2. About 80% of the Beef Supply Is Controlled by Only Four Major Companies. List Them.

Role I – Fast Food to All Food

  1. What are the master companies controlling the beef supply?

Cargill, Tryson, National Beef, and Swift are the acme iv companies controlling the beef supply. They control more than lxxx% of the market.

  • How are chickens raised differently now than they used to exist?

a.  Their diet is changed to allow faster and larger growth so that there is more product to sell and therefore, more than turn a profit to brand.

b.  They are slaughtered almost twice as fast (used to be slaughtered in seventy days, now it takes but 48  days to raise and kill them). This may be because of the increasing population resulting in higher demand.

c.  Farmers redesigned the chickens to have large breasts because like to eat white meat.

  • Describe the conditions within the chicken coop shown.

The area in the coop is very express and all the chickens are cramped up within. They cannot move freely and are not able to just become upwardly on their feet. They stand in their own feces, which is resulting in many illnesses and even death.

Moreover, the coop is dark all day long, which is well-nigh certainly not the conditions and circumstances any living organism should or can live in. The chickens are being mass-produced while existence treated poorly, disrespectfully, and are being very manipulated.

  • Why are antibiotics administered to the chickens?

Chickens are given antibiotics so they do not catch illnesses or fall ill, only to go on them alive and make sure they do not die earlier they are slaughtered.

Office II – A Cornucopia of Choices

  • What trouble evolved as a event of feeding corn to cattle?

Since corn was very cheap, the farmers raised cattle on corn also believing that the cows would gain more weight, therefore, more production or supply for them to sell. However, this resulted in the cows begin developing a illness called E. Coli, which and so leads to social issues.

Part Iii – Unintended Consequences

  • Why is the E. Coli bacteria spreading to other foods?

The foods were produced in the same manufactory which contaminated all of the other foods with the same leaner.

Part Four – The Dollar Menu

  • Why are the less healthy food choices typically cheaper?

Junk foods like fries, salty snacks, juices, sauces, peanut butter, burgers, patties, fries, and all other foods like such, that are categorized every bit subsidized foods apply corn (the cheapest food to grow), every bit ane of their prime ingredients.

This is resulting in obesity, diabetes, and a multifariousness of other common health complications, due to the mass amounts of sugar in such foods that our body cannot process or metabolize and then fast.

Part V – Hidden Costs

  • Why does Smithfield and other slaughterhouses only hire the poor, minorities, and immigrants?

Smithfield and other slaughterhouses are aware of their unjust behavior and treatment of the animals, and the lack of consideration for the community.

Therefore, hiring poor, minorities, and immigrants is the way they can muffle themselves and proceed their regular processes without being questioned, equally they know these workers are also fearful and incapable to ask and question them about it. They are as well hired considering it is a  cheap workforce.

Function VI – From Seed to the Supermarket

  • What happens if a farmer who is not growing a GMO crop has his fields contaminated past pollen and seeds from his neighbors?

Unfortunately for those farmers, they are all the same held responsible and will receive a fine for the flaws of their neighbors. Still, to avert this consequence, the farmer must bear witness that he did non pause the patent. For example, "If Monsanto finds contamination, the farmer must show that he did not violate Monsanto'south patents".

  1. Why is the food and agriculture manufacture largely opposed to labeling GMOs and cloned foods?

They do not want the consumers to know the contents of the food equally information technology may create fear and panic in the consumer, which may prevent them from purchasing such foods, hence, a loss for the food and agriculture industries.

Part V – Shocks to the System

  1. The food organisation is based on a very modest number of crops, run past a very small-scale number of companies.  Why is this dangerous?

In my opinion, if at that place is a lack of producers to supply the food, so that might encourage companies to take "short-cuts" similar feeding cows corn, mass-producing chickens, colon foods, and take other steps to speed up the process, which could potentially impact the consumers' health, also equally continue the manipulative and disrespectful handling with the animals.

  1. Do you believe the idea of a company like Walmart selling organic food is a good thing? Why or why not?

Organic foods cannot be subsidized and cannot have shortcuts to speed up the procedure, and then it takes a long time to produce. Furthermore, Walmart is known as a grocery shop that sells groceries at a depression affordable price and and so it seems pretty misleading that Walmart would sell organic nutrient because then information technology would have to have a high or considerable price tag on their organic goods in order for the companies to make a profit and actually benefit from the goods in their business.


Source: https://schoolworkhelper.net/food-inc-movie-questions-analysis/

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