In this part of the series, nosotros're going to scrape the contents of a webpage and and then process the text to display word counts.


  • 02/10/2020: Upgraded to Python version iii.8.1 as well as the latest versions of requests, BeautifulSoup, and nltk. Encounter below for details.
  • 03/22/2016: Upgraded to Python version three.five.1 as well as the latest versions of requests, BeautifulSoup, and nltk. Meet below for details.
  • 02/22/2015: Added Python three support.

Recollect: Here'south what we're building - A Flask app that calculates word-frequency pairs based on the text from a given URL.

  1. Office One: Set upward a local development environment and then deploy both a staging and a product environment on Heroku.
  2. Part Ii: Prepare a PostgreSQL database along with SQLAlchemy and Alembic to handle migrations.
  3. Function 3: Add in the dorsum-end logic to scrape and so process the give-and-take counts from a webpage using the requests, BeautifulSoup, and Tongue Toolkit (NLTK) libraries. (current)
  4. Office Four: Implement a Redis task queue to handle the text processing.
  5. Part Five: Set up Athwart on the front end-end to continuously poll the back-end to see if the asking is done processing.
  6. Function Six: Button to the staging server on Heroku - setting upwards Redis and detailing how to run two processes (web and worker) on a single Dyno.
  7. Function Vii: Update the front end-end to make it more user-friendly.
  8. Function Eight: Create a custom Angular Directive to display a frequency distribution chart using JavaScript and D3.

Need the lawmaking? Take hold of it from the repo.

Install Requirements

Tools used:

  • requests (2.22.0) - a library for sending HTTP requests
  • BeautifulSoup (four.viii.2) - a tool used for scraping and parsing documents from the spider web
  • Natural Language Toolkit (3.4.v) - a natural linguistic communication processing library

Navigate into the project directory to activate the virtual environment, via autoenv, and then install the requirements:

                                            $                                cd                flask-by-example                $                python -m pip install                requests                ==                2.22.0                beautifulsoup4                ==                4.8.ii                nltk                ==                3.4.5                $                python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt                          

Refactor the Index Route

To get started, let's get rid of the "hello earth" office of the alphabetize route in our file and set upwardly the route to return a form to accept URLs. First, add a templates folder to agree our templates and add an index.html file to information technology.

                                            $                mkdir templates                $                bear on templates/alphabetize.html                          

Prepare a very basic HTML page:

                                            <!DOCTYPE html>                <                html                >                <                caput                >                <                title                >Wordcount</                championship                >                <                meta                proper noun                =                "viewport"                content                =                "width=device-width, initial-scale=ane.0"                >                <                link                href                =                "//"                rel                =                "stylesheet"                media                =                "screen"                >                <                fashion                >                .                container                {                max-width                :                k                px                ;                }                </                mode                >                </                caput                >                <                body                >                <                div                form                =                "container"                >                <                h1                >Wordcount 3000</                h1                >                <                form                role                =                "grade"                method                =                'Mail service'                activeness                =                '/'                >                <                div                class                =                "form-grouping"                >                <                input                type                =                "text"                name                =                "url"                class                =                "form-control"                id                =                "url-box"                placeholder                =                "Enter URL..."                fashion                =                "max-width: 300px;"                autofocus                required                >                </                div                >                <                button                type                =                "submit"                course                =                "btn btn-default"                >Submit</                push button                >                </                grade                >                <                br                >                {% for mistake in errors %}                <                h4                >{{ mistake }}</                h4                >                {% endfor %}                </                div                >                <                script                src                =                "//"                ></                script                >                <                script                src                =                "//"                ></                script                >                </                trunk                >                </                html                >                          

We used Bootstrap to add a chip of style so our page isn't completely hideous. And then we added a form with a text input box for users to enter a URL into. Additionally, we utilized a Jinja for loop to iterate through a list of errors, displaying each one.

Update to serve the template:

                                            import                os                from                flask                import                Flask                ,                render_template                from                flask_sqlalchemy                import                SQLAlchemy                app                =                Flask                (                __name__                )                app                .                config                .                from_object                (                os                .                environ                [                'APP_SETTINGS'                ])                app                .                config                [                'SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'                ]                =                False                db                =                SQLAlchemy                (                app                )                from                models                import                Effect                @app                .                road                (                '/'                ,                methods                =                [                'Become'                ,                'Mail service'                ])                def                index                ():                return                render_template                (                'index.html'                )                if                __name__                ==                '__main__'                :                app                .                run                ()                          

Why both HTTP methods, methods=['GET', 'Mail service']? Well, we will somewhen use that same route for both Get and POST requests - to serve the alphabetize.html page and handle form submissions, respectively.

Fire upwards the app to test it out:

                                            $                python runserver                          

Navigate to http://localhost:5000/ and y'all should see the form staring back at you.


At present allow'southward utilise the requests library to grab the HTML page from the submitted URL.

Change your index route like and so:

                                            @app                .                route                (                '/'                ,                methods                =                [                'GET'                ,                'POST'                ])                def                index                ():                errors                =                []                results                =                {}                if                request                .                method                ==                "POST"                :                # get url that the user has entered                try                :                url                =                request                .                class                [                'url'                ]                r                =                requests                .                go                (                url                )                print                (                r                .                text                )                except                :                errors                .                append                (                "Unable to get URL. Delight brand sure it's valid and try again."                )                return                render_template                (                'index.html'                ,                errors                =                errors                ,                results                =                results                )                          

Make sure to update the imports every bit well:

                                            import                os                import                requests                from                flask                import                Flask                ,                render_template                ,                asking                from                flask_sqlalchemy                import                SQLAlchemy                          
  1. Here, nosotros imported the requests library besides as the request object from Flask. The one-time is used to transport external HTTP Get requests to grab the specific user-provided URL, while the latter is used to handle GET and POST requests within the Flask app.
  2. Next, nosotros added variables to capture both errors and results, which are passed into the template.
  3. Within the view itself, nosotros checked if the request is a Become or Postal service-

    • If Mail: We grabbed the value (URL) from the course and assigned information technology to the url variable. Then we added an exception to handle any errors and, if necessary, appended a generic error bulletin to the errors listing. Finally, we rendered the template, including the errors list and results dictionary.
    • If Become: We simply rendered the template.

Let's exam this out:

                                            $                python runserver                          

You should exist able to blazon in a valid webpage and in the concluding you'll come across the text of that page returned.

Note: Make certain, that your URL includes http:// or https://. Otherwise our application won't notice, that it'southward a valid URL.

Text Processing

With the HTML in hand, let's at present count the frequency of the words that are on the folio and display them to the end user. Update your code in to the post-obit and we'll walk through what's happening:

                                            import                bone                import                requests                import                operator                import                re                import                nltk                from                flask                import                Flask                ,                render_template                ,                request                from                flask_sqlalchemy                import                SQLAlchemy                from                stop_words                import                stops                from                collections                import                Counter                from                bs4                import                BeautifulSoup                app                =                Flask                (                __name__                )                app                .                config                .                from_object                (                os                .                environ                [                'APP_SETTINGS'                ])                app                .                config                [                'SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'                ]                =                True                db                =                SQLAlchemy                (                app                )                from                models                import                Result                @app                .                route                (                '/'                ,                methods                =                [                'Get'                ,                'Post'                ])                def                index                ():                errors                =                []                results                =                {}                if                asking                .                method                ==                "POST"                :                # get url that the person has entered                try                :                url                =                request                .                form                [                'url'                ]                r                =                requests                .                go                (                url                )                except                :                errors                .                append                (                "Unable to become URL. Please make sure it's valid and attempt once more."                )                render                render_template                (                'index.html'                ,                errors                =                errors                )                if                r                :                # text processing                raw                =                BeautifulSoup                (                r                .                text                ,                'html.parser'                )                .                get_text                ()                nltk                .                data                .                path                .                suspend                (                './nltk_data/'                )                # gear up the path                tokens                =                nltk                .                word_tokenize                (                raw                )                text                =                nltk                .                Text                (                tokens                )                # remove punctuation, count raw words                nonPunct                =                re                .                compile                (                '.*[A-Za-z].*'                )                raw_words                =                [                w                for                w                in                text                if                nonPunct                .                match                (                westward                )]                raw_word_count                =                Counter                (                raw_words                )                # finish words                no_stop_words                =                [                westward                for                w                in                raw_words                if                w                .                lower                ()                not                in                stops                ]                no_stop_words_count                =                Counter                (                no_stop_words                )                # salve the results                results                =                sorted                (                no_stop_words_count                .                items                (),                key                =                operator                .                itemgetter                (                one                ),                reverse                =                True                )                try                :                consequence                =                Result                (                url                =                url                ,                result_all                =                raw_word_count                ,                result_no_stop_words                =                no_stop_words_count                )                db                .                session                .                add                (                result                )                db                .                session                .                commit                ()                except                :                errors                .                append                (                "Unable to add particular to database."                )                return                render_template                (                'index.html'                ,                errors                =                errors                ,                results                =                results                )                if                __name__                ==                '__main__'                :                app                .                run                ()                          

Create a new file chosen and add together the post-obit list:

                                            stops                =                [                'i'                ,                'me'                ,                'my'                ,                'myself'                ,                'we'                ,                'our'                ,                'ours'                ,                'ourselves'                ,                'you'                ,                'your'                ,                'yours'                ,                'yourself'                ,                'yourselves'                ,                'he'                ,                'him'                ,                'his'                ,                'himself'                ,                'she'                ,                'her'                ,                'hers'                ,                'herself'                ,                'information technology'                ,                'its'                ,                'itself'                ,                'they'                ,                'them'                ,                'their'                ,                'theirs'                ,                'themselves'                ,                'what'                ,                'which'                ,                'who'                ,                'whom'                ,                'this'                ,                'that'                ,                'these'                ,                'those'                ,                'am'                ,                'is'                ,                'are'                ,                'was'                ,                'were'                ,                'exist'                ,                'been'                ,                'being'                ,                'have'                ,                'has'                ,                'had'                ,                'having'                ,                'do'                ,                'does'                ,                'did'                ,                'doing'                ,                'a'                ,                'an'                ,                'the'                ,                'and'                ,                'just'                ,                'if'                ,                'or'                ,                'because'                ,                'as'                ,                'until'                ,                'while'                ,                'of'                ,                'at'                ,                'by'                ,                'for'                ,                'with'                ,                'near'                ,                'against'                ,                'between'                ,                'into'                ,                'through'                ,                'during'                ,                'before'                ,                'afterward'                ,                'above'                ,                'beneath'                ,                'to'                ,                'from'                ,                'up'                ,                'downwards'                ,                'in'                ,                'out'                ,                'on'                ,                'off'                ,                'over'                ,                'under'                ,                'again'                ,                'farther'                ,                'then'                ,                'once'                ,                'here'                ,                'there'                ,                'when'                ,                'where'                ,                'why'                ,                'how'                ,                'all'                ,                'whatsoever'                ,                'both'                ,                'each'                ,                'few'                ,                'more'                ,                'most'                ,                'other'                ,                'some'                ,                'such'                ,                'no'                ,                'nor'                ,                'not'                ,                'simply'                ,                'own'                ,                'same'                ,                'so'                ,                'than'                ,                'too'                ,                'very'                ,                'due south'                ,                't'                ,                'can'                ,                'will'                ,                'just'                ,                'don'                ,                'should'                ,                'now'                ,                'id'                ,                'var'                ,                'office'                ,                'js'                ,                'd'                ,                'script'                ,                '                \'                script'                ,                'fjs'                ,                'document'                ,                'r'                ,                'b'                ,                'g'                ,                'due east'                ,                '                \'                s'                ,                'c'                ,                'f'                ,                'h'                ,                'l'                ,                'k'                ]                          

What's happening?

Text Processing

  1. In our index road we used beautifulsoup to clean the text, by removing the HTML tags, that we got back from the URL every bit well as nltk to-

    • Tokenize the raw text (interruption upwardly the text into individual words), and
    • Plow the tokens into an nltk text object.
  2. In order for nltk to piece of work properly, you need to download the correct tokenizers. First, create a new directory - mkdir nltk_data - and so run - python -1000 nltk.downloader.

    When the installation window appears, update the 'Download Directory' to whatever_the_absolute_path_to_your_app_is/nltk_data/.

    Then click the 'Models' tab and select 'punkt' nether the 'Identifier' column. Click 'Download'. Check the official documentation for more information.

Remove Punctuation, Count Raw Words

  1. Since we don't want punctuation counted in the last results, nosotros created a regular expression that matched annihilation non in the standard alphabet.
  2. Then, using a listing comprehension, we created a list of words without punctuation or numbers.
  3. Finally, nosotros tallied the number of times each word appeared in the list using Counter.

Cease Words

Our current output contains a lot of words that we probable don't want to count - i.due east., "I", "me", "the", and so forth. These are chosen cease words.

  1. With the stops listing, we once more used a listing comprehension to create a final list of words that practise non include those stop words.
  2. Next, we created a dictionary with the words (as keys) and their associated counts (as values).
  3. And finally we used the sorted method to go a sorted representation of our dictionary. Now we can utilise the sorted information to display the words with the highest count at the height of the listing, which means that we won't have to practise that sorting in our Jinja template.

For a more than robust terminate word listing, employ the NLTK stopwords corpus.

Save the Results

Finally, we used a endeavor/except to save the results of our search and the subsequent counts to the database.

Display Results

Allow's update index.html in order to display the results:

                                            <!DOCTYPE html>                <                html                >                <                caput                >                <                championship                >Wordcount</                title                >                <                meta                name                =                "viewport"                content                =                "width=device-width, initial-calibration=one.0"                >                <                link                href                =                "//"                rel                =                "stylesheet"                media                =                "screen"                >                <                style                >                .                container                {                max-width                :                m                px                ;                }                </                fashion                >                </                caput                >                <                body                >                <                div                grade                =                "container"                >                <                div                class                =                "row"                >                <                div                class                =                "col-sm-five col-sm-offset-1"                >                <                h1                >Wordcount 3000</                h1                >                <                br                >                <                form                part                =                "form"                method                =                "Mail service"                action                =                "/"                >                <                div                form                =                "form-group"                >                <                input                blazon                =                "text"                proper name                =                "url"                class                =                "form-control"                id                =                "url-box"                placeholder                =                "Enter URL..."                style                =                "max-width: 300px;"                >                </                div                >                <                button                blazon                =                "submit"                grade                =                "btn btn-default"                >Submit</                push button                >                </                form                >                <                br                >                {% for error in errors %}                <                h4                >{{ mistake }}</                h4                >                {% endfor %}                <                br                >                </                div                >                <                div                class                =                "col-sm-5 col-sm-outset-i"                >                {% if results %}                <                h2                >Frequencies</                h2                >                <                br                >                <                div                id                =                "results"                >                <                tabular array                class                =                "table table-striped"                manner                =                "max-width: 300px;"                >                <                thead                >                <                tr                >                <                thursday                >Discussion</                th                >                <                thursday                >Count</                th                >                </                tr                >                </                thead                >                {% for result in results%}                <                tr                >                <                td                >{{ upshot[0] }}</                td                >                <                td                >{{ outcome[one] }}</                td                >                </                tr                >                {% endfor %}                </                tabular array                >                </                div                >                {% endif %}                </                div                >                </                div                >                </                div                >                <                br                ><                br                >                <                script                src                =                "//"                ></                script                >                <                script                src                =                "//"                ></                script                >                </                body                >                </                html                >                          

Here, we added an if argument to run across if our results dictionary has anything in it and then added a for loop to iterate over the results and display them in a table. Run your app and you lot should exist able to enter a URL and get back the count of the words on the page.

                                            $                python runserver                          

What if we wanted to brandish only the first ten keywords?

                                            results                =                sorted                (                no_stop_words_count                .                items                (),                key                =                operator                .                itemgetter                (                1                ),                contrary                =                True                )[:                10                ]                          

Examination information technology out.


Okay great. Given a URL nosotros tin can count the words that are on the page. If you utilize a site without a massive amount of words, like, the processing should happen fairly quickly. What happens if the site has a lot of words, though? For example, effort out You'll notice that this takes longer to procedure.

If you have a number of users all hitting your site at once to go word counts, and some of them are trying to count larger pages, this can go a problem. Or perhaps y'all decide to change the functionality so that when a user inputs a URL, we recursively scrape the entire web site and calculate word frequencies based on each individual page. With enough traffic, this will significantly irksome downward the site.

What's the solution?

Instead of counting the words later on each user makes a asking, we need to use a queue to procedure this in the backend - which is exactly where volition starting time next time in Part 4.

For now, commit your lawmaking, but before yous push button to Heroku, y'all should remove all language tokenizers except for English forth with the zip file. This will significantly reduce the size of the commit. Keep in listen though that if you practice process a not-English language site, information technology volition only process English words.

                            └── nltk_data     └── tokenizers         └── punkt             ├── PY3             │   └── english.pickle             └── english.pickle                          

Button it upwardly to the staging surround only since this new text processing characteristic is only half finished:

Flask by example part 3 final

Test it out on staging. Comment if you take questions. Run across you next time!

This is a collaboration piece betwixt Cam Linke, co-founder of Startup Edmonton, and the folks at Real Python