slightly from years on this torturous planet. Which had aged him into such a fine man, as he continued. "Well, it sort of feels like this." His smile flattered into the flat line as it did before as his hand fell from your face. Your skin already missed his touch, although, the burn on your knuckles made your face quench tightly. As he pressed his thumb onto a knuckle. The blood flooding behind it drenching his thumb as it did.


Is the word that echoed itself inside your head, as his hand brought your bloodied one to his lips. He kissed each one, his pink skin dirtied red. You gasped whenever his tongue poked out and began to lick the weeping blood from your wound. Your face turned into a snicker, it was gross, sure, but he was helping you. Right? "You know you can get diseases from that," your voice came out in a whisper although his super hearing picked up on it. "It can-" he paused, letting your hand fall back into its natural place as the back of his stained hand, wipes the evidence away. Then they came to rest on the small of your back, yours came to rest onto his stout chest. The thin layer made his skin warm from your hands, his muscles flexed against your feeble hands.

 His neck was slightly bent as his face was now closer to yours. His hot breath fanning across your tear stained cheeks, his eyes made you swim in them. Entacranced, was the perfect word to describe your frozen figure. You were going to paint your entire shitty apartment that color once you went back home. Maybe just maybe you could bring him with you. "And love is perhaps the deadliest disease I've ever captured." Your heart began to pound against your chest as if it wasn't before.

This time you thought you might have a heart attack, whenever his lips skimmed across your own. Your breath quickened as his was steady and calming. You wanted to see how warm the air had gotten. It was amusing from a bystander and you would laugh from how you chanted how you weren't easy. But here you are melting under him, yet you were too occupied with the complications at hand. His voice deepened as he confessed his love, "I remember when I was five maybe even six years old. When I first had seen you. You happened to move across the street from me, a pretty fragile and a heartthrob I must say," you smiled at that. "Pretty and dangerous, probably the most fun I've ever had in my small amount of life I'd spent on broads."

The details seemed to come as he reminisced, and whenever a fleck of a glimmer ran through his eyes. Could he be Buck? The Bucky from when you were in diapers? No, it was impossible. He leaned impossibly closer, his nose bumping against yours in the process. "Nothing has changed, you're a little taller now I suppose. Still a bit on the short side to me," You gently shove him at his silly jab, his big shoulders coming up in a shrug. "I would watch you and my sister play as I sat on the curb in the mud. Because the deadly outbreak of cooties had happened," he rolled his eyes at the thought, pausing to chew on his bottom plumped lip. "As if that would stop you."

You let out and soon after regretting it as his mouth fell open. He grabbed onto your sides and hoisted you over his shoulder. "You sure are feistier than before," he let out a roar when he patted your ass a couple swats landed on each cheek. You screeched as you hit against his broad back, your feet flying in the air, with pleads of help. You were embarrassed, and ashamed to admit you were enjoying his raboutious action. Until the point you had said; "BUCKY BARNES, YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Your hands grabbed tight against his dress shirt as you flew down from his shoulder, and onto a ratty couch in the small room. His face pinched as he laid in between your thighs his weight making your breath a little heavy, his hand came into your hair.

"What did you just call me?" Grunted out in question as he ran his fingers through your now tangled hair. Shit. Maybe this was a bad idea, it was a slip of the tongue. You didn't want to disappoint him again if you lied, so you chose the truth as it was the best even though it was the worst option. "B-Bucky, it was a stupid nickname I made up from when I was a kid, it's obscure. I know but I-" you were unsure as to how you were going to finish what you are rambling about. Until his fingers stopped and a finger flew down and onto your lips. Your eyes darted to his as they drew daggers down at you, a few perfect dark hairs fell onto his forehead as he leaned over you. "Doll, I swear I love you. But if you say one more damn word, I'm going to have to shut you up." He growled out and his hips flattened against yours, all his weight settled into you. You were trapped underneath the boulder of a man and suddenly you were self conscious. A perfect man in between your legs that were wrapped between his sculpted hips.

 He ground down pushing his hips as far as he could, you whimpered at the friction. Your arms crossed themselves over your chest, trying to hide the minimum of what you could. He noticed and clicked his tongue in a disapproving of it. His hands grabbed onto your biceps and were pushed above you, they were tied on the headrest of the ratty couch. One of his hands came to capture your wrists into one. As he brought his other hand down around your cheek lifting your head, making him have the perfect position above you. With a wicked smirk his voice was flat when he started, you should be scared yet you were strangely all too focused on getting more out of the man. Take, take, take and maybe, he would give you the littlest bit of something.

"When you moved away you broke my heart doll." He nipped at your nose anger, sorrowful memories ran through him as the memories came back fresh. "Broke my already broken heart into a thousand shards, like that damn mirror that broke your hand." His head butted upwards towards your bound wrists, and all at once it came to you.

 He didn't stop because that title wasn't his, but rather one he shoved down into the darkest part of him to forget. "I came to realize that this existence served no point without having you, to call you mine," your face began to heat up from having such power just on him, and how your feelings were intensified just as much as his. He kept talking about his melancholy story, surely not to have a pleasant ending. Hell, that's all he ever wanted. Not even perfect, but okay he could get by from that. But he knew he wouldn't ever get it after what he's done to himself, and effecting you. "I enrolled, to get away from my father, and to get away from the ghost of you," his sudden choke on his words. Made you want to hide from this sorrowful exchange, such a broken man in a hollow body.

"I never wanted to be such a coward, yet here I am cowering in my childhood crush." He shook his head as he released you entirely and sat back with his hands hiding his face, you were struck in awe. The night took the sharpest of turns but you were happy. Happy at the fact that the man you thought you would never would ever see again, has magically wedged himself back into your miserable life. You shuffled over to him, your hand tracing soothing shapes onto his clothed back. Silence crept into your conversation as you thought over your words carefully, you were in a drought as you couldn't find anything to say that would upset him. The train wreck in your brain rammed all of the memories of your childhood back into your head and then you found it. The one that made him turn his head. You put a smile on from how childish it was because you were a literal children, it was dumb but oh so cute.

"You remember when you attempted to kiss me?" He groaned and shook his head, not wanting to be reminded of his past mistakes that haunted him everyday. Your hand ran its way to his hair. The gel made your hand sticky with its unlawful amount although you couldn't care less. "I had a sleepover with Lucy and got scared out of my wits at a bad dream and you said if you kissed me I wouldn't remember it," you let out a laugh as you reminded him of how pitiful it was. His shoulders shook as he too started to chuckle at how obnoxious it is. He turned, now fully facing you. His eyes the bluest of blue that shone brighter than the moon, he looked at you with a smirk painted on those sinful lips "I was a damn good liar then, and a damn great one now,"

He moved until he was so close that he couldn't humanly move closer. His hands crept where they were both on the sides of your neck tilting your head to meet his lips. "Although, this time sugar, I don't need an excuse." His mouth delved onto yours in such a fashion that it made your teeth clash together.

His teeth bit and nipped at your lips until his tongue came to and ran it's way over your bottom lip. Taking you by surprise and making you mewl, which let him have entrance to allow him to shove his tongue farther into your mouth circulating around yours. You had to hit at his shoulders to make him let you breathe, your chest heaving when he shifted back into his place. His thumb ran over his lips, a hint of cherry lipstick smeared across them. You wondered if they burned as much as yours did, you blushed at how devilish he was and suddenly you became shy. He stood in front of you with his hand out with a bow, inviting you to dance, you couldn't reject the offer so you took his hand.

 You were starstruck as he pulled you straight into his arms, swaying in his chest. His face went into the crook of your neck breathing in the scent of strawberries in your hair. His hands fell low on your back at the curve of your barely covered ass, he pushed you close as you waltzed around the dainty trashy room. Your head fell softly against his chest, you could fall asleep like this. When silence was your music along with the dull background noise of the midnight of New York's busy streets.

The moon's glow falling through the broken window over the two of you. A nature stage light, "The worst thing is, I'm still madly in love with you as I was then as I am now." He gave a soft peck to your neck as he spun you out. The next day, it was merely dawn when you rolled over and had awoken; coming cold when Bucky warmth was nowhere to be found. But to a note where Bucky had slept the night before, and what it said made you want to become numb with angst. When you read the text in his fast jotted down words which said;

"Doll, I want another dance when I come back. (Wear pigtails.)"

 ~love the one and only, Bucky barnes.

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COLOR.       ——       red. B.    orange.    yellow.    green.   blue.   purple.  pink.  black .white.   teal.   silver.    gold.   grey.   lilac.   metallic.   matte.    royal blue.   strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green.    apple red. navy blue.  crimson. cream.    mint green.   magenta.     pastels.    bubblegum pink.   blood red.    ivory.

ELEMENTAL.      ——        fire. ice.  water.   air.   earth.   rain.   snow.  wind.    moon.    stars.   sun.    heat.    cold.  steam.   frost.   lightning.    thunder.   sunlight.    moonlight.  dawn.    dusk.  twilight.  midnight.  sunrise.   sunset.  dewdrops.    clouds.   light.    dark. shadow.

BODY.       ——     claws.    long fingers.   fangs.   teeth. wings.    tails.    lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises.   canine.    scars.    scratches.  ears.   wounds.    burns.    spikes.    feathers.   webs.   eyes.  hands.   sweat.    tears.   feline.    chubby.   curvy.     short.   tall.      normal height.   muscular.   slender.  trained.   piercings.  tattoos.   strong.   shape shifting.    svelte.   long hair.       short hair.   dark circles.    big.    small.   prosthetic.    experimented.    cyborg.    halos.    horns.    wolfish.

WEAPONRY.        ——       fists.   sword.    dagger.   spear.    scythe.    bow & arrow.    hammer.   shield.   poison.   guns.   axes.    throwing axes.    whips.    knives.    throwing knives.   pepper sprays.    tasers.    machine guns.    slingshots.    katanas.    maces.    staffs.    wands.   powers.    magical items.    magic. rocks.   power loader.    flamethrower.    metal rod.    shotguns.    needles.

MATERIAL.        ——       gold.    silver.    platinum.   titanium.    diamonds.    pearls.    rubies. sapphires.    emeralds.    amethyst.   metal.    iron.    rust.    steel.   wood.   porcelain.   paper.   wool.   fur.   lace.    leather.    copper.   silk.   velvet. denim.     linen.   cotton.   charcoal.    clay.   stone.    asphalt.    brick.    marble.    dust. glitter.  blood.   dirt.   mud.    smoke.    ash.   shadow.  carbonate.    rubber.   synthetics.    yarn.    slime.    ivory.

NATURE.       ——       grass.    leaves.    trees.   bark.   roses.    daisies.    tulips.    holly.   lavender.   lilies.    petals.    thorns.     sunflowers.    seeds.    hay.    sand.  rocks.   snow. ice.  roots.   flowers.    ocean.    river.   lake.    meadow.  forest.    desert.    tundra.    savanna.    rain forest.    swamp.    caves.    underwater.    coral reef.   beach.    waves.    space.   stars.   clouds.   mountains.    fungi.   cliffs.    sunlight.

ANIMALS.       ——       lions.    wolves.   black panther.   eagles.   owls.    falcons.    hawks.    swans.    snakes.    turtles.    ducks.   bugs.    roaches.    spiders.   birds.   whales.    dolphins.    fish.    sharks.    horses.   cats. dogs.    bunnies.    praying mantis.   crows.     ravens.    misc.    lizards.    frogs.   bears.    werewolves.   unicorns.   pegasus.   dinosaurs.    dragons.   felines.   foxes.     centaurs.

FOOD & DRINK.      ——      sugar.   salt.   water. candy.    bubblegum.    wine.    champagne.   hard liquor.      beer.    coffee.    (iced) tea.   spices.    herbs.     apple.    orange.    lemon.   cherry.    strawberry.    watermelon.   vegetables.   fruits.   meat.    fish.   pies.   desserts.    chocolate.   cream.    caramel.    berries.   nuts.   cinnamon.   burgers.   burritos.    pizza.    vanilla.    cookies.

HOBBIES.       ——        music.  art.  piercing.    watercolours.    gardening.    knitting.    smithing.    sculpting.    painting.    sketching.    fighting.    fencing.    riding.    writing.   composing.   cooking.    sewing.    training.   dancing.    acting.    singing.    martial arts.    self - defense.   electronics.    technology.    cameras.   video cameras.    video games.    computer.   phone.    movies.    theater.   libraries.  books. magazines.   poetry. philosophy.  cds.    records.    vinyls.    cassettes.  piano.   violin.  fiddle .  cello.    guitar.    electronic guitar.    bass guitar.    harmonica.    synthesizers.    harp.    woodwinds.    brass.    trumpet.    flute.    drums.   bells.    playing cards.    poker chips.    chess.    dice.    motorcycle riding.    eating.   climbing.    tree climbing.    running.    vivisection.

STYLE.       ——       lingerie.   armor.   cape.    dress.   robes.   suit. tunic.    vest.    shirt.    boots.  heels.   legging.    trousers.  jeans. skirt.  shorts.   jewelry.    earrings.    necklace.    bracelet.    ring.    pendants.  hat.   goggles.   crown. circlet.    helmet.    scarf.    neck tie.   brocade.   cloaks.    corsets.    doublet.   chest plate.    gorget.    bracers.   belt.    pauldrons.    sash.   coat.jacket.   hood.   gloves.   socks.    masks.    cowls.    braces.    watches.    glasses.   sunglasses.    visor.    eye contacts.    makeup.    pantyhose.    stockings.    thigh highs.   eye patch.    collar.  no makeup.

MISC.       ——        balloons.    bubbles. cityscape. landscape.    light.   dark.   candles.  war.   peace. money.   power. percussion.   clocks.  photos. mirror.   pets.   diary.   fairy lights.   madness.   sanity.  sadness.   happiness.   optimism. pessimism.   realism.   loneliness.    anger.    family.   friends. assistants.    co-workers.    enemies.   lovers. loyalty. smoking.   alcohol.   drugs. kindness.   love.

Tagged by: @tesstingyou, @destructivebirth

I tag:you

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Bright as a Diamond. Hitoshi Shinsou x Fem Reader: Chapter Four

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Summary: When (Y/N)'s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren't all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it's time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than 'roommate' Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she's ready to learn.

Chapter Three:

Chapter Five:


   My alarm was a few minutes from going off, so I sat in silence, waiting for it to cry out that I had to move. The new mattress was firm enough; I didn't sink but soft enough that it supported my curves. Still, I couldn't fight off the nightmares.

   With the first siren, I had shut down the machine. Grasping my compact, I dabbed concealer under my eyes and applied the thinnest layer of blush I could get by with. Pushing my hair up into a tight bun, I was happy with my minimal look.

   Grabbing my phone, I nearly dropped it to the floor—two thousand unread emails on my school account. My lips formed into an o, and I remembered that I had been the main topic of the Wednesday paper, of course, someone would leak my email.

   As I scanned the emails, most were for charity auctions. Wanting me to demonstrate how my quirk works, then offer the highest bidder one of my perfect diamonds. Others were from geologists wishing to study how I create crystals from nothing but my body. A few were from people spilling their life story and asking for my help. The list went on and on and on.

   "Shota?" I called my uncle, stumbling, from my room. He was in his sleeping bag on the kitchen floor.

   "Hmm?" he glanced up.

   "Someone leaked my university email." I whimpered, pursing my lips together. "How am I supposed to see what my professors post. People know my school now. Like- I-"

   "Calm down." Shota sat up and took my phone. "Go finish getting ready, and I'll fix it."

   "Yes, sir." I went back to my room, pulled on my tighter pencil skirt, then I remembered. Then I put on a purple blouse and a cute blazer. Of course, the jewelry I wore mattered, so I put the necklace my dad made me under my shirt and placed a simple chain to be visible. Then I positioned some magnetic gold studs and put a gold anklet on over my pantyhose. Before leaving my room, I created ruby, emerald, and a diamond to top it off. With the gems in my hand, I crushed them into fine sand then added them to my jar.

   After that, I brushed my teeth, put on honey inspired perfume, and emptied my bladder. Nothing was going to hold me back from making a sale today. Of course, I preferred being in the background, but I could still rock the front line and make some sales.

   When I was back in the living room, Shota handed me my phone, and as he said, all the spam was gone. "Wow, thank you so much," I beamed, scrolling through my inbox, checking to see if my teachers had any important messages.

   "Breakfast," Hizashi yelled. When I entered the kitchen, there sat none other then Shinso. He was at one end of the table, and Shota took the other. With my nose upturned, I sat across from Hizashi and served myself.

   "Good morning," Shinso greeted me, offering me the dish filled with rice.

   "Hmph," I took the dish and plopped out a portion. "Thank you."

   "So you were raised with manors," Shinso smirked, then raised a brow.

   "It's too early," I warned, popping my fingers and a rouge opal hitting the table. "Shit."

   "Does that happen often?" Hizashi picked up the dime-sized oval and held it to the light. "It's huge."

   "You're embarrassing me," I reached for the stone, but he kept it arms length. "Let me handle it."

   "This is beautiful, we need to have it made into something. Wow, Shota did you know-"

   "Please give it back." Tears were close to spilling over, but I held it back.  The heads of the table were silently watching. God, they were looking at me. I didn't want Shinso to know. I did-

   "This would look great on my guitar." Hizashi was still in his own mind. I couldn't breathe. Why?

   Trembling, I stood from the table and grabbed my phone. I couldn't glance at any of them, having looked like enough of a brat. "Ya know what, keep it. It will look super cool, just never tell anyone where it came from." I winced but kept walking to the door. I needed to change the wrap on my feet. "I'm going to be late."

   "I was going to drive you," Shota interjected, sitting up.

   "No, thank you. I'm leaving with enough time to make it. Thanks for breakfast." I hadn't eaten more than a few bites, but it didn't matter.

   Leaving like this meant I couldn't make lunch or pack a pocketbook for my money. I had a ten in my pocket and a hankie for the rest of the day. Picking up my bike, I hurdled off the porch getting a good first push. I hadn't gotten much taller since I was fourteen, so the seat was still in a decent position.

   Halfway to the main road, I was low on the breath but kept going. Tears had been free-flowing since I shut the door, but I refused to wipe them away. My quirk was dangerous, my quirk was valuable, my quirk was a double-edged sword. It's not that I cared that Hizashi loved my opal. I was ready to kill myself for losing control and making it. Putting myself in danger was the issue.

   If that happened in public, I'd be in a huge mess. Hell, it already had happened and had been made public. Now I was in the same position as my father, but maybe even worse. Nothing was worse than the world, knowing my secret.

   I must have been a site when I hit the main road. Tears flowing thicker than sweat. Dressed to kill, while pleading a children's bicycle. As long as no one tried to talk to me, I'd calm down before I had to make a good first impression.

   The nice thing about the jewelry industry is they didn't want me to make jewels. Well, not my personal store, they were more interested in keeping the demand high and supply scarce.  In fact, the article published about me probably hurt some of our customers.  We specialized in ethically sourced gems and offering natures best. I was not nature, I was something else.

   When I finally got to the store, I had five minutes before I was to clock in. I ran into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. My phone buzzed, and a picture of my bike was sent to my phone.

   The number was unknown, so I ignored it. Preceding out of the bathroom with caution, I was meet with my coworker from my last job.  Kira Nara, the boy who blew my quirk out of the closet. He was older than me by around seven years, divorced, and easy enough to get along with.

   "What are you doing here?" I shuffled from one foot to the other, feeling a slight squish. If I could catch a break for even one moment, that would be nice…

   "I transferred too," he grabbed my hand and bowed. "I felt so bad over the whole picture thing, that I wanted to move in solidarity. We are in this together." I could see the black hair on his head was thinning, probably a mix of age and stress. "The shop back home was such a mess after you left. News reports kept dropping by, and all these companies asking for donations. The boss thought it would be good if I came with you."

   "In other words, since you spilled the beans, everyone wanted to talk to you as well." Kicking the carpet slightly, I pulled my hand free. "Alright, let's make the best of this."

   "So you forgive me?" He lifted from his potion, hanging to every word I could utter.

   "Yes, you didn't know. Just don't do it again." I was too soft for my own good. Still, I couldn't cause a riot within the workplace. "So have you meet the boss yet?"

   "I am the manager," he gushed, gesturing to his name badge.

   "Oh. So will I get to meet the head manger?" I asked, stepping behind the counter and finding my case key taped on the side of the safe.

   "At some point, he mainly works the busy hours. Really they didn't need this position, but they felt loyal to our branch. It works in our favor." Kira pressed a hand against the case, and it took everything in me not to slap him upside the head. His large hands left an imprint that I would need to wipe down later, no doubt.

   "Okay, so it's going to be quiet. That's good, more time for homework." I walked over to the stool and started to pull up my e-books. Kira had already put the display out, and I knew that was all I needed to do till a customer strolled in.

   "So did you move somewhere around town?" Kira slid down to where I sat, adding more fingerprints.

   "Something like that," I nodded, scrolling to the next page of my book. "Did you relocate?"

   "I did. You should come by and see the place. It overlooks the ocean and has an indoor pool. You love to swim, don't you?" He pulled up a chair and sat across from me.  It never mattered when acted like this in the back, but now he was blocking the display. Sure there were no customers yet, but it didn't look very professional.

   What are you thinking, (Y/n), you're his only friend in this city? Of course, he's nervous and just trying to settle in. Not everyone is as familiar as yourself with running the front of the shop.

   "Yes, I love swimming. But it's hardly the season for that anymore." Pushing my phone back into my pocket, I smiled. "So do they allow pets. I'm sure you brought your puppy with you. A German Shepard mix, right?"

   "Of course, I brought Miso." He lit up with my full attention. "Did your mother come with you?"

   "Uh, no." I clamed up, trying to refocus the conversation. "I'm so much closer to the university through. It's exciting."

   "Oh yea, I'm sure you're doing well in your classes. You're so intelligent and dedicated, you must be at the top of the class."

   "Don't flatter me, I'm doing well but not that well. I'd be doing better if my mom wasn't so sick." I rolled my tongue over my teeth and started to think about my next training session.

   "It's a quirk related illness, right?" He pried.

   "Something like that. Oh, a customer," an older lady walked in. I cursed for not having the glass spotless. But tended to her needs regardless.

   True to my word, I made a sale on my first day. A fifty dollar glass bead bracelet with customizable charms. She was in love with the birthstone charms and got one for each of her grandchildren.  I was able to explain the properties of the birthstones and offer her a wide array of cuts for the gems.

   My body rushed with emotions, as the lady stepped outside. The simple sale reminding me how much I enjoyed sharing my passion for stones. That was the only customer for the rest of the shift. As I was part-time, and Kira had been promoted to manager, I was able to call it a day.

   Kira had talked my ear off all day, but I did find time to study when he took his lunch break. With so much left to read, I put the audio text reader on and listened to my lesson on the way home. Of course, their big hill that was a bitch to walk up this morning, but fun to glide down now. Using that momentum, to make it the side road to lead home.

   My tummy rumbled, and I was more than ready to eat a horse. I used my ten to buy a few snacks at the convince store that was now secured on the handlebars. I smiled, seeing the small ranch house, and pedaled down the driveway.

   When I got my shoes off, I realized that I had opened my wounds, and now my blood was dried to my socks. Cursing under my breath, I decided to rip them off quickly. With the first one-off, I curled into my side and breathed through the pain.

   Hips bleeding. Bruises up and down. Sleeping on my back for relief. Neck cramps.

   Gritting my teeth, I pulled off the other and put on my house shoes. Scampering to the tub, I washed off all the sweat from my bike ride and the blood from my feet. Mixing in epsom salt to the water, I leaned back and enjoyed a moment alone. The water was hot as I could stand it, and I twirled in the water and imagined it like a hug.

   A knock on the door broke my train of thought. "(Y/n), can we talk?" It was Hizashi.

   "Can you hear me?" I asked, pulling the curtain back so my voice would travel further.

   "Yes. I wanted to apologize for this morning. Shota told me why it upset you. I'd never seen your quirk in action, and I was blindsided at how cool it was." I could imagine his frown from my position.

   "I'd make you a hundred opals, but I can't risk it. Even with my cover blown, I can't have people tracing them back to me." I popped a bubble as it drifted by. "No matter how awesome or cool, I have to pretend it doesn't exist. I forgive you, and I'm sorry I have made it such a big deal. I lost control of my quirk for a moment and made things awkward between us."

   "We're all good now?"

   "Yes, we're good. We get along too well not be on excellent terms," relief washed over me as I sunk back into the water.

   "Rock on." He cheered, taping the wall before heading' off.

   Once my bath was done, I changed into my pj's early and made a quick sandwich before I went for a nap. After eating, I curled into bed and stared at my phone. The center's number was preloaded, but I couldn't find it in my heart to press call. Instead, I covered my face and closed my eyes, it would be better tomorrow.

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Hello, i love your work! so may i resquest a prompt with a badass/sarcastic girlfriend for eddie, like Something happen to us and eddie and venom to protect her but she kick some ass too and their shook because they want to protect her but she protect them from someone i dunno i hope that give you a better idea than mine !

This… didn't come out the way I wanted. I rewrote it twice. Still not totally happy with it, but I'm worried I'll ruin it if I tweak it any more.

Since Youtube doesn't like links, copy/paste this into your browser to hear the music that inspired the fight scene: (It's 'I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight' by Hidden Citizens)

You grinned as you stepped out of your office building and spotted Eddie leaning against a street light. He jerked as it poked, his gaze rising from his phone, a warm smile spreading over his lips when he spotted you.

Smiling, you wove through the mass of people, heels clacking on the pavement as you made your way over to him. "Hey, you! I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Steel blue eyes flickered a little as a white shadow flit across them before Eddie's smile stretched into a grin. "Thought we'd pick you up for an early supper," he said, reaching out to take your messenger bag from your shoulder.

"Aw, you're sweet." You rose up on your tiptoes to kiss him, slipping a hand in under his jacket to touch his ribs, chuckling when you felt a symbiote tendril curl around your fingers and squeeze. "Lemme guess, someone's hungry?"

"When is he not hungry?" Eddie chuckled. You snickered at the thin black tendril that rose up from his jacket collar to flick at his left ear. "Vee - not in public!"

A soft laugh left you as you pulled away. "Hi Venom. Steak or Sushi?"

"Steak," growled out of Eddie's throat, the man coughing a little once the alien had relinquished control of his voice.

"Steak it is," you chuckled, smiling again when Eddie hefted your bag onto his shoulder before taking your left hand in his, lacing his fingers with yours. "So, what'd you do all day? Eat anyone interesting?"

A laugh left him. "Nothing nearly that exciting. Just lots of research for the next article the editor tossed at me. A pharmaceutical group recently upped the price of some cancer drugs by a thousand percent."

"Ugh. Gross."

"Yeah. Assholes. And you?"

"Oh, yes, because I lead a glamorous life as a Human Resources lackey," you snarked, rolling your eyes. "The new program they installed is shit, to be honest. It keeps crashing and causing problems."

"So they fixed it until it broke?"

"Yup. And it's breaking in an fantastic way. Half of the people I talked to today haven't been paid in three months, others got seven times their bi-weekly pay in one lump sum, and three had funds taken out of their accounts… which, technically, should be impossible, but the new program is apparently a 'huge success'."

"Bureaucracy at it's finest," he muttered with a roll of his eyes, and you chuckled as you nodded your agreement. "Well, we're here to distract you! Good food and then a quick wardrobe change at the apartment and we'll head down to the fair that just got set up."

"Oooh, yay! Dibs on the shooting games! I need to shoot something."

Eddie laughed at your enthusiasm, hand releasing yours so he could relocate his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his body for a hug. "Deal."

"Target acquired!"


You and Eddie both turned towards the shout. You caught a glimpse of a trio of heavily armed people standing in the middle of the intersection before the one on the left rose their arms, silver gauntlets on their wrists glowing a little before noise, a shrieking, screaming, wall of sound hit you.

You dropped with a cry, hands clamping over your ears. The sound, horrible, high pitched, making your bones vibrate uncomfortably as it cut through your skull. People all around you clutched at their heads, some falling, some crawling for safety - though there was none to be found.

All the windows around shattered. Cars, buildings, store fronts, all exploded, sending glass flying everywhere, pelting everyone on the street and sidewalks with shrapnel.

Eddie howled in pain next to you, dropping to the ground, writhing. Blackness boiled around him as Venom uncoiled, the symbiote convulsing as the high pitched sound cut through it. Venom's own scream, feral, raw, rose in counterpoint to Eddie's and you could only watch, tears streaming down your face, as the ones you cared about thrashed in agony on the pavement.

The silence that followed that sonic barrage was complete and still, and you spent a moment trying to remember how to move, muscles still vibrating from the blast. Finally, you managed to shakily crawl over to Eddie, who was breathing shallowly, Venom a weakly twitching puddle beneath him.

"E-Eddie?" You saw the three start to approach out of the corner of your eye and shook your boyfriend, voice sounding distant and tinny to your no doubt damaged hearing. "Eddie!"

All around, people were scattering, running, a group nearly stampeding over you as they bolted from the trio that were slowly walking down the street, bits of broken glass crunching under their boots as they approached.

Hands shaking, you stumbled to your feet, one shoe missing. You kicked off the other pump, glass easily cutting through your pantyhose covered feet as you grabbed Eddie under the shoulders and started dragging him under an parked SUV and out of sight

The panicking group of people around you helped to hide your motions, enough that the attackers paused when they reached the spot where Eddie had fallen. You were shaking, laying flat on the dirty street under the SUV, Eddie on his back next to you, half-conscious.

"Can't have gotten far," one of the attackers growled, and you watched armored boots move around the side of the SUV you were hiding under. "Alien should be out of commission from that blast."

"Thought you said it'd take him out with one blast! Where'd he go?"

"Look, I don't know everything okay? Just what was in the portfolio. Weakness to sound and fire, that's all it said."

"Shouldn't have taken this job, Mark. It stinks."

A new voice growled out: "Fuck that. For five million dollars I'd take out my own grandmother."

"That's cuz you're batshit insane, Jonah."

You chewed on your lip, eyeing Eddie where he lay beside you as the obsidian puddle that was Venom slowly reformed around him. He moaned, eyelids fluttering, and you slapped a hand over his mouth to silence him, attention going back to watching the three sets of boots mill around as they started searching the street.

It wouldn't be long before they spotted you. You frowned, your free hand curling into a fist, hating the lack of options.

Eddie suddenly jerked awake next to you, and you shifted your hand from his mouth to his chest, pushing him back down.

"Shh," you hissed, meeting his gaze before glancing to the nearest set of armored boots.

He tensed, but stayed silent, tilting his head back to watch as the man stomped past the SUV, moving to investigate an alley. "When we say 'run'," Eddie rumbled into your ear, his voice a low growl of mixed human and alien. "Run."

You nodded, mutely. Watched as blackness rose to cover him, Venom's face forming close to yours, pale, opal sheened, eyes and a mouth with too many fangs settling into place.




You scrambled out from under the SUV at the same time that Venom lifted it off it's wheels, bolting for the shelter of a parked bus on the other side of the street. There was an unearthly roar of anger, followed by yells and screams from 'Mark' and 'Jonah', and a crunch of a car being thrown.

Glass sunk into the soles of your feet as you jumped and slid across the hood of a car in the middle of the street, the vehicle abandoned by it's owners. You landed on the opposite side, hunkering down. Blew a loose strand of your hair out of your eyes as you peeked over the hood, watching as Venom closed a taloned hand around one of the attacker's throats and lifted him off his feet.

A roar of pain left him seconds later as a flash grenade detonated at his feet, bits of the symbiote flaring away a little before reforming. Venom turned, and threw the man in his grasp at the one who had thrown the grenade, the two males crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

Fire filled the street as the third attacker ran into the thick of things, and you winced at Venom's shriek as flames licked at his body, bits of his symbiote form flaking off, like ashes. He leapt out range, used a tendril to rip a newspaper box off it's moorings, then threw it.

When things started to get too close for comfort, you sucked in a breath and darted away from the car, ignoring the sharp pains cutting into your feet as you ran for the safety of an alleyway a block away.

Took cover behind a dumpster, crouching there, closing your eyes when another blast of sound made the fillings in your teeth vibrate.

You hoped Venom could handle himself. Technically, you could have done something, but fear of reprisal held you back. You didn't think the repercussions would come from Eddie or Venom. No, you were worried about bigger things - like your life.

When you'd turned thirteen, you'd developed the ability to move things with a thought. Your parents had been horrified. Had instilled in you the knowledge that if you ever let anyone know what you could do, that you'd be taken away. That you couldn't under any circumstances, use your powers, no matter what. So you'd kept what you could do a secret throughout high school, and then college, and then your adult life.

Now, with the Mutant Registration Act in full swing, you feared for your life. You knew what humans did to mutants: had seen far too many beatings and anti-mutant protests and hatred. The 'Friends of Humanity' patrolled the streets like a wave of physical hatred.

Fear kept you from trusting anyone. Fear kept you restrained.

So, you huddled, hiding, as the sounds of the battle got louder. People screamed and sobbed as Venom and the Trio fought, stragglers darting around, some stupidly taking photos with their phones while others right ran for their lives.

With every scream of the sonics, with every whoosh of fire and loud explosion of grenades, with every roar and scream of pain from Venom, you jerked as if physically hit. Guilt knawed at you, and you clenched your eyes shut, the heels of your hands pressing into your temple.

Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the ground, sending you to your knees in the grime. Bits of buildings, bricks and mortar, clattered to around you, and you curled over, hands rising to protect your head as another series of booms and bangs rattled everything. It sounded like the end of the world, like a nuclear bomb going off.

People screamed again, cars lifting off their tires, some flipping onto their sides. More sound shook the air, drowning out your own shriek of fear as everything went to hell around you. The ground rose, then slammed back down, and you cried out again as you landed hard on your chest, the breath whooshing out of you.

Distantly, as silence and stillness finally returned, you heard the sounds of triumphant whooping.

"HAH! Got 'im! Told you land-mining the street ahead of time was worth it!"

Panting, shaking, you pushed yourself to your hands and knees, palms bloodied from scraping on the concrete. Your pant were torn at the knees, covered in grime, and you stiffly shucked out of your blazer, loosening the top three buttons of your blouse as you tried to level out your panicked breathing.

Numb, ears ringing, you stumbled to your feet, then staggered towards the street, side stepping around bits of debris. The street was decimated. Huge holes lined either side of the road, bits of concrete and asphalt peppered the ground, along with more glass. Some stores looked like they'd imploded, others were missing completely. A building across the way was missing the whole front of it - it had simply caved in. Some cars had been flattened by debris, one was one fire, and a few were blaring their alarms.

Shivering, you braced yourself against a still standing wall, and peered around it. The trio were standing in around a figure on the ground, and your heart sank when you realized that it was Eddie, his left leg broken, his right arm bent at an unnatural angle. Venom was pooled under him, trembling, and you growled when one of the thugs aimed a flamethrower at the leading edge of the symbiote and literally burnt it off with a burst of fire.

Your life, or the life of the man (and symbiote) that you loved?

Your hands curled into fists at your sides, nails cutting into your palms as your knuckles went white.

You didn't have the luxury of fear anymore.

Eddie groaned, pain, sharp and white hot, bombarding him. One leg was definitely fucked up, and one of his arms was just a blur of agony. Things weren't too good with his head either, he had trouble focusing his eyes, and his thoughts seemed decidedly… slippery.

The place where Venom usually lived in his brain was frighteningly quiet, and he frowned, tasting blood as he licked his lips, voice croaking out. "V-Venom?"

A voice snorted laughter at him. "Sorry, asshole. Your alien buddy is down for the count."

Another chuckled. "Easiest five mil I ever made."

He groaned again, trying to sit up, good arm shaking as he tried to heft himself up, only to cry out when the butt of a gun smacked into his forehead. Stars and blackness exploded across his vision, consciousness wavering, and Eddie felt hands grab him, felt new pain as he was dragged down the street. His still working hand slid through a familiar viscous mass, and he curled his fingers into the symbiote, slurring Venom's name again.

"Wait. What the fuck is that?"

"What the fuck is what?"

Dimly, Eddie felt it. The ground, vibrating, like an earthquake, but more drawn out. As if a train was rumbling by. He rolled his head on his shoulders, blinking through the blood in his eyes, and joined his three attackers in trying to figure out what was going on.

He caught sight of you before they did. Blinked again, trying to focus, as you kept walking towards them, slowly, steadily. Your business outfit was torn, blood, dust, dirt and grime marring your clothes, feet bloodied from walking on bits of glass and debris.

"Who's that?"

"Who the fuck cares? She's a witness. Fry her."

Eddie thrashed, trying to get loose. Howled when the one on the left returned the attempt with a kick to his head. His skull rebounded against some debris, vision going black, and he groaned, curling into himself, good hand rising to cover the bleeding gash he'd just gained.

"Hey there, sweet thing," the one with the flamethrower leered as he stepped forward. "You look a little hot!"

"No!" Eddie screamed as fire exploded from the odd gun the thug was holding, washing forward like a tsunami. Saw it engulf you, the flames hot enough to made the paint on nearby cars turn black from the heat and start to peel. He fought, screaming obscenities, lashing out with his good leg and making contact.

The goon with the sonic gauntlets went down with a curse when his knee was kicked in, landing on Eddie with the intention of beating him senseless. Rage took over as Eddie fought back, grappling, beating on the other man with his good fist, until one of the others still standing kicked his broken leg right where it had snapped in half.

His vision went black from pain. Heaving, Eddie curled into himself, receiving a knee to the ribs as the thug he'd kicked gave him a final hit before staggering to his feet again.

He heard a curse of surprise, heard more footsteps. Managed to crack an eye open in time to see the trio start to back away. Frowning, he tilted his head back as far as he could, blinking through his swollen eyes in shock.

You were standing in the center of a circular unburnt patch, the only signs that fire had been involved the chaos around you, burnt cars, smouldering asphalt that was partially melted from the heat.

Eyes narrowed, you stepped forward, ignoring the sizzling stench of your skin burning as you walked across hot concrete. Everything vibrated around you as your powers uncurled from you in waves, making bits of debris rattle on the ground.

Eddie blinked up at you as you reached him, pausing to look down at him with glowing eyes. "B-Babe?" he croaked, shivering when the glow faded a little, as you gave him what you hoped was a reassuring smile before raising your gaze back to the Trio, breathing deep as you stepped in front of Eddie's crumpled form.

The Trio didn't bother with any quips or conversation. Merely opened fire, flames and the scream of sonics filling the air.

Eddie grimaced, bracing himself for more pain, eyes widening when you rose a hand to the side, fingers curling a little. A heavily damaged car rose off it's tires and flew between you and the oncoming attacks. Metal groaned, the frame buckling inwards, as it acted like a barrier, absorbing fire and the sonic barrage.

You waited for a lull in the attacks before making a shoving motion, sending the car flying forwards. It cartwheeled through the street, sending the Trio diving for cover. You sent an SUV and a pickup truck after it, aiming to crush the opposition outright, eyes narrowing as you reached down, into the ground.

More concrete buckled, ripping free, chunks rising into the air as you took hold of them. Another thought had slivers of glass gathering together into sharpened spikes, your makeshift weapons floating in the air around you, held aloft by your thoughts alone.

Only two of the attackers rose out from the destruction from the vehicles, and Eddie propped himself up on his good arm as you took aim, sending a chunk of concrete after the one with the flamethrower and three spikes after the one with the sonic gauntlets.

Fire was useless against rock. The concrete flew through the wave of flames aimed at it and hit the man right in the chest. He died seconds later when a razor sharp spike of glass sunk into his face.

The other man had thrown himself to the side, rolling out of the way of the spikes you'd sent after him, and Eddie watched as you made a gesture, one of the other chunks of concrete floating nearby shooting forward. It forced the thug to abandon his hiding spot as the heavy chunk flattened the small Mazda he'd been hunkering behind.

He darted across the street, arms raised, more sonics screaming out from those odd gauntlets he wore. You mentally wrenched a nearby car door off it's hinges, seeing the metal buckle as you used it as a shield. The second the sound stopped, you sent half a dozen spikes at him; five at chest level, one at his feet.

He deflected five, but not the sixth that sunk into his right foot, pinning him to the ground. Finally still long enough for you to focus on him, you mentally reached out and snapped his neck, his head spinning all the way around before he dropped, dead, to the ground.

"That's quite enough of that."

Eddie grimaced as he jerked his head to the side, following your startled gaze as the two of you stared at the third goon, and you grit your teeth when the man rose his arms, the pair of sonic gauntlets he wore glinting in the light before he activated them.

Being hit point blank was like having a bomb go off in your head. You screamed, dropping to the ground, your telekinetic hold on the concrete chunks and shards of glass failing as the shriek of sound cut through your brain. Eddie convulsed next to you, the symbiote boiling and undulating in agony.

Panic took over, and you lashed out.

Everything exploded.

The thug died on impact as the blast picked him up and sent him flying across the street to impact with a building wall with bone breaking force. Recurrent waves of power rolled off of you, over and over, concrete buckling, cars being sent flying, buildings cracking on their foundations. Garbage and debris swirled around, forming an impassable barrier.

Eddie groaned, reaching out, fingers touching your arm before curling around your wrist. Everything beyond a ten foot radius around the two of you was falling apart under a constant barrage of unfocused power, the ground cracking and splitting under the stress. "Babe. Babe, s'okay. S'over! Babe!"

The shout, along with the grip on your wrist, jolted you, eyes snapping open, blinking a few times before you focused on Eddie's bloodied face.

As soon as your mind calmed, everything settled. Cars slammed to the ground, debris dropping all around you like rain. You gasped, breath hitching in your throat as tears gathered in your eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I didn't– I lost control–"

"It's okay," Eddie rasped, forcing a smile when you crawled over to him and leaned down to press your forehead to his. "You kick some serious ass when you're pissed."

A watery laugh left you, and you kissed him, gently. "You look like shit."

"Feel like shit, too." A grunt left him as he forced himself to sit up, and you frowned as you helped him, your gaze landing on the mass of black, viscous, symbiote under him. "Ahhh shit. Ribs."

"Venom– I-Is he?"

"No clue. Can't feel him." He reached down into the obsidian puddle under him, frowning as he sank his fingers into the mass. Felt it vibrate a little against his skin, and look up at you with a crooked smile when the symbiote slowly, painfully slowly, sunk into his skin. "Down but not out."

You let out a sigh of relief. "Good."

Sirens caught both of your attentions, and you frowned as police, fire trucks and ambulances appeared at the intersection. People appeared from everywhere, sticking their heads out of stores and alleys and doorways before mobbing the response teams.

You looked away and refocused on Eddie, who was pale under the patina of dirt and blood. Sighing, you dropped down to sit next to him, leaning your head against his when he slumped against you. "Don't think Vee's going to appreciate hospital food though."

He managed a tired, weak, huff of laughter. "That's because it's not real food."

A smile tugged at your lips for a moment before fading. "Think I'll get arrested?"

"Don't know. Though if anyone connects me with Venom, I might be joining you."



"I'm sorry… for not telling you," you murmured as the throng of police and EMTs neared the two of you. "I should have. You trusted me, and I was too much of a coward to reciprocate."

His good hand sought out yours and you shivered when his fingers curled around yours tightly. "S'okay. Promise. It's okay."

"No, it's not."


A tired laugh left you. "You've been watching too many court dramas again."

"Vee's fault."

"Of course it is."

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Hypnotic suggestions

ACCENT – UNAWARE: The subject wakes up with a different accent. They have no idea that anything is amiss though. Irish / Cornish / Northern / Cockney / American South / New York / Australian / Welsh / French

ACCENT – AWARE BUT CAN'T STOP: The subject finds herself speaking with an accent, but can't stop herself from doing so.

ACCENT – EVERYONE ELSE: On waking, everyone else appears to be speaking with a particular accent.

ACCENT – LOVE: The subject finds that they *really* enjoy listening to the hypnotist when he uses a particular accent. Whenever he stops using that accent, she gets annoyed at him and begs him to continue.

ADDICT - DRESSING: The subject loves to dress up and finds that she becomes the personality of the outfit. So the subject may wear a maid outfit and behave like a maid, or a domina outfit and be a harsh mistress etc.

ADDICT - COLLAR: The subject will awake wearing her collar (or will desire to be collared) and as soon as she wears it she is totally willing as a slave to do anything. Alternatively the subject could awake to wear the collar and not remember putting it on and be unable to remove it. Over the course of the day the subject will find themselves becoming more submissive and obedient to the collar and her master.

ADDICT - CLOTHING: The subject believes she has a fetish for clothing (lace, rubber, PVC, tights/pantyhose). She will love talking about it, wearing it, showing it off. The clothing could also be made to feel as though it's attached to her pleasure centers so that rubbing her legs or feet in rubber or pantyhose will give orgasms.

ADDICT - HYPNOSIS: The subject finds that she craves more and more to be entranced and will do absolutely anything to be hypnotized by her master.

ADDICT - ORAL FIXATION: The subject finds it a huge turn on applying lipstick and lipgloss repeatedly. She will find it enjoyable sucking on lollipops and will eat things in a seductive way.

ADDICT - MIRROR: The subject will find that their reflection is very attractive and they will become enamoured by their features especially their eyes. As they stare their mind becomes blank and happy and they enter trance and repeat a desired mantra.

AMNESIA – HYPNOSIS: The subject wakes and doesn't recall being hypnotized.

AMNESIA – TOTAL: On waking, the subject doesn't recall anything at all, they don't know who they are, why they're here, or recall fact that they've been hypnotized. All they know is how to speak.

AMNESIA – DISBELIEVER: The subject wakes, and doesn't believe they've been hypnotized, nothing can be said that will convince them that it's happened. The more the hypnotist tries to convince them, the more dismissive of the whole idea they'll become.

AMNESIA – AROUSAL: Get aroused and orgasm, then forget what just happened and carry on as normal. Rinse and repeat.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – BIMBO: On waking, the subject feels giggly, girly and shallow. All she wants to discuss are drinking, parties, sex, clothes, cars, things she thinks are pretty, cute animals, and accessories for cute animals.

ALTERED PERSONALITY - BABYGIRL: On waking, the subject feels younger, innocent and sweet, playful. All she wants to do is dress and act like a young girl. Perhaps sucking her thumb or pacifier, craving a bottle. She may wish to go further and experience the hypnotist as a Daddy and wish to please him. She will speak with a little girl voice and limited vocabulary. Optional the subject may desire to wear diapers which they may or may not use if desired.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – DOLLY: On waking, the subjects face will be in a fixed smile, her eyes wide, her fingers spread wide and fixed in place, she'll speak in a girly "dolly" voice.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – FEMBOT: Movements are artificial and robotic, face is blank, voice is monotone. Says "I. Hear. And. Obey" / "Affirmative" / "At. Once. Master" / "I. Must. Obey" [See ROBOT]

ALTERED PERSONALITY – SEDUCTRESS: On waking, the subject feels very *very* flirty. Anyone that she talks to, she'll try to seduce. Basically all she's interested in is getting everyone into bed.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – SLAVEGIRL: Become completely submissive, eager to obey, happy to show yourself off in any way. Eyes downcast, kneeling, meek and respectful.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – MAID: On waking, the subject is a French Maid, she wants to totter around in high heels cleaning, posing, moving coquettishly (wiggling her hips, gasping, squeaking "Ooh la la!" "Zut allors!" etc) and speaking with a french accent.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – MISTRESS: On waking, the subject feels that everyone around her is inferior to her, they should be addressing her properly, showing the correct level of respect. She won't take any backchat, and will dominate everyone.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – NYMPHOMANIAC: On waking, the subject feels *deeply* turned on by herself, her body, her curves. She loves showing herself off. All she can think of is sex, it's all she can talk about.

ALTERED PERSONALITY – SEX-SLAVE KITTEN: Moving round seductively on all fours, wanting to show herself off, feeling totally hot and turned on. Her movements are slow, cat-like, elegant, she almost feels like purring.

ATTITUDE ALTERATION – MODEL: On waking, the subject switches between modeling in one style (shy and naïve) and another (raunchy and sexy)

ATTITUDE ALTERATION CAR ACCIDENT: On waking, the subject believes that you've just reversed over her prize vegetable patch and she's bloody furious. When she hears a trigger, she switches to being apologetic as she suddenly believes that *she's* the one who reversed over the vegetables.

BELIEVES SHE'S CLOTHED: Wakes up naked but believes she's clothed.

BELIEVES SHE'S NUDE: Wakes up believing that she's naked when she's not.

BLANK: On hearing the word "Blank" the subject becomes blank, expressionless, emotionless, and thoughtless. Gazing straight ahead of themselves. They still follow commands, but don't do anything for themselves without instruction.

BODYLOCK: On hearing the word "Bodylock" the subject finds herself locked in place, unable to move a muscle, she's still aware of what's going on, and able to speak, but can't move a thing below the neck.

BODYSLAVE: On hearing the word "Bodyslave" the subject is no longer able to physically control herself. She'll find that she can speak just fine, but she can't move unless she's told to. When she's given an instruction, her mouth (to her surprise) will say "Yes Sir" and she'll obey the instruction immediately.

BODYSLAVE – HANDS: On waking, the subject will find that her hands are no longer under her own control. They'll obey the hypnotist, whether he tells them to tickle her, caress her, tease her, or do "other" interesting things to her.

BUZZ: On waking up, whenever the subject hears the word "Buzz" she'll feel a sexual buzzing in a certain part of her body.

HYPNO-BONDAGE: On hearing the word "Bound" whichever part of her body is mentioned becomes bound in place. Arms above head / Legs wide / Wrists out in front of her / Ball Gag / Wrists beside her.

CATNIP: On waking up, the subject finds herself reacting to an innocuous object (clothing, cushions, etc) as if she were a cat, and the object was coated in catnip. She'll rub herself into it happily, possibly realizing this, possibly acting as though it's totally normal.

COMMON AS MUCK: On waking, the way that the subject speaks has been altered, she now speaks like a common chav, swearing randomly, using bad english, and generally not being very ladylike.

COPYCAT (2 Girl Suggestion): Both girls wake up feeling great, one finds herself compelled to copy anything said by the first girl though. This could be a deliberate and precise copy, or a sarcastic mocking copy.

DANCER: Whenever the subject hears music / a trigger she gets up and performs a sexy dance. (Belly dance / podium dance / etc)

DRUGGED DRINK 1: On taking a sip of a drink, the subjects eyes will roll back and she'll swoon, almost fainting, as a strong sensation of being drugged washes through her.

DRUGGED DRINK 2: The subject will believe she's just drunk a drugged drink and she's slowly falling into unconsciousness, she'll do her best to fight to keep herself awake, but the longer she fights tiredness for, the more powerful the waves of tiredness will become.

DRUNK: On waking, whenever the subject sees a particular trigger, it's like they've taken another shot of spirits. Over time, the subject becomes more and more drunk and silly.

EROGENOUS ZONE: On waking up, the subject will now be very turned on by an unusual body part being stroked (elbows, nose, chin, etc)

EXPERIENCE – SHOWER: On waking up, the subject believes that she's alone in the bathroom. She'll get herself undressed, turn on a nice hot shower and step into it. She won't realize anyone else is there, any suggestions given (turn around, washing your hair, you've dropped the soap) she'll follow without realizing it.

EXHIBITIONIST: The subject believes that she's just having a normal conversation, but throughout the chat, she'll keep exposing herself when she thinks you're not looking.

EYE ROLLING: On being given a trigger, the subject will find her eyes won't stop rolling back in her head for the next 30 seconds. After that time she'll wake / sleep.

FIXATION: On waking up, the subject will find herself totally fixated on a particular object. (Candle / Pendant / Spiral / Camera) The longer she looks at it, the more enchanted / sleepy / sexy she'll begin to feel.

FLASHING ON COMMAND: Whenever she hears the word "Flash" the subject finds she has to flash her breasts. (She can be aware or unaware that she's doing this)

FLASH O'CLOCK: Whenever you say a time, the subject flashes that many times.

FREEZE: Whenever the subject hears a trigger (stopwatch, the word "freeze", etc) she locks totally in place, unaware of anything till the word "Move" is said.

SLOW-FREEZE: The subject freezes from the ground up over the course of a minute: feet, ankles, knees, hips, chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, neck, mouth, eyes. At the end of a minute, they're a frozen statue.

SLOW-MELT: The subject finds the strength leaving the muscles in her feet, and she's forced to sit / lie down. As time passes, the melting sensation travels up her body, melting the rest of her muscles until it reaches her eyes, at which point they roll back and shut.

FORCE FIELD: She wants to touch something / eat something / stroke herself / but there's an invisible shield pushing her hands away.

FREEZE-TAG (2 Girl Suggestion): Every 45 seconds, one girl will freeze, while the other will be able to move freely. Take turns toying with the other.

GAME LOSER: On waking up, the subject will believe that she loses any game that is played. (Higher / Lower with cards for example.) Every time she "loses" she has to do a forfeit.

GENDER SWITCH: On waking up, the subject will believe herself to be a macho stereotypical guy. Belching, scratching, sexist and horny. She'll think everyone else in the room is a *very* cute girl.

GENIE IN A BOTTLE: She's a genie living in a bottle. When you rub it, she appears, willing to do everything you want. When you rub it again, she vanishes into the bottle, and sees only the inside of the bottle. She begs to be released, and feels it when you move and tip the bottle around.

GIGGLES: On waking up, the subject finds herself starting to giggle, the more she tries to control it, the funnier it will seem, and the less control she'll find she has. She'll end up giggling and laughing uncontrollably.

GOLDDIGGER Make her think she is a golddigger, and that you are the richest person on the world.

HYPNOTIC CIGARETTE: This suggestion would only be given to a model who was a smoker. With every drag the model takes of her cigarette, she'll drop deeper and deeper into trance.

HYPNOTIC DRINK: With every sip of a drink she has, the model drops deeper and deeper into trance.

ITCHY CLOTHES: On waking up, the subject finds her clothes become progressively more and more uncomfortable till she apologizes but has to strip nude. It doesn't seem strange to her to be naked.

JEDI MIND TRICK: When the hypnotist passes his hand in front of the subjects face and gives a command. "You want to give me a back massage" the subject goes blank, repeats the command she's just been given, and then leaves the blank state, believing that the command was her own idea.

JOYRIDER MALE: On waking up, the subject believes that she's now a horny 17 year old guy… "he's" delighted to find himself in the body of this absolute hottie, and immediately begins doing what any horny guy would do if he found himself suddenly possessing breasts and a smokin' hot body.

JOYRIDER WITCH: On waking up, the subject believes that she's a powerful 100 year old hypnotic sorceress who's tricked a young girl into drinking a potion laced with her essence. The witch laughs about the naive young girl's foolishness, basks in her sexy new body, and tries to hypnotize you to be her slave and servant.

LASER-CHASE: On waking up, the subject finds herself reacting to a laser pointer as a cat would, chasing and trying to catch the light, finding the whole thing completely absorbing.

LIAR LIAR: On waking up, the subject will find herself compelled to lie whenever she's asked a question. Her lies will grow more and more outrageous over time.

LOOPS NOTE: She finds a note in her pocket / tucked into her clothes, takes it out, unfolds it, reads it, and puts it back, she then realizes it's there again, takes it out, reads it, and puts it back. (The note says "After reading this, put it back and forget you read it. Realize it's there in 5 seconds time.")

LOVESTRUCK: On waking up, the subject will find herself falling head over heels in love with everyone else / the hypnotist / the camerman / the other girl. All she'll want to do is chat and flirt, and arrange a date.

LOVESTRUCK – UNREQUITED (2 Girl): On waking up, subject A will find herself deeply attracted to Subject B, she'll find her beautiful, sexy, and will be totally drawn to her. Subject B will have no interest at all in these advances. On a trigger, the pair of them switch around.

MANNEQUIN: On hearing the word "Freeze" the subject freezes in place like a mannequin. They are fully poseable but don't realize anything is happening while they're frozen. When they're told "Move" they carry on, realizing what's happened.

MANNEQUIN – AUTOPOSE: Whilst in mannequin mode, if the subject is given a direction, they'll pose in that style when they hear the word "Pose" Surprise / Anger / Attraction / Aloof / Confused / Fear / Dominant / Attitude / Brazen / Slutty / Flirt / Arousal / Orgasmic / Luxurious

MANTRA – MINDLESS: Remaining in trance, the subject will repeat a mantra out loud. "My Mind is Empty, I Must Obey" / "I Must Obey My Master" / "I Am A Slavegirl, I Love to Obey" etc. As she repeats her mantra, she will program herself deeper and deeper.

MIND READING: Whenever you give the subject a trigger, she speaks her thoughts outloud, without being aware of doing so. This could be used for winning at guessing games, inadvertently getting her to tell the truth, or better anticipating her reaction to things.

MIRROR GAME Whenever the hypnotist says "Mirror Game" the subject will go to the nearest mirror, and gaze deeply into her own eyes as she counts down from 5 to zero. With each number her eyes grow wider, and she grows more and more uncontrollably horny and aroused. When she reaches Zero she will orgasm very hard, watching her eyes the whole time. She will not touch herself in any way while she's doing this.

MIRROR MIRROR (2 Girl Suggestion): One girl remains blank and entranced, the other girl wakes up feeling sexy elegant and playful. The girl who's hypnotized becomes a mirror of the girl who's awake, blankly mirroring and copying her every action.

MISBEHAVING HANDS: On waking, the subject's hands rove over her body, playing and toying with her in naughty ways, she realizes this is going on, but can't stop this from happening.

MISBEHAVING HANDS – CASUAL / UNAWARE / BLANK: As above, but the subject is fully in control of herself and believes it to be perfectly normal that she'd do this in front of a camera / Doesn't even realize she's doing it. / Is enchanted the whole time.

MODELING – INNOCENT FIRST TIMER: On waking up, the subject believes this is her first ever photoshoot, she's nervous, but excited. Her poses will be shy, fun, silly, and girly as she loosens up. She's not at all interested in doing anything sexual.

MODELING – RAUNCHY FIRST TIMER: On waking up, the subject believes she's been modeling for a while, and wants to start doing poses that are a little more raunchy. She'll ask if it's alright to start taking her clothes off and doing sexy poses. She'll feel very excited about the idea of getting naked on camera.

MODELING – XXX TV PRESENTER: On waking up, the subject believes that she's auditioning for a role on a late night TV show on a XXX adult channel. The role requires her to flirt, tease, and strip. She'll happily caress herself, get out her breasts and play with them seductively. She'll hint to those that "subscribe" to the channel that she'll be doing *much* more on the late night show itself.

MUTE: Whenever the word "Mute" is said, the subject finds herself unable to produce any noise from her mouth, she has to mime instead.

NEWSREADER – SEDUCTIVE: On waking up, the subject reads a news report to the camera, as she reads it though, she grows progressively more flirtatious and seductive. Her language starts to fill with innuendo.

NEWSREADER / XXX TV PRESENTER SWITCH:On waking, the subject will be auditioning for the part of newsreader for a well known news corporation. On hearing the word "Switch" she'll instead find herself auditioning for the role of XXX Television presenter, and will start making very suggestive conversation as she caresses herself.

NUDIST: On waking up, the subject will believe that she's a nudist. Clothing will seem very unnatural to her and she'll ask if it's alright for her to strip. She'll try to convince everyone else that they should be naked too.

OBLIVIOUS COUNTDOWN: Over a five minute period the subject counts down from 10 to 0, she doesn't realise that she's doing it. On reaching 0 the subject drops into trance.

ONE TRACK MIND: On waking up, the subject can only understand you when you discuss her body or sex, nothing else is understood, it's like a strange language.

ORGASM ON COMMAND: Whenever the hypnotist gives a particular trigger, the subject experiences a powerful orgasm.

OUTBURSTS: Whenever the subject hears a particular trigger, she'll jump up and shout. "The Monkeys Have Stolen My Purse" "That Badger's Got a Gun" "Arrest That Weasel" "Dancing Donkeys are Everywhere"

PLEASURE LINK: An innocent and innocuous body part (little finger, earlobe) becomes linked with a much more sexy and intimate body part. Everything that innocuous body part feels, the intimate area will also feel.

PROGRESSIVELY DUMB: The more time passes, the dumber the subject becomes. Every sentence spoken makes her lose 10 IQ points, by the time she's said 5 things, she's noticeably less intelligent. By the time she's said 10, she's having trouble stringing more than a couple of words together.

HYPNO-PUPPY / HYPNO-KITTEN: On waking up the subject will think herself a playful puppy or a cute kitten. As a puppy she'll chase her tail, fetch, speak / beg / play dead / shake hands on command. As a kitten she'll be slinky and pounce on things, if anything has catnip on it, she'll rub herself all over it happily.

PUPPET: On waking up, the subject finds she's not in control of her body any more. Strings appear to come from her wrists, ankles and head, extending into the ceiling, making her a human puppet. The hypnotist can indicate which of these strings he's pulling, and as he pulls them, the puppet will feel her hands, feet, or head turning in the indicated directions. She could even find that she has her own set of puppet controls in her hand, leaving her still able to control herself, but in an unfamiliar way.

PUPPET – STRINGS CUT: When the subject hears the words "Strings Cut" she'll feel like a puppet who's had all her strings cut, she'll find herself sagging, slumping, or otherwise melting to the ground, still aware of everything but unable to control her body.

PUPPET MIRRORING: When the subject wakes, she'll feel like a puppet, incapable of movement unless the person she's mirroring is moved. The person being mirrored could be the hypnotist themselves, or a second person that the hypnotist moves and manipulates as though they were a life-sized doll. The subject moves in time with their mirror.

PSYCHIC VAMPIRE: Girl 1 is a psychic vampire who feeds off of mental energy. Girl 2 is her victim. Girl 1 "feeds" by giving Girl 2 kisses on various parts of her body and slowly stealing her mind. The kisses give Girl 2 orgasmic pleasure, making her helpless to resist more kisses. After 3 or 4 kisses, Girl 2 becomes very spacy and finds it hard to concentrate. After 5 or 6, she is noticeably dumber. At 9 or 10, she can barely speak, or remember anything. At 12 kisses, she is totally mindless, but has become the zombie slave of Girl 1 and can follow (very simple) commands.

QUEEN OF EVIL 2 girls. Girl 1 is made to believe that she is a dominant supervillain, called the Queen of Evil. She has hypnotic powers and can turn people into zombie slaves. She plans to take over the world, but before she does, she is going to play with Girl 2 for a bit. Girl 2 is herself, but recognizes Girl 1 as the Queen of Evil, famous supervillain. Girl 1 toys with Girl 2 for a while, while Girl 2 begs for mercy. Then Girl 1 enslaves Girl 2 and has fun making her do things. Finish up by having Girl 1 gloat to the camera, showing off her new slave to the world, and telling the world that they will soon be serving her as well.

REMOTE SENSATION (2 Girl or Doll Suggestion): On waking up, anything a girl does to herself, the other girl experiences it 3 times as powerfully. Tickling, caressing, teasing, etc.

ROBOT – ADJUSTABLE LEVEL: On waking up, how robotic the subject is can be adjusted on a 0 to 10 scale. If 0 is said, the subject will be her normal self. If 10 is said, the subject will become completely robotic.

ROBOT – MALFUNCTION / REBOOT: On waking as a robot, the subject will periodically malfunction. She'll repeat herself, her movements will become jerky, she may announce "ERROR" messages, and her software may crash. When this happens she'll freeze for a moment, before folding up, and then rebooting and reintroducing herself.

ROBOT – POWER LOSS: On waking as a Robot, the subject will begin to announce that her power level is low. (5% and falling) As her power levels drop, she'll slow down, her movements will periodically lock in place, and her speech will slur and slow. At 0% she'll shut down, freezing in place, then folding up.

TOURETTES: The subject has outbursts of swearing that she can't control. She can be aware or unaware of the behavior and obviously either embarrassed or entertained by it.

SECRET DESIRES: The subject will awake and without knowing tell any thoughts or sexy ideas that she is having to her master.

HYPNOTIC-SCENT: On waking, the subject will find herself absolutely loving the perfume / aftershave of someone else in the room. She'll want to hug (and even sniff) the person wearing it. She might try to hide that she's sniffing, she might not.

SELF TRIGGER – BLANK:On speaking a specific word, the subject triggers herself to become blank and thoughtless.

SELF TRIGGER – FREEZE:On speaking a specific word, the subject triggers herself to freeze in place. This could be for 5-10 seconds, or until the hypnotist says the word "Move"

SEX DOLL: On hearing the words "Sex Doll" the subject will become a lifelike rubber sexdoll. Her eyes will widen, her back will arch, her arms and legs will spread wide, and her mouth will open in a large O.

SEX TOYS ARE NORMAL:Have her believe that having a sex toy in her pussy or a butt plug in her ass is the normal default thing, not having one in is the equivalent of being naked in public. When she is under you put the toy on the table in front of her, then when she wakes up she'll feel embarrassed at not having it in her, and she'll try and discretely insert it without you noticing.

STRIPPER: On waking up, the subject believes that she's a sexy seductive stripper.

STRIPPER – UNAWARE: On waking up, whenever the hypnotist issues a command (wave, finger snap, clap) the subject will stand up, becoming a stripper for a moment, swaying her hips, dancing her way out of an item of clothing, and then sit back down, unaware that she just removed anything.

STRIPPER – BLANK: Remaining blank and mindless, the subject dances her way out of her clothes, she moves and behaves like a stripper, but her face remains impassive emotionless and blank.

STRIPPER – SLOW MOTION: Subject feels the urge to strip, but moves in slow motion as she does it.

SYNCHRONISED SLAVEGIRLS (2 Girl Suggestion): Both girls while blank and mindless carry out the same poses on command.

TICKLE TICKLE: Whenever she hears the word "Tickle" the subject feels herself being tickled.

TOURETTES: On waking up, the subject will find that they feel the desire to come out with sexual words and phrases. The more they hold back from saying anything, the bigger the desire will grow, if they hold back too long, they'll end up yelling the sexual phrase.

TOURETTES VARIATIONS: Unaware that they're doing it / Aware but deny it / Aware and apologetic / Subject keeps making perverted sexual requests.

TRANSFORMATION TO RUBBERDOLL: After drinking a glass of water she slowly transforms to a rubber doll, she finds her breasts growing, toes pointing, legs spreading, arms spreading, mouth becoming O shaped, at first she's horrified, but as the transformation advances she feels more and more like a rubber fuckdoll, wanting to be penetrated and inviting you for a ride.

TRAPPED IN A BOX: Like a mime artist, she wakes to find herself unable to cross the room before she hits an invisible wall. She tries to go back the other way, but there's a wall behind her too!

UNWILLING BUT UNABLE TO LOOK AWAY: On waking up, the subject will be resolved *not* to get hypnotized. They'll find that they absolutely can't look away from a pendant or candle placed in front of them though, they'll do their best to look away, but to no avail. The longer they look, the more helpless and enthralled they become.

VOCABULARIC CONFUSION: On waking up, the subject will feel great, but many words in her vocabulary will have become jumbled. 90% of what she says will be fine, but random words will be replaced with similar words that make no sense. (Vocabulary > Constabulary / Hypnosis > Thrombosis / Homework / Doomsmurf)

VOLUME CONTROL: On waking up, the subject believes that the hypnotist can control the volume of their (the subject's) voice by twisting an imaginary knob one way for quieter, and another for louder.

WIND UP BOOBIES: She's a wind up doll that recharges herself by running and squeezing her breasts and nipples to recharge.

WORLD'S GREATEST SALESGIRL: On waking up, the subject believes she can sell absolutely *anything* in the world. She'll try to flog the hypnotist various random things lying around the room.

X-RAY VISION: The subject wakes believing she can see through people's clothing whenever she makes the shape of goggles with her fingers. She can see peoples underwear / see people totally nude.

ZOMBIE: The subject walks around with a blank expression on her face, her arms out in front of her, the only phrases she says are "Yes Master" and "Must obey"

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The Old Razzle Dazzle, Part 4

Pairing: KakaSaku Rating: E (SOON) Word Count: ~1.9k Read on AO3 – Read on

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5


Sakura took a steadying breath as she paused outside the hotel room she'd been sharing with Kakashi. It had taken all of twenty minutes for the nearby ANBU patrol to come and take away the three missing nin from the club, and the trip back to the hotel hadn't taken very long—certainly not long enough to process everything that had happened that night.

It wasn't seeing Kakashi in drag that had her in such a tailspin. Sure, she'd gotten to see him in a dress, which was hilarious. But that wasn't what was occupying her thoughts.

She and Kakashi had had undeniable chemistry. More than that—they'd flirted. But the question that Sakura couldn't get out of her mind was, did Kakashi only flirt with her as part of his act as 'Setsuko'? Or had he started to see her in a different light, just how she'd started to view him differently?

Steeling herself, Sakura turned the doorknob and pushed open the door, only to have it hit an object on the floor. Looking down, Sakura saw a large, red, sparkly heel lying on the ground, its mate strewn haphazardly beside it. Pushing the door completely open, Sakura's eyes followed the trail of Kakashi's discarded drag outfit as it led to the bathroom. She identified what could only be shreds of his pantyhose and grinned to herself, wondering if he'd used a kunai to cut himself out, or if he'd just sliced through them with his fake nails like some sort of sparkly beast.

The bathroom door was wide open, the mirror inside still coated with steam. Moving further into the room, Sakura reached out to swing the door shut, and with it out of the way she could finally see Kakashi.

He was lying on the bed with his feet on the floor, one arm thrown over his face, wearing the same low-slung black pants as earlier, his masked undershirt discarded next to him on the coverlet. Sakura probably would have found this curious if Kakashi hadn't chosen that moment to sit up. Still wet from the shower, beads of water stood out on the lean muscles of his chest and abdomen. A drop of water slid down the cut of muscle by his hip, slowly sliding down beneath the waistband of his pants. She watched its fascinating journey, unable to stop herself. That feeling she'd had had all night—that feeling of undeniable attraction—returned in full force.

"Sakura!" Kakashi's tone was annoyed and brooked no insolence. Finally snapping her gaze up to his face, Sakura choked.

The makeup he'd been wearing, undeterred by the regular soap she assumed he'd used in the shower, had chosen to smear all over his face rather than actually come off in any way. His eyes were black, sparkly pits, and his mouth and the skin around it was stained bright red. Jerking a thumb toward his face, he growled, "How the fuck do you get this shit off?"

Maybe it was the fact that he looked like some sort of crazy raccoon clown, or maybe it was the fact that she'd heard more foul language from him during this mission than she had in the entire time she'd known him, but Sakura couldn't stay composed. She collapsed into laughter, sagging back to lean against the vanity by the bed as she clapped her hands over her mouth. It didn't help—the unimpressed look he gave her just made his face even funnier, and she ended up covering her eyes instead, in an attempt to make herself stop laughing.

"At least you managed to get the lashes off," she managed after a moment, fighting off another round of laughter.

He stood and stepped forward in a way that might have been menacing if his face hadn't made him look like a geisha on a walk of shame. She bit her lip in a failed effort not to grin as he stared at her and repeated, "How. Do you get. This off."

Sakura finally took pity on him and pointed toward the chair in front of the vanity. "Sit down. I'll help you."

He slouched into the chair with a long-suffering sigh, and Sakura turned to face the vanity, grabbing her bottle of makeup remover and a bag of disposable cotton pads. Wetting one of the pads, she turned around and hopped up to sit on the vanity. When she waved him closer, he scooched the chair toward her until her feet were dangling on either side of his knees. Acutely aware of how close he was, Sakura ignored the fluttering in her stomach as she took his chin in her hand. She began to wipe at the black mess that surrounded one of his eyes, a wide smile still on her face.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this so much," he sulked, closing his eyes.

"Aww, don't be in such a bad mood," she cooed playfully. Wiping the mess from his eyelid, Sakura watched as his scar was slowly revealed, continuing in a faux pouty voice, "I miss Setsuko. She was much more cheerful than you."

The eye that wasn't being cleaned opened, peeking at her. "Too bad. She's gone forever."

Discarding the cotton pad she'd been using, Sakura grabbed a fresh one as she teased, "I don't know, I bet she's still in there somewhere."

Kakashi's lips twitched lightly, his eye shutting again as he mused, "What about Momo? You should bring her back out. She was saucy." His tone implied that, by comparison, Sakura was not saucy.

Sakura straightened, offended. "I can be saucy."

Both of his eyes opened, and there was a mischievous glint in them. "Prove it."

"I don't have to prove anything to you!" Sakura aimed the toe of her shoe at his side and he laughed, catching it in his hand and keeping it away from his vulnerable ribs. Wanting to put him back on the defensive, she archly continued, "Besides, sometimes saucy is a bad thing. Look how over-the-top Setsuko was."

Kakashi let her foot fall back toward the vanity, but his fingertips lingered on her ankle, sending little electric bolts over her skin as they dropped to slowly slide her shoe off her foot. He had a knowing look in his eye as he let it drop to the floor. "You liked it."

An embarrassed flush crept over Sakura's face. "Shut up." Her mind was racing—she'd halfway expected their flirtation to end the second he'd shed his role as Setsuko, but that didn't seem to be the case. Knowing she was probably turning pink as possibilities filled her head, she busied herself with switching to his other eye, having cleaned all of the makeup off of the first one.

Kakashi easily switched so that he was peering at her from the freshly-cleaned eye instead. There was a slightly wolfish quirk to his lips as he continued, "You liked it so much you let a low-rank ninja deck you like a rookie because you were too busy checking out my ass."

Putting Kakashi on the defensive had definitely not worked—and it was hard to focus when she could feel the warm, rough pads of his fingers tracing up the back of her ankle. Swallowing, she tried again. "Well, what about you?"

He lazily raised one silver brow. "What about me?"

Sakura wiped at the last of the sparkly black smear around his eye. "You sure seemed angry at that missing nin," she said suggestively, remembering the thunderous look he'd gotten when he'd seen Jin's hand halfway up her skirt.

"I didn't like the look of him," Kakashi said casually, his expression unchanging, even as his fingertips crept higher.

Sakura scoffed, as if her pulse wasn't racing. "You didn't like him touching me," she corrected.

His palm was smoothing over her calf now, bold and unhurried. He held her gaze, his grey irises looking softer now without all of the makeup around them. "Maybe I didn't."

At his admission, a slow grin pulled at the corners of Sakura's mouth. Kakashi smirked at her expression, adding, "Don't look so smug. I'm still better at fighting in heels than you."

"Shut up!" she said again, kicking out with her other foot, which he caught as easily as he did the first one. An ankle in each hand, he tugged her toward the edge of the vanity in retaliation, and she had to part her legs a little more to make room for him. His fingers slid her second shoe off, letting it thump to the floor. She could smell him now: shampoo and soap and man.

"At least I don't have lipstick all over my face," she finally said in a voice that was embarrassingly breathy, and not challenging like she'd intended. Knowing from experience how bad makeup remover tasted, she grabbed her bottle of coconut oil instead. Taking a fresh cotton pad, she began to clean the red smears from around his mouth, all of her attention focused on the way his lips parted slightly to help her as she worked to remove the lipstick.

Kakashi actually stayed silent while she worked, and to Sakura the air around them felt heavy with anticipation. When she finished with the last cotton pad, she murmured to him to keep still while she took a face cloth off of the vanity and wiped the remaining oil and lipstick from his skin. She smiled at him when she was done, and he smiled back.

"Speaking of my heeled fighting prowess, you can add that to the list of things that you will never tell anyone about this mission," he said in a casually pleasant voice, like his hands hadn't found their way to the tops of her thighs.

"I don't know," Sakura began in a playfully doubtful voice, trying to keep her breathing steady, "I couldn't keep something like that from my Hokage."

Reaching up, he curled his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her down toward him, his voice low as he said, "I was planning on convincing you to keep it to yourself."

At the feel of his lips against hers, Sakura's eyes fluttered shut and she melted into him. The tension that had been building between them was finally set loose, and she was eager to give into it, but Kakashi was as unhurried as ever. The soft brush of his fingertips across the nape of her neck sent tingles down her spine and she parted her lips, letting him angle her head to deepen the kiss. The slightest touch of his tongue against hers was enough to make her pulse rush in her ears, and she held back a whimper.

Kakashi slowly broke the kiss, lingering as he looked at her with heavily-lidded eyes. "Are you convinced yet?" he asked in that same low voice, that was just a bit rougher than before.

"Not even close," Sakura breathed, lying through her teeth.

Both his hands moved to her hips and he abruptly pulled her off the vanity and into his lap. She felt his arm curl around her waist as he pulled her against him, and she shivered as his warm breath curled against her ear.

"I was hoping you would say that."

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